#include <fastrtps/utils/fixed_size_string.hpp>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <array>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <bitset>
类 | |
class | geometry_msgs::msg::Point32 |
This class represents the structure Point32 defined by the user in the IDL file.这个类表示用户在IDL(接口定义语言)文件中定义的 Point32 结构体, 更多... | |
命名空间 | |
namespace | eprosima |
namespace | eprosima::fastcdr |
namespace | geometry_msgs |
namespace | geometry_msgs::msg |
宏定义 | |
#define | eProsima_user_DllExport |
#define | Point32_DllAPI |
This header file contains the declaration of the described types in the IDL file.
This file was generated by the tool gen.
在文件 Point32.h 中定义.