Public 成员函数 | Protected 成员函数 | Protected 属性 | 所有成员列表
AOpenDriveGenerator类 参考

#include <OpenDriveGenerator.h>

+ 类 AOpenDriveGenerator 继承关系图:
+ AOpenDriveGenerator 的协作图:

Public 成员函数

 AOpenDriveGenerator (const FObjectInitializer &ObjectInitializer)
void GenerateAll ()
void GeneratePoles ()
 Generates pole meshes based on the OpenDRIVE information.
void GenerateRoadMesh ()
 Generates the road and sidewalk mesh based on the OpenDRIVE information.
void GenerateSpawnPoints ()
 Generates spawn points along the road.
const FString & GetOpenDrive () const
 Get the OpenDRIVE information as string.
bool IsOpenDriveValid () const
 Checks if the OpenDrive has been loaded and it's valid.
bool LoadOpenDrive (const FString &OpenDrive)
 Set the OpenDRIVE information as string and generates the queryable map structure.

Protected 成员函数

virtual void BeginPlay () override

Protected 属性

TArray< AActor * > ActorMeshList
FString OpenDriveData
float SpawnersHeight = 300.f
 Determine the height where the spawners will be placed, relative to each RoutePlanner
TArray< AVehicleSpawnPoint * > VehicleSpawners


在文件 OpenDriveGenerator.h33 行定义.


◆ AOpenDriveGenerator()

AOpenDriveGenerator::AOpenDriveGenerator ( const FObjectInitializer & ObjectInitializer)

在文件 OpenDriveGenerator.cpp28 行定义.


◆ BeginPlay()

void AOpenDriveGenerator::BeginPlay ( )

在文件 OpenDriveGenerator.cpp168 行定义.

引用了 GenerateAll(), UOpenDrive::GetXODR() , 以及 LoadOpenDrive().

+ 函数调用图:

◆ GenerateAll()

void AOpenDriveGenerator::GenerateAll ( )

在文件 OpenDriveGenerator.cpp161 行定义.

引用了 GeneratePoles(), GenerateRoadMesh() , 以及 GenerateSpawnPoints().

被这些函数引用 BeginPlay().

+ 函数调用图:
+ 这是这个函数的调用关系图:

◆ GeneratePoles()

void AOpenDriveGenerator::GeneratePoles ( )

Generates pole meshes based on the OpenDRIVE information.

TODO: To implement

在文件 OpenDriveGenerator.cpp132 行定义.

引用了 IsOpenDriveValid().

被这些函数引用 GenerateAll().

+ 函数调用图:
+ 这是这个函数的调用关系图:

◆ GenerateRoadMesh()

void AOpenDriveGenerator::GenerateRoadMesh ( )

Generates the road and sidewalk mesh based on the OpenDRIVE information.

在文件 OpenDriveGenerator.cpp61 行定义.

引用了 ActorMeshList, carla::rpc::OpendriveGenerationParameters::enable_mesh_visibility, UCarlaStatics::GetGameInstance(), UCarlaStatics::GetGameMode(), ACarlaGameModeBase::GetMap(), UCarlaGameInstance::GetOpendriveGenerationParameters(), IsOpenDriveValid(), carla::log_warning(), AProceduralMeshActor::MeshComponent, FProceduralCustomMesh::Normals, FProceduralCustomMesh::Triangles , 以及 FProceduralCustomMesh::Vertices.

被这些函数引用 GenerateAll().

+ 函数调用图:
+ 这是这个函数的调用关系图:

◆ GenerateSpawnPoints()

void AOpenDriveGenerator::GenerateSpawnPoints ( )

Generates spawn points along the road.

在文件 OpenDriveGenerator.cpp142 行定义.

引用了 UCarlaStatics::GetGameMode(), ACarlaGameModeBase::GetMap(), IsOpenDriveValid(), SpawnersHeight , 以及 VehicleSpawners.

被这些函数引用 GenerateAll().

+ 函数调用图:
+ 这是这个函数的调用关系图:

◆ GetOpenDrive()

const FString & AOpenDriveGenerator::GetOpenDrive ( ) const

Get the OpenDRIVE information as string.

在文件 OpenDriveGenerator.cpp51 行定义.

引用了 OpenDriveData.

◆ IsOpenDriveValid()

bool AOpenDriveGenerator::IsOpenDriveValid ( ) const

Checks if the OpenDrive has been loaded and it's valid.

在文件 OpenDriveGenerator.cpp56 行定义.

引用了 UCarlaStatics::GetGameMode() , 以及 ACarlaGameModeBase::GetMap().

被这些函数引用 GeneratePoles(), GenerateRoadMesh() , 以及 GenerateSpawnPoints().

+ 函数调用图:
+ 这是这个函数的调用关系图:

◆ LoadOpenDrive()

bool AOpenDriveGenerator::LoadOpenDrive ( const FString & OpenDrive)

Set the OpenDRIVE information as string and generates the queryable map structure.

在文件 OpenDriveGenerator.cpp37 行定义.

引用了 OpenDriveData.

被这些函数引用 BeginPlay().

+ 这是这个函数的调用关系图:


◆ ActorMeshList

TArray<AActor *> AOpenDriveGenerator::ActorMeshList

在文件 OpenDriveGenerator.h78 行定义.

被这些函数引用 GenerateRoadMesh().

◆ OpenDriveData

FString AOpenDriveGenerator::OpenDriveData

在文件 OpenDriveGenerator.h75 行定义.

被这些函数引用 GetOpenDrive() , 以及 LoadOpenDrive().

◆ SpawnersHeight

float AOpenDriveGenerator::SpawnersHeight = 300.f

Determine the height where the spawners will be placed, relative to each RoutePlanner

在文件 OpenDriveGenerator.h69 行定义.

被这些函数引用 GenerateSpawnPoints().

◆ VehicleSpawners

TArray<AVehicleSpawnPoint *> AOpenDriveGenerator::VehicleSpawners

在文件 OpenDriveGenerator.h72 行定义.

被这些函数引用 GenerateSpawnPoints().
