1// Copyright (c) 2017 Computer Vision Center (CVC) at the Universitat Autonoma
2// de Barcelona (UAB).
4// This work is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.
5// For a copy, see <>.
10#include "carla/geom/Math.h"
12#include <cmath>
14#if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(_USE_MATH_DEFINES)
15# define _USE_MATH_DEFINES
16# include <math.h> // cmath is not enough for MSVC
19namespace carla {
20namespace geom {
22 /// Earth radius at equator [m].
23 static constexpr double EARTH_RADIUS_EQUA = 6378137.0;
25 /// Convert latitude to scale, which is needed by mercator
26 /// transformations
27 /// @param lat latitude in degrees (DEG)
28 /// @return scale factor
29 /// @note when converting from lat/lon -> mercator and back again,
30 /// or vice versa, use the same scale in both transformations!
31 static double LatToScale(double lat) {
32 return std::cos(Math::ToRadians(lat));
33 }
35 /// Converts lat/lon/scale to mx/my (mx/my in meters if correct scale
36 /// is given).
37 template <class float_type>
38 static void LatLonToMercator(double lat, double lon, double scale, float_type &mx, float_type &my) {
39 mx = scale * Math::ToRadians(lon) * EARTH_RADIUS_EQUA;
40 my = scale * EARTH_RADIUS_EQUA * std::log(std::tan((90.0 + lat) * Math::Pi<double>() / 360.0));
41 }
43 /// Converts mx/my/scale to lat/lon (mx/my in meters if correct scale
44 /// is given).
45 static void MercatorToLatLon(double mx, double my, double scale, double &lat, double &lon) {
46 lon = mx * 180.0 / (Math::Pi<double>() * EARTH_RADIUS_EQUA * scale);
47 lat = 360.0 * std::atan(std::exp(my / (EARTH_RADIUS_EQUA * scale))) / Math::Pi<double>() - 90.0;
48 }
50 /// Adds meters dx/dy to given lat/lon and returns new lat/lon.
51 static void LatLonAddMeters(
52 double lat_start,
53 double lon_start,
54 double dx,
55 double dy,
56 double &lat_end,
57 double &lon_end) {
58 double scale = LatToScale(lat_start);
59 double mx, my;
60 LatLonToMercator(lat_start, lon_start, scale, mx, my);
61 mx += dx;
62 my += dy;
63 MercatorToLatLon(mx, my, scale, lat_end, lon_end);
64 }
67 GeoLocation result{0.0, 0.0, altitude + location.z};
70 location.x, -location.y, // Invert y axis to have increasing latitudes northward
71 result.latitude, result.longitude);
72 return result;
73 }
75} // namespace geom
76} // namespace carla
GeoLocation Transform(const Location &location) const
Transform the given location to a GeoLocation using this as geo-reference.
static constexpr T ToRadians(T deg)
Definition Math.h:43
static double LatToScale(double lat)
Convert latitude to scale, which is needed by mercator transformations
static void LatLonToMercator(double lat, double lon, double scale, float_type &mx, float_type &my)
Converts lat/lon/scale to mx/my (mx/my in meters if correct scale is given).
static void MercatorToLatLon(double mx, double my, double scale, double &lat, double &lon)
Converts mx/my/scale to lat/lon (mx/my in meters if correct scale is given).
static constexpr double EARTH_RADIUS_EQUA
Earth radius at equator [m].
static void LatLonAddMeters(double lat_start, double lon_start, double dx, double dy, double &lat_end, double &lon_end)
Adds meters dx/dy to given lat/lon and returns new lat/lon.
This file contains definitions of common data structures used in traffic manager.
Definition Carla.cpp:133