命名空间 | | 函数 | 变量
carla::geom 命名空间参考


namespace  deformation

class  BoundingBox
class  CubicPolynomial
 Describes a Cubic Polynomial so: f(x) = a + bx + cx^2 + dx^3 更多...
class  GeoLocation
class  Location
class  Math
class  Mesh
 Mesh data container, validator and exporter. 更多...
class  MeshFactory
 Mesh helper generator 更多...
struct  MeshMaterial
 Material that references the vertex index start and end of a mesh where it is affecting. 更多...
class  PointCloudRtree
 Rtree class working with 3D point clouds. 更多...
class  Rotation
class  SegmentCloudRtree
 Rtree class working with 3D segment clouds. 更多...
class  Simplification
class  Transform
class  Vector2D
class  Vector3D
class  Vector3DInt
struct  VertexInfo
struct  VertexNeighbors
struct  VertexWeight


static VertexWeight ComputeVertexWeight (const MeshFactory::RoadParameters &road_param, const VertexInfo &vertex_info, const VertexInfo &neighbor_info)
std::vector< VertexNeighborsGetVertexNeighborhoodAndWeights (const MeshFactory::RoadParameters &road_param, std::vector< std::unique_ptr< Mesh > > &lane_meshes)
static void LatLonAddMeters (double lat_start, double lon_start, double dx, double dy, double &lat_end, double &lon_end)
 Adds meters dx/dy to given lat/lon and returns new lat/lon.
template<class float_type >
static void LatLonToMercator (double lat, double lon, double scale, float_type &mx, float_type &my)
 Converts lat/lon/scale to mx/my (mx/my in meters if correct scale is given).
static double LatToScale (double lat)
 Convert latitude to scale, which is needed by mercator transformations
static void MercatorToLatLon (double mx, double my, double scale, double &lat, double &lon)
 Converts mx/my/scale to lat/lon (mx/my in meters if correct scale is given).
Mesh operator+ (const Mesh &lhs, const Mesh &rhs)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const Vector3D &vector3D)


static constexpr double EARTH_RADIUS_EQUA = 6378137.0
 Earth radius at equator [m].
static constexpr double EPSILON = 10.0 * std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon()
 We use this epsilon to shift the waypoints away from the edges of the lane sections to avoid floating point precision errors.
static constexpr double MESH_EPSILON = 50.0 * std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon()


◆ ComputeVertexWeight()

static VertexWeight carla::geom::ComputeVertexWeight ( const MeshFactory::RoadParameters & road_param,
const VertexInfo & vertex_info,
const VertexInfo & neighbor_info )

在文件 MeshFactory.cpp1060 行定义.

引用了 carla::geom::Math::Distance(), carla::geom::VertexInfo::is_static, carla::geom::MeshFactory::RoadParameters::lane_ends_multiplier, carla::geom::VertexInfo::lane_mesh_idx, carla::geom::MeshFactory::RoadParameters::max_weight_distance, carla::geom::MeshFactory::RoadParameters::same_lane_weight_multiplier , 以及 carla::geom::VertexInfo::vertex.

被这些函数引用 GetVertexNeighborhoodAndWeights().

+ 函数调用图:
+ 这是这个函数的调用关系图:

◆ GetVertexNeighborhoodAndWeights()

std::vector< VertexNeighbors > carla::geom::GetVertexNeighborhoodAndWeights ( const MeshFactory::RoadParameters & road_param,
std::vector< std::unique_ptr< Mesh > > & lane_meshes )

在文件 MeshFactory.cpp1086 行定义.

引用了 ComputeVertexWeight(), carla::geom::VertexNeighbors::neighbors , 以及 carla::geom::VertexNeighbors::vertex.

被这些函数引用 carla::geom::MeshFactory::MergeAndSmooth().

+ 函数调用图:
+ 这是这个函数的调用关系图:

◆ LatLonAddMeters()

static void carla::geom::LatLonAddMeters ( double lat_start,
double lon_start,
double dx,
double dy,
double & lat_end,
double & lon_end )

Adds meters dx/dy to given lat/lon and returns new lat/lon.

在文件 GeoLocation.cpp51 行定义.

引用了 LatLonToMercator(), LatToScale() , 以及 MercatorToLatLon().

被这些函数引用 carla::geom::GeoLocation::Transform().

+ 函数调用图:
+ 这是这个函数的调用关系图:

◆ LatLonToMercator()

template<class float_type >
static void carla::geom::LatLonToMercator ( double lat,
double lon,
double scale,
float_type & mx,
float_type & my )

Converts lat/lon/scale to mx/my (mx/my in meters if correct scale is given).

在文件 GeoLocation.cpp38 行定义.

引用了 EARTH_RADIUS_EQUA , 以及 carla::geom::Math::ToRadians().

被这些函数引用 LatLonAddMeters().

+ 函数调用图:
+ 这是这个函数的调用关系图:

◆ LatToScale()

static double carla::geom::LatToScale ( double lat)

Convert latitude to scale, which is needed by mercator transformations

latlatitude in degrees (DEG)
scale factor
when converting from lat/lon -> mercator and back again, or vice versa, use the same scale in both transformations!

在文件 GeoLocation.cpp31 行定义.

引用了 carla::geom::Math::ToRadians().

被这些函数引用 LatLonAddMeters().

+ 函数调用图:
+ 这是这个函数的调用关系图:

◆ MercatorToLatLon()

static void carla::geom::MercatorToLatLon ( double mx,
double my,
double scale,
double & lat,
double & lon )

Converts mx/my/scale to lat/lon (mx/my in meters if correct scale is given).

在文件 GeoLocation.cpp45 行定义.


被这些函数引用 LatLonAddMeters().

+ 这是这个函数的调用关系图:

◆ operator+()

Mesh carla::geom::operator+ ( const Mesh & lhs,
const Mesh & rhs )

在文件 Mesh.cpp385 行定义.

◆ operator<<()

std::ostream & carla::geom::operator<< ( std::ostream & out,
const Vector3D & vector3D )



constexpr double carla::geom::EARTH_RADIUS_EQUA = 6378137.0

Earth radius at equator [m].

在文件 GeoLocation.cpp23 行定义.

被这些函数引用 LatLonToMercator() , 以及 MercatorToLatLon().


constexpr double carla::geom::EPSILON = 10.0 * std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon()


constexpr double carla::geom::MESH_EPSILON = 50.0 * std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon()