149 sizeof(ActorDynamicState) == 119u,
150 "Invalid ActorDynamicState size! "
151 "If you modified this class please update the size here, else you may "
152 "comment this assert, but your platform may have compatibility issues "
153 "connecting to other platforms.");
PackedVehicleControl(const rpc::VehicleControl &control)
PackedWalkerControl(const rpc::WalkerControl &control)
This file contains definitions of common data structures used in traffic manager.
Dynamic state of an actor at a certain frame.
rpc::ActorState actor_state
geom::Vector3D angular_velocity
union carla::sensor::data::ActorDynamicState::TypeDependentState state
geom::Vector3D acceleration
geom::Transform transform
rpc::TrafficLightState state
rpc::TrafficLightState traffic_light_state
PackedVehicleControl control
rpc::ActorId traffic_light_id
rpc::VehicleFailureState failure_state
detail::VehicleData vehicle_data
detail::TrafficSignData traffic_sign_data
detail::PackedWalkerControl walker_control
detail::TrafficLightData traffic_light_data