6namespace carla {
7namespace traffic_manager {
9using namespace constants::PathBufferUpdate;
10using namespace constants::LaneChange;
11using namespace constants::WaypointSelection;
12using namespace constants::SpeedThreshold;
13using namespace constants::Collision;
14using namespace constants::MotionPlan;
17 const std::vector<ActorId> &vehicle_id_list,
18 BufferMap &buffer_map,
19 const SimulationState &simulation_state,
20 TrackTraffic &track_traffic,
21 const LocalMapPtr &local_map,
22 Parameters &parameters,
23 std::vector<ActorId>& marked_for_removal,
24 LocalizationFrame &output_array,
25 RandomGenerator &random_device)
26 : vehicle_id_list(vehicle_id_list),
27 buffer_map(buffer_map),
28 simulation_state(simulation_state),
29 track_traffic(track_traffic),
30 local_map(local_map),
31 parameters(parameters),
32 marked_for_removal(marked_for_removal),
33 output_array(output_array),
34 random_device(random_device){}
36void LocalizationStage::Update(const unsigned long index) {
38 const ActorId actor_id =;
39 const cg::Location vehicle_location = simulation_state.GetLocation(actor_id);
40 const cg::Vector3D heading_vector = simulation_state.GetHeading(actor_id);
41 const cg::Vector3D vehicle_velocity_vector = simulation_state.GetVelocity(actor_id);
42 const float vehicle_speed = vehicle_velocity_vector.Length();
44 // Speed dependent waypoint horizon length.
45 float horizon_length = std::max(vehicle_speed * HORIZON_RATE, MINIMUM_HORIZON_LENGTH);
46 if (vehicle_speed > HIGHWAY_SPEED) {
47 horizon_length = std::max(vehicle_speed * HIGH_SPEED_HORIZON_RATE, MINIMUM_HORIZON_LENGTH);
48 }
49 const float horizon_square = SQUARE(horizon_length);
51 if (buffer_map.find(actor_id) == buffer_map.end()) {
52 buffer_map.insert({actor_id, Buffer()});
53 }
54 Buffer &waypoint_buffer =;
56 // Clear buffer if vehicle is too far from the first waypoint in the buffer.
57 if (!waypoint_buffer.empty() &&
58 cg::Math::DistanceSquared(waypoint_buffer.front()->GetLocation(),
59 vehicle_location) > SQUARE(MAX_START_DISTANCE)) {
61 auto number_of_pops = waypoint_buffer.size();
62 for (uint64_t j = 0u; j < number_of_pops; ++j) {
63 PopWaypoint(actor_id, track_traffic, waypoint_buffer);
64 }
65 }
67 bool is_at_junction_entrance = false;
68 if (!waypoint_buffer.empty()) {
69 // Purge passed waypoints.
70 float dot_product = DeviationDotProduct(vehicle_location, heading_vector, waypoint_buffer.front()->GetLocation());
71 while (dot_product <= 0.0f && !waypoint_buffer.empty()) {
72 PopWaypoint(actor_id, track_traffic, waypoint_buffer);
73 if (!waypoint_buffer.empty()) {
74 dot_product = DeviationDotProduct(vehicle_location, heading_vector, waypoint_buffer.front()->GetLocation());
75 }
76 }
78 if (!waypoint_buffer.empty()) {
79 // Determine if the vehicle is at the entrance of a junction.
80 SimpleWaypointPtr look_ahead_point = GetTargetWaypoint(waypoint_buffer, JUNCTION_LOOK_AHEAD).first;
81 SimpleWaypointPtr front_waypoint = waypoint_buffer.front();
82 bool front_waypoint_junction = front_waypoint->CheckJunction();
83 is_at_junction_entrance = !front_waypoint_junction && look_ahead_point->CheckJunction();
84 if (!is_at_junction_entrance) {
85 std::vector<SimpleWaypointPtr> last_passed_waypoints = front_waypoint->GetPreviousWaypoint();
86 if (last_passed_waypoints.size() == 1) {
87 is_at_junction_entrance = !last_passed_waypoints.front()->CheckJunction() && front_waypoint_junction;
88 }
89 }
90 if (is_at_junction_entrance
91 // Exception for roundabout in Town03.
92 && local_map->GetMapName() == "Carla/Maps/Town03"
93 && vehicle_location.SquaredLength() < SQUARE(30)) {
94 is_at_junction_entrance = false;
95 }
96 }
98 // Purge waypoints too far from the front of the buffer, but not if it has reached a junction.
99 while (!is_at_junction_entrance
100 && !waypoint_buffer.empty()
101 && waypoint_buffer.back()->DistanceSquared(waypoint_buffer.front()) > horizon_square + horizon_square
102 && !waypoint_buffer.back()->CheckJunction()) {
103 PopWaypoint(actor_id, track_traffic, waypoint_buffer, false);
104 }
105 }
107 // Initializing buffer if it is empty.
108 if (waypoint_buffer.empty()) {
109 SimpleWaypointPtr closest_waypoint = local_map->GetWaypoint(vehicle_location);
110 PushWaypoint(actor_id, track_traffic, waypoint_buffer, closest_waypoint);
111 }
113 // Assign a lane change.
114 const ChangeLaneInfo lane_change_info = parameters.GetForceLaneChange(actor_id);
115 bool force_lane_change = lane_change_info.change_lane;
116 bool lane_change_direction = lane_change_info.direction;
118 // Apply parameters for keep right rule and random lane changes.
119 if (!force_lane_change && vehicle_speed > MIN_LANE_CHANGE_SPEED){
120 const float perc_keep_right = parameters.GetKeepRightPercentage(actor_id);
121 const float perc_random_leftlanechange = parameters.GetRandomLeftLaneChangePercentage(actor_id);
122 const float perc_random_rightlanechange = parameters.GetRandomRightLaneChangePercentage(actor_id);
123 const bool is_keep_right = perc_keep_right >;
124 const bool is_random_left_change = perc_random_leftlanechange >=;
125 const bool is_random_right_change = perc_random_rightlanechange >=;
127 // Determine which of the parameters we should apply.
128 if (is_keep_right || is_random_right_change) {
129 force_lane_change = true;
130 lane_change_direction = true;
131 }
132 if (is_random_left_change) {
133 if (!force_lane_change) {
134 force_lane_change = true;
135 lane_change_direction = false;
136 } else {
137 // Both a left and right lane changes are forced. Choose between one of them.
138 lane_change_direction = FIFTYPERC >;
139 }
140 }
141 }
143 const SimpleWaypointPtr front_waypoint = waypoint_buffer.front();
144 const float lane_change_distance = SQUARE(std::max(10.0f * vehicle_speed, INTER_LANE_CHANGE_DISTANCE));
146 bool recently_not_executed_lane_change = last_lane_change_swpt.find(actor_id) == last_lane_change_swpt.end();
147 bool done_with_previous_lane_change = true;
148 if (!recently_not_executed_lane_change) {
149 float distance_frm_previous = cg::Math::DistanceSquared(>GetLocation(), vehicle_location);
150 done_with_previous_lane_change = distance_frm_previous > lane_change_distance;
151 if (done_with_previous_lane_change) last_lane_change_swpt.erase(actor_id);
152 }
153 bool auto_or_force_lane_change = parameters.GetAutoLaneChange(actor_id) || force_lane_change;
154 bool front_waypoint_not_junction = !front_waypoint->CheckJunction();
156 if (auto_or_force_lane_change
157 && front_waypoint_not_junction
158 && (recently_not_executed_lane_change || done_with_previous_lane_change)) {
160 SimpleWaypointPtr change_over_point = AssignLaneChange(actor_id, vehicle_location, vehicle_speed,
161 force_lane_change, lane_change_direction);
163 if (change_over_point != nullptr) {
164 if (last_lane_change_swpt.find(actor_id) != last_lane_change_swpt.end()) {
165 = change_over_point;
166 } else {
167 last_lane_change_swpt.insert({actor_id, change_over_point});
168 }
169 auto number_of_pops = waypoint_buffer.size();
170 for (uint64_t j = 0u; j < number_of_pops; ++j) {
171 PopWaypoint(actor_id, track_traffic, waypoint_buffer);
172 }
173 PushWaypoint(actor_id, track_traffic, waypoint_buffer, change_over_point);
174 }
175 }
177 Path imported_path = parameters.GetCustomPath(actor_id);
178 Route imported_actions = parameters.GetImportedRoute(actor_id);
179 // We are effectively importing a path.
180 if (!imported_path.empty()) {
182 ImportPath(imported_path, waypoint_buffer, actor_id, horizon_square);
184 } else if (!imported_actions.empty()) {
186 ImportRoute(imported_actions, waypoint_buffer, actor_id, horizon_square);
188 }
190 // Populating the buffer through randomly chosen waypoints.
191 else {
192 while (waypoint_buffer.back()->DistanceSquared(waypoint_buffer.front()) <= horizon_square) {
193 SimpleWaypointPtr furthest_waypoint = waypoint_buffer.back();
194 std::vector<SimpleWaypointPtr> next_waypoints = furthest_waypoint->GetNextWaypoint();
195 uint64_t selection_index = 0u;
196 // Pseudo-randomized path selection if found more than one choice.
197 if (next_waypoints.size() > 1) {
198 double r_sample =;
199 selection_index = static_cast<uint64_t>(r_sample*next_waypoints.size()*0.01);
200 } else if (next_waypoints.size() == 0) {
201 if (!parameters.GetOSMMode()) {
202 std::cout << "This map has dead-end roads, please change the set_open_street_map parameter to true" << std::endl;
203 }
204 marked_for_removal.push_back(actor_id);
205 break;
206 }
207 SimpleWaypointPtr next_wp_selection =;
208 PushWaypoint(actor_id, track_traffic, waypoint_buffer, next_wp_selection);
209 if (next_wp_selection->GetId() == waypoint_buffer.front()->GetId()){
210 // Found a loop, stop. Don't use zero distance as there can be two waypoints at the same location
211 break;
212 }
213 }
214 }
215 ExtendAndFindSafeSpace(actor_id, is_at_junction_entrance, waypoint_buffer);
217 // Editing output array
218 LocalizationData &output =;
219 output.is_at_junction_entrance = is_at_junction_entrance;
221 if (is_at_junction_entrance) {
222 const SimpleWaypointPair &safe_space_end_points =;
223 output.junction_end_point = safe_space_end_points.first;
224 output.safe_point = safe_space_end_points.second;
225 } else {
226 output.junction_end_point = nullptr;
227 output.safe_point = nullptr;
228 }
230 // Updating geodesic grid position for actor.
231 track_traffic.UpdateGridPosition(actor_id, waypoint_buffer);
235 const bool is_at_junction_entrance,
236 Buffer &waypoint_buffer) {
238 SimpleWaypointPtr junction_end_point = nullptr;
239 SimpleWaypointPtr safe_point_after_junction = nullptr;
241 if (is_at_junction_entrance
244 bool entered_junction = false;
245 bool past_junction = false;
246 bool safe_point_found = false;
247 SimpleWaypointPtr current_waypoint = nullptr;
248 SimpleWaypointPtr junction_begin_point = nullptr;
249 float safe_distance_squared = SQUARE(SAFE_DISTANCE_AFTER_JUNCTION);
251 // Scanning existing buffer points.
252 for (unsigned long i = 0u; i < waypoint_buffer.size() && !safe_point_found; ++i) {
253 current_waypoint =;
254 if (!entered_junction && current_waypoint->CheckJunction()) {
255 entered_junction = true;
256 junction_begin_point = current_waypoint;
257 }
258 if (entered_junction && !past_junction && !current_waypoint->CheckJunction()) {
259 past_junction = true;
260 junction_end_point = current_waypoint;
261 }
262 if (past_junction && junction_end_point->DistanceSquared(current_waypoint) > safe_distance_squared) {
263 safe_point_found = true;
264 safe_point_after_junction = current_waypoint;
265 }
266 }
268 // Extend buffer if safe point not found.
269 if (!safe_point_found) {
270 bool abort = false;
272 while (!past_junction && !abort) {
273 NodeList next_waypoints = current_waypoint->GetNextWaypoint();
274 if (!next_waypoints.empty()) {
275 current_waypoint = next_waypoints.front();
276 PushWaypoint(actor_id, track_traffic, waypoint_buffer, current_waypoint);
277 if (!current_waypoint->CheckJunction()) {
278 past_junction = true;
279 junction_end_point = current_waypoint;
280 }
281 } else {
282 abort = true;
283 }
284 }
286 while (!safe_point_found && !abort) {
287 std::vector<SimpleWaypointPtr> next_waypoints = current_waypoint->GetNextWaypoint();
288 if ((junction_end_point->DistanceSquared(current_waypoint) > safe_distance_squared)
289 || next_waypoints.size() > 1
290 || current_waypoint->CheckJunction()) {
292 safe_point_found = true;
293 safe_point_after_junction = current_waypoint;
294 } else {
295 if (!next_waypoints.empty()) {
296 current_waypoint = next_waypoints.front();
297 PushWaypoint(actor_id, track_traffic, waypoint_buffer, current_waypoint);
298 } else {
299 abort = true;
300 }
301 }
302 }
303 }
305 if (junction_end_point != nullptr &&
306 safe_point_after_junction != nullptr &&
307 junction_begin_point->DistanceSquared(junction_end_point) < SQUARE(MIN_JUNCTION_LENGTH)) {
309 junction_end_point = nullptr;
310 safe_point_after_junction = nullptr;
311 }
313 vehicles_at_junction_entrance.insert({actor_id, {junction_end_point, safe_point_after_junction}});
314 }
315 else if (!is_at_junction_entrance
318 vehicles_at_junction_entrance.erase(actor_id);
319 }
323 last_lane_change_swpt.erase(actor_id);
324 vehicles_at_junction.erase(actor_id);
333 const cg::Location vehicle_location,
334 const float vehicle_speed,
335 bool force, bool direction) {
337 // Waypoint representing the new starting point for the waypoint buffer
338 // due to lane change. Remains nullptr if lane change not viable.
339 SimpleWaypointPtr change_over_point = nullptr;
341 // Retrieve waypoint buffer for current vehicle.
342 const Buffer &waypoint_buffer =;
344 // Check buffer is not empty.
345 if (!waypoint_buffer.empty()) {
346 // Get the left and right waypoints for the current closest waypoint.
347 const SimpleWaypointPtr &current_waypoint = waypoint_buffer.front();
348 const SimpleWaypointPtr left_waypoint = current_waypoint->GetLeftWaypoint();
349 const SimpleWaypointPtr right_waypoint = current_waypoint->GetRightWaypoint();
351 // Retrieve vehicles with overlapping waypoint buffers with current vehicle.
352 const auto blocking_vehicles = track_traffic.GetOverlappingVehicles(actor_id);
354 // Find immediate in-lane obstacle and check if any are too close to initiate lane change.
355 bool obstacle_too_close = false;
356 float minimum_squared_distance = std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity();
357 ActorId obstacle_actor_id = 0u;
358 for (auto i = blocking_vehicles.begin();
359 i != blocking_vehicles.end() && !obstacle_too_close && !force;
360 ++i) {
361 const ActorId &other_actor_id = *i;
362 // Find vehicle in buffer map and check if it's buffer is not empty.
363 if (buffer_map.find(other_actor_id) != buffer_map.end() && ! {
364 const Buffer &other_buffer =;
365 const SimpleWaypointPtr &other_current_waypoint = other_buffer.front();
366 const cg::Location other_location = other_current_waypoint->GetLocation();
368 const cg::Vector3D reference_heading = current_waypoint->GetForwardVector();
369 cg::Vector3D reference_to_other = other_location - current_waypoint->GetLocation();
370 const cg::Vector3D other_heading = other_current_waypoint->GetForwardVector();
372 WaypointPtr current_raw_waypoint = current_waypoint->GetWaypoint();
373 WaypointPtr other_current_raw_waypoint = other_current_waypoint->GetWaypoint();
374 // Check both vehicles are not in junction,
375 // Check if the other vehicle is in front of the current vehicle,
376 // Check if the two vehicles have acceptable angular deviation between their headings.
377 if (!current_waypoint->CheckJunction()
378 && !other_current_waypoint->CheckJunction()
379 && other_current_raw_waypoint->GetRoadId() == current_raw_waypoint->GetRoadId()
380 && other_current_raw_waypoint->GetLaneId() == current_raw_waypoint->GetLaneId()
381 && cg::Math::Dot(reference_heading, reference_to_other) > 0.0f
382 && cg::Math::Dot(reference_heading, other_heading) > MAXIMUM_LANE_OBSTACLE_CURVATURE) {
383 float squared_distance = cg::Math::DistanceSquared(vehicle_location, other_location);
384 // Abort if the obstacle is too close.
385 if (squared_distance > SQUARE(MINIMUM_LANE_CHANGE_DISTANCE)) {
386 // Remember if the new vehicle is closer.
387 if (squared_distance < minimum_squared_distance && squared_distance < SQUARE(MAXIMUM_LANE_OBSTACLE_DISTANCE)) {
388 minimum_squared_distance = squared_distance;
389 obstacle_actor_id = other_actor_id;
390 }
391 } else {
392 obstacle_too_close = true;
393 }
394 }
395 }
396 }
398 // If a valid immediate obstacle found.
399 if (!obstacle_too_close && obstacle_actor_id != 0u && !force) {
400 const Buffer &other_buffer =;
401 const SimpleWaypointPtr &other_current_waypoint = other_buffer.front();
402 const auto other_neighbouring_lanes = {other_current_waypoint->GetLeftWaypoint(),
403 other_current_waypoint->GetRightWaypoint()};
405 // Flags reflecting whether adjacent lanes are free near the obstacle.
406 bool distant_left_lane_free = false;
407 bool distant_right_lane_free = false;
409 // Check if the neighbouring lanes near the obstructing vehicle are free of other vehicles.
410 bool left_right = true;
411 for (auto &candidate_lane_wp : other_neighbouring_lanes) {
412 if (candidate_lane_wp != nullptr &&
413 track_traffic.GetPassingVehicles(candidate_lane_wp->GetId()).size() == 0) {
415 if (left_right)
416 distant_left_lane_free = true;
417 else
418 distant_right_lane_free = true;
419 }
420 left_right = !left_right;
421 }
423 // Based on what lanes are free near the obstacle,
424 // find the change over point with no vehicles passing through them.
425 if (distant_right_lane_free && right_waypoint != nullptr
426 && track_traffic.GetPassingVehicles(right_waypoint->GetId()).size() == 0) {
427 change_over_point = right_waypoint;
428 } else if (distant_left_lane_free && left_waypoint != nullptr
429 && track_traffic.GetPassingVehicles(left_waypoint->GetId()).size() == 0) {
430 change_over_point = left_waypoint;
431 }
432 } else if (force) {
433 if (direction && right_waypoint != nullptr) {
434 change_over_point = right_waypoint;
435 } else if (!direction && left_waypoint != nullptr) {
436 change_over_point = left_waypoint;
437 }
438 }
440 if (change_over_point != nullptr) {
441 const float change_over_distance = cg::Math::Clamp(1.5f * vehicle_speed, MIN_WPT_DISTANCE, MAX_WPT_DISTANCE);
442 const SimpleWaypointPtr starting_point = change_over_point;
443 while (change_over_point->DistanceSquared(starting_point) < SQUARE(change_over_distance) &&
444 !change_over_point->CheckJunction()) {
445 change_over_point = change_over_point->GetNextWaypoint().front();
446 }
447 }
448 }
450 return change_over_point;
453void LocalizationStage::ImportPath(Path &imported_path, Buffer &waypoint_buffer, const ActorId actor_id, const float horizon_square) {
454 // Remove the waypoints already added to the path, except for the first.
455 if (parameters.GetUploadPath(actor_id)) {
456 auto number_of_pops = waypoint_buffer.size();
457 for (uint64_t j = 0u; j < number_of_pops - 1; ++j) {
458 PopWaypoint(actor_id, track_traffic, waypoint_buffer, false);
459 }
460 // We have successfully imported the path. Remove it from the list of paths to be imported.
461 parameters.RemoveUploadPath(actor_id, false);
462 }
464 // Get the latest imported waypoint. and find its closest waypoint in TM's InMemoryMap.
465 cg::Location latest_imported = imported_path.front();
466 SimpleWaypointPtr imported = local_map->GetWaypoint(latest_imported);
468 // We need to generate a path compatible with TM's waypoints.
469 while (!imported_path.empty() && waypoint_buffer.back()->DistanceSquared(waypoint_buffer.front()) <= horizon_square) {
470 // Get the latest point we added to the list. If starting, this will be the one referred to the vehicle's location.
471 SimpleWaypointPtr latest_waypoint = waypoint_buffer.back();
473 // Try to link the latest_waypoint to the imported waypoint.
474 std::vector<SimpleWaypointPtr> next_waypoints = latest_waypoint->GetNextWaypoint();
475 uint64_t selection_index = 0u;
477 // Choose correct path.
478 if (next_waypoints.size() > 1) {
479 const float imported_road_id = imported->GetWaypoint()->GetRoadId();
480 float min_distance = std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity();
481 for (uint64_t k = 0u; k < next_waypoints.size(); ++k) {
482 SimpleWaypointPtr junction_end_point =;
483 while (!junction_end_point->CheckJunction()) {
484 junction_end_point = junction_end_point->GetNextWaypoint().front();
485 }
486 while (junction_end_point->CheckJunction()) {
487 junction_end_point = junction_end_point->GetNextWaypoint().front();
488 }
489 while (>DistanceSquared(junction_end_point) < 50.0f) {
490 junction_end_point = junction_end_point->GetNextWaypoint().front();
491 }
492 float jep_road_id = junction_end_point->GetWaypoint()->GetRoadId();
493 if (jep_road_id == imported_road_id) {
494 selection_index = k;
495 break;
496 }
497 float distance = junction_end_point->DistanceSquared(imported);
498 if (distance < min_distance) {
499 min_distance = distance;
500 selection_index = k;
501 }
502 }
503 } else if (next_waypoints.size() == 0) {
504 if (!parameters.GetOSMMode()) {
505 std::cout << "This map has dead-end roads, please change the set_open_street_map parameter to true" << std::endl;
506 }
507 marked_for_removal.push_back(actor_id);
508 break;
509 }
510 SimpleWaypointPtr next_wp_selection =;
512 // Remove the imported waypoint from the path if it's close to the last one.
513 if (next_wp_selection->DistanceSquared(imported) < 30.0f) {
514 imported_path.erase(imported_path.begin());
515 std::vector<SimpleWaypointPtr> possible_waypoints = next_wp_selection->GetNextWaypoint();
516 if (std::find(possible_waypoints.begin(), possible_waypoints.end(), imported) != possible_waypoints.end()) {
517 // If the lane is changing, only push the new waypoint
518 PushWaypoint(actor_id, track_traffic, waypoint_buffer, next_wp_selection);
519 }
520 PushWaypoint(actor_id, track_traffic, waypoint_buffer, imported);
521 latest_imported = imported_path.front();
522 imported = local_map->GetWaypoint(latest_imported);
523 } else {
524 PushWaypoint(actor_id, track_traffic, waypoint_buffer, next_wp_selection);
525 }
526 }
527 if (imported_path.empty()) {
528 // Once we are done, check if we can clear the structure.
529 parameters.RemoveUploadPath(actor_id, true);
530 } else {
531 // Otherwise, update the structure with the waypoints that we still need to import.
532 parameters.UpdateUploadPath(actor_id, imported_path);
533 }
536void LocalizationStage::ImportRoute(Route &imported_actions, Buffer &waypoint_buffer, const ActorId actor_id, const float horizon_square) {
538 if (parameters.GetUploadRoute(actor_id)) {
539 auto number_of_pops = waypoint_buffer.size();
540 for (uint64_t j = 0u; j < number_of_pops - 1; ++j) {
541 PopWaypoint(actor_id, track_traffic, waypoint_buffer, false);
542 }
543 // We have successfully imported the route. Remove it from the list of routes to be imported.
544 parameters.RemoveImportedRoute(actor_id, false);
545 }
547 RoadOption next_road_option = static_cast<RoadOption>(imported_actions.front());
548 while (!imported_actions.empty() && waypoint_buffer.back()->DistanceSquared(waypoint_buffer.front()) <= horizon_square) {
549 // Get the latest point we added to the list. If starting, this will be the one referred to the vehicle's location.
550 SimpleWaypointPtr latest_waypoint = waypoint_buffer.back();
551 RoadOption latest_road_option = latest_waypoint->GetRoadOption();
552 // Try to link the latest_waypoint to the correct next RouteOption.
553 std::vector<SimpleWaypointPtr> next_waypoints = latest_waypoint->GetNextWaypoint();
554 uint16_t selection_index = 0u;
555 if (next_waypoints.size() > 1) {
556 for (uint16_t i=0; i<next_waypoints.size(); ++i) {
557 if (>GetRoadOption() == next_road_option) {
558 selection_index = i;
559 break;
560 } else {
561 if (i == next_waypoints.size() - 1) {
562 std::cout << "We couldn't find the RoadOption you were looking for. This route might diverge from the one expected." << std::endl;
563 }
564 }
565 }
566 } else if (next_waypoints.size() == 0) {
567 if (!parameters.GetOSMMode()) {
568 std::cout << "This map has dead-end roads, please change the set_open_street_map parameter to true" << std::endl;
569 }
570 marked_for_removal.push_back(actor_id);
571 break;
572 }
574 SimpleWaypointPtr next_wp_selection =;
575 PushWaypoint(actor_id, track_traffic, waypoint_buffer, next_wp_selection);
577 // If we are switching to a new RoadOption, it means the current one is already fully imported.
578 if (latest_road_option != next_wp_selection->GetRoadOption() && next_road_option == next_wp_selection->GetRoadOption()) {
579 imported_actions.erase(imported_actions.begin());
580 next_road_option = static_cast<RoadOption>(imported_actions.front());
581 }
582 }
583 if (imported_actions.empty()) {
584 // Once we are done, check if we can clear the structure.
585 parameters.RemoveImportedRoute(actor_id, true);
586 } else {
587 // Otherwise, update the structure with the waypoints that we still need to import.
588 parameters.UpdateImportedRoute(actor_id, imported_actions);
589 }
593 auto waypoint_buffer =;
594 auto next_action = std::make_pair(RoadOption::LaneFollow, waypoint_buffer.back()->GetWaypoint());
595 bool is_lane_change = false;
596 if (last_lane_change_swpt.find(actor_id) != last_lane_change_swpt.end()) {
597 // A lane change is happening.
598 is_lane_change = true;
599 const cg::Vector3D heading_vector = simulation_state.GetHeading(actor_id);
600 const cg::Vector3D relative_vector = simulation_state.GetLocation(actor_id) ->GetLocation();
601 bool left_heading = (heading_vector.x * relative_vector.y - heading_vector.y * relative_vector.x) > 0.0f;
602 if (left_heading) next_action = std::make_pair(RoadOption::ChangeLaneLeft,>GetWaypoint());
603 else next_action = std::make_pair(RoadOption::ChangeLaneRight,>GetWaypoint());
604 }
605 for (auto &swpt : waypoint_buffer) {
606 RoadOption road_opt = swpt->GetRoadOption();
607 if (road_opt != RoadOption::LaneFollow) {
608 if (!is_lane_change) {
609 // No lane change in sight, we can assume this will be the next action.
610 return std::make_pair(road_opt, swpt->GetWaypoint());
611 } else {
612 // A lane change will happen as well as another action, we need to figure out which one will happen first.
613 cg::Location lane_change =>GetLocation();
614 cg::Location actual_location = simulation_state.GetLocation(actor_id);
615 auto distance_lane_change = cg::Math::DistanceSquared(actual_location, lane_change);
616 auto distance_other_action = cg::Math::DistanceSquared(actual_location, swpt->GetLocation());
617 if (distance_lane_change < distance_other_action) return next_action;
618 else return std::make_pair(road_opt, swpt->GetWaypoint());
619 }
620 }
621 }
622 return next_action;
627 auto waypoint_buffer =;
628 ActionBuffer action_buffer;
629 Action lane_change;
630 bool is_lane_change = false;
631 SimpleWaypointPtr buffer_front = waypoint_buffer.front();
632 RoadOption last_road_opt = buffer_front->GetRoadOption();
633 action_buffer.push_back(std::make_pair(last_road_opt, buffer_front->GetWaypoint()));
634 if (last_lane_change_swpt.find(actor_id) != last_lane_change_swpt.end()) {
635 // A lane change is happening.
636 is_lane_change = true;
637 const cg::Vector3D heading_vector = simulation_state.GetHeading(actor_id);
638 const cg::Vector3D relative_vector = simulation_state.GetLocation(actor_id) ->GetLocation();
639 bool left_heading = (heading_vector.x * relative_vector.y - heading_vector.y * relative_vector.x) > 0.0f;
640 if (left_heading) lane_change = std::make_pair(RoadOption::ChangeLaneLeft,>GetWaypoint());
641 else lane_change = std::make_pair(RoadOption::ChangeLaneRight,>GetWaypoint());
642 }
643 for (auto &wpt : waypoint_buffer) {
644 RoadOption current_road_opt = wpt->GetRoadOption();
645 if (current_road_opt != last_road_opt) {
646 action_buffer.push_back(std::make_pair(current_road_opt, wpt->GetWaypoint()));
647 last_road_opt = current_road_opt;
648 }
649 }
650 if (is_lane_change) {
651 // Insert the lane change action in the appropriate part of the action buffer.
652 auto distance_lane_change = cg::Math::DistanceSquared(waypoint_buffer.front()->GetLocation(), lane_change.second->GetTransform().location);
653 for (uint16_t i = 0; i < action_buffer.size(); ++i) {
654 auto distance_action = cg::Math::DistanceSquared(waypoint_buffer.front()->GetLocation(),>GetLocation());
655 // If the waypoint related to the next action is further away from the one of the lane change, insert lane change action here.
656 // If we reached the end of the buffer, place the action at the end.
657 if (i == action_buffer.size()-1) {
658 action_buffer.push_back(lane_change);
659 break;
660 } else if (distance_action > distance_lane_change) {
661 action_buffer.insert(action_buffer.begin()+i, lane_change);
662 break;
663 }
664 }
665 }
666 return action_buffer;
669} // namespace traffic_manager
670} // namespace carla
#define SQUARE(a)
This file contains various constants used in traffic manager arranged into sensible namespaces for re...
Definition Constants.h:13
float SquaredLength() const
ActionBuffer ComputeActionBuffer(const ActorId &actor_id)
void ImportRoute(Route &imported_actions, Buffer &waypoint_buffer, const ActorId actor_id, const float horizon_square)
LocalizationStage(const std::vector< ActorId > &vehicle_id_list, BufferMap &buffer_map, const SimulationState &simulation_state, TrackTraffic &track_traffic, const LocalMapPtr &local_map, Parameters &parameters, std::vector< ActorId > &marked_for_removal, LocalizationFrame &output_array, RandomGenerator &random_device)
void ImportPath(Path &imported_path, Buffer &waypoint_buffer, const ActorId actor_id, const float horizon_square)
void ExtendAndFindSafeSpace(const ActorId actor_id, const bool is_at_junction_entrance, Buffer &waypoint_buffer)
Action ComputeNextAction(const ActorId &actor_id)
std::unordered_map< ActorId, SimpleWaypointPair > vehicles_at_junction_entrance
const std::vector< ActorId > & vehicle_id_list
SimpleWaypointPtr AssignLaneChange(const ActorId actor_id, const cg::Location vehicle_location, const float vehicle_speed, bool force, bool direction)
void Update(const unsigned long index) override
void RemoveActor(const ActorId actor_id) override
std::pair< SimpleWaypointPtr, SimpleWaypointPtr > SimpleWaypointPair
float GetRandomLeftLaneChangePercentage(const ActorId &actor_id)
Method to query percentage probability of a random right lane change for a vehicle.
ChangeLaneInfo GetForceLaneChange(const ActorId &actor_id)
Method to query lane change command for a vehicle.
Route GetImportedRoute(const ActorId &actor_id) const
Method to get a custom route.
bool GetUploadRoute(const ActorId &actor_id) const
Method to get if we are uploading a route.
void UpdateUploadPath(const ActorId &actor_id, const Path path)
Method to update an already set list of points.
float GetKeepRightPercentage(const ActorId &actor_id)
Method to query percentage probability of keep right rule for a vehicle.
bool GetOSMMode() const
Method to get Open Street Map mode.
void UpdateImportedRoute(const ActorId &actor_id, const Route route)
Method to update an already set route.
bool GetUploadPath(const ActorId &actor_id) const
Method to get if we are uploading a path.
float GetRandomRightLaneChangePercentage(const ActorId &actor_id)
Method to query percentage probability of a random left lane change for a vehicle.
void RemoveImportedRoute(const ActorId &actor_id, const bool remove_path)
Method to remove a route.
bool GetAutoLaneChange(const ActorId &actor_id) const
Method to query auto lane change rule for a vehicle.
Path GetCustomPath(const ActorId &actor_id) const
Method to get a custom path.
void RemoveUploadPath(const ActorId &actor_id, const bool remove_path)
Method to remove a list of points.
This class holds the state of all the vehicles in the simlation.
cg::Location GetLocation(const ActorId actor_id) const
cg::Vector3D GetHeading(const ActorId actor_id) const
cg::Vector3D GetVelocity(const ActorId actor_id) const
void UpdateGridPosition(const ActorId actor_id, const Buffer &buffer)
ActorIdSet GetPassingVehicles(uint64_t waypoint_id) const
ActorIdSet GetOverlappingVehicles(ActorId actor_id) const
carla::SharedPtr< cc::Waypoint > WaypointPtr
Definition InMemoryMap.h:45
void PopWaypoint(ActorId actor_id, TrackTraffic &track_traffic, Buffer &buffer, bool front_or_back)
std::vector< SimpleWaypointPtr > NodeList
Definition InMemoryMap.h:47
std::vector< uint8_t > Route
std::vector< cg::Location > Path
std::vector< Action > ActionBuffer
std::deque< std::shared_ptr< SimpleWaypoint > > Buffer
void PushWaypoint(ActorId actor_id, TrackTraffic &track_traffic, Buffer &buffer, SimpleWaypointPtr &waypoint)
std::shared_ptr< InMemoryMap > LocalMapPtr
Definition ALSM.h:36
std::shared_ptr< SimpleWaypoint > SimpleWaypointPtr
std::pair< RoadOption, WaypointPtr > Action
TargetWPInfo GetTargetWaypoint(const Buffer &waypoint_buffer, const float &target_point_distance)
std::vector< LocalizationData > LocalizationFrame
std::unordered_map< carla::ActorId, Buffer > BufferMap
float DeviationDotProduct(const cg::Location &reference_location, const cg::Vector3D &heading_vector, const cg::Location &target_location)
Returns the dot product between the vehicle's heading vector and the vector along the direction to th...
This file contains definitions of common data structures used in traffic manager.
Definition Carla.cpp:133