命名空间 | | 类型定义 | 枚举 | 函数
carla::traffic_manager 命名空间参考


namespace  constants
namespace  PID

struct  ActuationSignal
 Structure to hold the actuation signals. 更多...
class  ALSM
 ALSM: Agent Lifecycle and State Managerment This class has functionality to update the local cache of kinematic states and manage memory and cleanup for varying number of vehicles in the simulation. 更多...
class  AtomicActorSet
class  AtomicMap
class  CachedSimpleWaypoint
struct  ChangeLaneInfo
struct  CollisionHazardData
struct  CollisionLock
class  CollisionStage
 This class has functionality to detect potential collision with a nearby actor. 更多...
struct  GeometryComparison
class  InMemoryMap
 This class builds a discretized local map-cache. 更多...
struct  KinematicState
struct  LocalizationData
class  LocalizationStage
 This class has functionality to maintain a horizon of waypoints ahead of the vehicle for it to follow. 更多...
class  MotionPlanStage
class  Parameters
class  RandomGenerator
class  SimpleWaypoint
 This is a simple wrapper class on Carla's waypoint object. 更多...
class  SimulationState
 This class holds the state of all the vehicles in the simlation. 更多...
class  SnippetProfiler
class  Stage
 Stage type interface. 更多...
struct  StateEntry
 Structure to hold the controller state. 更多...
struct  StaticAttributes
class  TrackTraffic
class  TrafficLightStage
 This class has functionality for responding to traffic lights and managing entry into non-signalized junctions. 更多...
struct  TrafficLightState
class  TrafficManager
 This class integrates all the various stages of the traffic manager appropriately using messengers. 更多...
class  TrafficManagerBase
 The function of this class is to integrate all the various stages of the traffic manager appropriately using messengers. 更多...
class  TrafficManagerClient
 Provides communication with the rpc of TrafficManagerServer. 更多...
class  TrafficManagerLocal
 The function of this class is to integrate all the various stages of the traffic manager appropriately using messengers. 更多...
class  TrafficManagerRemote
 The function of this class is to integrate all the various stages of the traffic manager appropriately using messengers. 更多...
class  TrafficManagerServer
class  VehicleLightStage
 This class has functionality for turning on/off the vehicle lights according to the current vehicle state and its surrounding environment. 更多...


using Action = std::pair<RoadOption, WaypointPtr>
using ActionBuffer = std::vector<Action>
using Actor = carla::SharedPtr<cc::Actor>
using ActorId = carla::ActorId
using ActorIdSet = std::unordered_set<ActorId>
using ActorList = carla::SharedPtr<cc::ActorList>
using ActorMap = std::unordered_map<ActorId, ActorPtr>
using ActorPtr = carla::SharedPtr<cc::Actor>
using Box = bg::model::box<Point3D>
using Buffer = std::deque<std::shared_ptr<SimpleWaypoint>>
using BufferMap = std::unordered_map<carla::ActorId, Buffer>
using CollisionFrame = std::vector<CollisionHazardData>
using CollisionLockMap = std::unordered_map<ActorId, CollisionLock>
using ControlFrame = std::vector<carla::rpc::Command>
using GeodesicBoundaryMap = std::unordered_map<ActorId, LocationVector>
using GeoGridId = crd::JuncId
using GeometryComparisonMap = std::unordered_map<uint64_t, GeometryComparison>
using IdleTimeMap = std::unordered_map<ActorId, double>
using Junction = carla::SharedPtr<carla::client::Junction>
using JunctionID = carla::road::JuncId
using KinematicStateMap = std::unordered_map<ActorId, KinematicState>
using LaneChangeSWptMap = std::unordered_map<ActorId, SimpleWaypointPtr>
using LocalizationFrame = std::vector<LocalizationData>
using LocalMapPtr = std::shared_ptr<InMemoryMap>
using LocationVector = std::vector<cg::Location>
using NodeList = std::vector<SimpleWaypointPtr>
using Path = std::vector<cg::Location>
using Point2D = bg::model::point<double, 2, bg::cs::cartesian>
using Point3D = bg::model::point<float, 3, bg::cs::cartesian>
using Polygon = bg::model::polygon<bg::model::d2::point_xy<double>>
using RawNodeList = std::vector<WaypointPtr>
using Route = std::vector<uint8_t>
using Rtree = bgi::rtree<SpatialTreeEntry, bgi::rstar<16>>
using SegmentId = std::tuple<crd::RoadId, crd::LaneId, crd::SectionId>
using SegmentMap = std::map<SegmentId, std::vector<SimpleWaypointPtr>>
using SegmentTopology = std::map<SegmentId, std::pair<std::vector<SegmentId>, std::vector<SegmentId>>>
using SimpleWaypointPtr = std::shared_ptr<SimpleWaypoint>
using SpatialTreeEntry = std::pair<Point3D, SimpleWaypointPtr>
using StaticAttributeMap = std::unordered_map<ActorId, StaticAttributes>
using TargetWPInfo = std::pair<SimpleWaypointPtr,uint64_t>
 Method to return the wayPoints from the waypoint Buffer by using target point distance
using TimeInstance = chr::time_point<chr::system_clock, chr::nanoseconds>
using TimePoint = chr::time_point<chr::system_clock, chr::nanoseconds>
using TLFrame = std::vector<bool>
using TLGroup = std::vector<carla::SharedPtr<carla::client::TrafficLight>>
using TLMap = std::unordered_map<std::string, SharedPtr<client::Actor>>
using TLS = carla::rpc::TrafficLightState
using TopologyList = std::vector<std::pair<WaypointPtr, WaypointPtr>>
using TrafficLightStateMap = std::unordered_map<ActorId, TrafficLightState>
using WaypointPtr = carla::SharedPtr<cc::Waypoint>
using WorldMap = carla::SharedPtr<const cc::Map>


enum  ActorType { Vehicle , Pedestrian , Any }
enum class  RoadOption : uint8_t {
  Void = 0 , Left = 1 , Right = 2 , Straight = 3 ,
  LaneFollow = 4 , ChangeLaneLeft = 5 , ChangeLaneRight = 6 , RoadEnd = 7


float DeviationCrossProduct (const cg::Location &reference_location, const cg::Vector3D &heading_vector, const cg::Location &target_location)
 Returns the cross product (z component value) between the vehicle's heading vector and the vector along the direction to the next target waypoint on the horizon.
float DeviationDotProduct (const cg::Location &reference_location, const cg::Vector3D &heading_vector, const cg::Location &target_location)
 Returns the dot product between the vehicle's heading vector and the vector along the direction to the next target waypoint on the horizon.
TargetWPInfo GetTargetWaypoint (const Buffer &waypoint_buffer, const float &target_point_distance)
void PopWaypoint (ActorId actor_id, TrackTraffic &track_traffic, Buffer &buffer, bool front_or_back)
void PushWaypoint (ActorId actor_id, TrackTraffic &track_traffic, Buffer &buffer, SimpleWaypointPtr &waypoint)


◆ Action

在文件 LocalizationStage.h23 行定义.

◆ ActionBuffer

typedef std::vector< Action > carla::traffic_manager::ActionBuffer = std::vector<Action>

在文件 LocalizationStage.h24 行定义.

◆ Actor

在文件 LocalizationUtils.h26 行定义.

◆ ActorId

在文件 AtomicActorSet.h21 行定义.

◆ ActorIdSet

typedef std::unordered_set< ActorId > carla::traffic_manager::ActorIdSet = std::unordered_set<ActorId>

在文件 LocalizationUtils.h28 行定义.

◆ ActorList

在文件 ALSM.h33 行定义.

◆ ActorMap

using carla::traffic_manager::ActorMap = std::unordered_map<ActorId, ActorPtr>

在文件 ALSM.h34 行定义.

◆ ActorPtr

在文件 AtomicActorSet.h20 行定义.

◆ Box

using carla::traffic_manager::Box = bg::model::box<Point3D>

在文件 InMemoryMap.h52 行定义.

◆ Buffer

typedef std::deque< SimpleWaypointPtr > carla::traffic_manager::Buffer = std::deque<std::shared_ptr<SimpleWaypoint>>

在文件 CollisionStage.h44 行定义.

◆ BufferMap

typedef std::unordered_map< carla::ActorId, Buffer > carla::traffic_manager::BufferMap = std::unordered_map<carla::ActorId, Buffer>

在文件 CollisionStage.h45 行定义.

◆ CollisionFrame

在文件 DataStructures.h49 行定义.

◆ CollisionLockMap

在文件 CollisionStage.h39 行定义.

◆ ControlFrame

在文件 DataStructures.h51 行定义.

◆ GeodesicBoundaryMap

在文件 CollisionStage.h47 行定义.

◆ GeoGridId

在文件 InMemoryMap.h48 行定义.

◆ GeometryComparisonMap

在文件 CollisionStage.h48 行定义.

◆ IdleTimeMap

using carla::traffic_manager::IdleTimeMap = std::unordered_map<ActorId, double>

在文件 ALSM.h35 行定义.

◆ Junction

在文件 DataStructures.h30 行定义.

◆ JunctionID

在文件 DataStructures.h29 行定义.

◆ KinematicStateMap

在文件 SimulationState.h26 行定义.

◆ LaneChangeSWptMap

在文件 LocalizationStage.h21 行定义.

◆ LocalizationFrame

在文件 DataStructures.h42 行定义.

◆ LocalMapPtr

typedef std::shared_ptr< InMemoryMap > carla::traffic_manager::LocalMapPtr = std::shared_ptr<InMemoryMap>

在文件 ALSM.h36 行定义.

◆ LocationVector

在文件 CollisionStage.h46 行定义.

◆ NodeList

在文件 InMemoryMap.h47 行定义.

◆ Path

typedef std::vector< cg::Location > carla::traffic_manager::Path = std::vector<cg::Location>

在文件 LocalizationStage.h25 行定义.

◆ Point2D

using carla::traffic_manager::Point2D = bg::model::point<double, 2, bg::cs::cartesian>

在文件 CollisionStage.cpp12 行定义.

◆ Point3D

using carla::traffic_manager::Point3D = bg::model::point<float, 3, bg::cs::cartesian>

在文件 InMemoryMap.h51 行定义.

◆ Polygon

using carla::traffic_manager::Polygon = bg::model::polygon<bg::model::d2::point_xy<double>>

在文件 CollisionStage.h49 行定义.

◆ RawNodeList

在文件 InMemoryMap.cpp20 行定义.

◆ Route

typedef std::vector< uint8_t > carla::traffic_manager::Route = std::vector<uint8_t>

在文件 LocalizationStage.h26 行定义.

◆ Rtree

using carla::traffic_manager::Rtree = bgi::rtree<SpatialTreeEntry, bgi::rstar<16>>

在文件 InMemoryMap.h58 行定义.

◆ SegmentId

在文件 InMemoryMap.h55 行定义.

◆ SegmentMap

在文件 InMemoryMap.h57 行定义.

◆ SegmentTopology

using carla::traffic_manager::SegmentTopology = std::map<SegmentId, std::pair<std::vector<SegmentId>, std::vector<SegmentId>>>

在文件 InMemoryMap.h56 行定义.

◆ SimpleWaypointPtr

typedef std::shared_ptr< SimpleWaypoint > carla::traffic_manager::SimpleWaypointPtr = std::shared_ptr<SimpleWaypoint>

在文件 CachedSimpleWaypoint.cpp12 行定义.

◆ SpatialTreeEntry

在文件 InMemoryMap.h53 行定义.

◆ StaticAttributeMap

在文件 SimulationState.h40 行定义.

◆ TargetWPInfo

Method to return the wayPoints from the waypoint Buffer by using target point distance

在文件 LocalizationUtils.h56 行定义.

◆ TimeInstance

typedef chr::time_point< chr::system_clock, chr::nanoseconds > carla::traffic_manager::TimeInstance = chr::time_point<chr::system_clock, chr::nanoseconds>

在文件 DataStructures.h34 行定义.

◆ TimePoint

typedef chr::time_point< chr::system_clock, chr::nanoseconds > carla::traffic_manager::TimePoint = chr::time_point<chr::system_clock, chr::nanoseconds>

在文件 SnippetProfiler.h18 行定义.

◆ TLFrame

using carla::traffic_manager::TLFrame = std::vector<bool>

在文件 DataStructures.h53 行定义.

◆ TLGroup

在文件 TrafficManagerLocal.h44 行定义.

◆ TLMap

using carla::traffic_manager::TLMap = std::unordered_map<std::string, SharedPtr<client::Actor>>

在文件 MotionPlanStage.h20 行定义.


在文件 CollisionStage.cpp13 行定义.

◆ TopologyList

在文件 InMemoryMap.cpp19 行定义.

◆ TrafficLightStateMap

在文件 SimulationState.h32 行定义.

◆ WaypointPtr

在文件 InMemoryMap.h45 行定义.

◆ WorldMap

在文件 InMemoryMap.h49 行定义.


◆ ActorType


在文件 SimulationState.h11 行定义.

◆ RoadOption

enum class carla::traffic_manager::RoadOption : uint8_t

在文件 SimpleWaypoint.h25 行定义.


◆ DeviationCrossProduct()

float carla::traffic_manager::DeviationCrossProduct ( const cg::Location & reference_location,
const cg::Vector3D & heading_vector,
const cg::Location & target_location )

Returns the cross product (z component value) between the vehicle's heading vector and the vector along the direction to the next target waypoint on the horizon.

在文件 LocalizationUtils.cpp16 行定义.

引用了 carla::geom::Vector3D::MakeSafeUnitVector(), carla::geom::Vector3D::x , 以及 carla::geom::Vector3D::y.

被这些函数引用 carla::traffic_manager::MotionPlanStage::Update().

+ 函数调用图:
+ 这是这个函数的调用关系图:

◆ DeviationDotProduct()

float carla::traffic_manager::DeviationDotProduct ( const cg::Location & reference_location,
const cg::Vector3D & heading_vector,
const cg::Location & target_location )

Returns the dot product between the vehicle's heading vector and the vector along the direction to the next target waypoint on the horizon.

在文件 LocalizationUtils.cpp25 行定义.

引用了 carla::geom::Vector3D::MakeSafeUnitVector(), carla::geom::Vector3D::x, carla::geom::Vector3D::y , 以及 carla::geom::Vector3D::z.

被这些函数引用 carla::traffic_manager::MotionPlanStage::Update() , 以及 carla::traffic_manager::LocalizationStage::Update().

+ 函数调用图:
+ 这是这个函数的调用关系图:

◆ GetTargetWaypoint()

TargetWPInfo carla::traffic_manager::GetTargetWaypoint ( const Buffer & waypoint_buffer,
const float & target_point_distance )

Condition to determine forward or backward scanning of waypoint buffer.

在文件 LocalizationUtils.cpp59 行定义.

被这些函数引用 carla::traffic_manager::TrafficLightStage::GetAffectedJunctionId(), carla::traffic_manager::CollisionStage::GetGeodesicBoundary(), carla::traffic_manager::MotionPlanStage::Update(), carla::traffic_manager::CollisionStage::Update() , 以及 carla::traffic_manager::LocalizationStage::Update().

+ 这是这个函数的调用关系图:

◆ PopWaypoint()

void carla::traffic_manager::PopWaypoint ( ActorId actor_id,
TrackTraffic & track_traffic,
Buffer & buffer,
bool front_or_back )

在文件 LocalizationUtils.cpp46 行定义.

引用了 carla::traffic_manager::TrackTraffic::RemovePassingVehicle().

被这些函数引用 carla::traffic_manager::LocalizationStage::ImportPath(), carla::traffic_manager::LocalizationStage::ImportRoute() , 以及 carla::traffic_manager::LocalizationStage::Update().

+ 函数调用图:
+ 这是这个函数的调用关系图:

◆ PushWaypoint()

void carla::traffic_manager::PushWaypoint ( ActorId actor_id,
TrackTraffic & track_traffic,
Buffer & buffer,
SimpleWaypointPtr & waypoint )

在文件 LocalizationUtils.cpp38 行定义.

引用了 carla::traffic_manager::TrackTraffic::UpdatePassingVehicle().

被这些函数引用 carla::traffic_manager::LocalizationStage::ExtendAndFindSafeSpace(), carla::traffic_manager::LocalizationStage::ImportPath(), carla::traffic_manager::LocalizationStage::ImportRoute() , 以及 carla::traffic_manager::LocalizationStage::Update().

+ 函数调用图:
+ 这是这个函数的调用关系图: