Base class for CARLA wheeled vehicles. 更多...
#include <CarlaWheeledVehicle.h>
Public 成员函数 | |
Constructor and destructor | |
ACarlaWheeledVehicle (const FObjectInitializer &ObjectInitializer) | |
~ACarlaWheeledVehicle () | |
Get functions | |
const FVehicleControl & | GetVehicleControl () const |
Vehicle control currently applied to this vehicle. | |
const FVehicleAckermannControl & | GetVehicleAckermannControl () const |
Vehicle Ackermann control currently applied to this vehicle. | |
FTransform | GetVehicleTransform () const |
Transform of the vehicle. | |
float | GetVehicleForwardSpeed () const |
Forward speed in cm/s. Might be negative if goes backwards. | |
FVector | GetVehicleOrientation () const |
Orientation vector of the vehicle, pointing forward. | |
int32 | GetVehicleCurrentGear () const |
Active gear of the vehicle. | |
FTransform | GetVehicleBoundingBoxTransform () const |
Transform of the vehicle's bounding box relative to the vehicle. | |
FVector | GetVehicleBoundingBoxExtent () const |
Extent of the vehicle's bounding box. | |
UBoxComponent * | GetVehicleBoundingBox () const |
Get vehicle's bounding box component. | |
float | GetMaximumSteerAngle () const |
Get the maximum angle at which the front wheel can steer. | |
AI debug state | |
void | SetAIVehicleState (ECarlaWheeledVehicleState InState) |
ECarlaWheeledVehicleState | GetAIVehicleState () const |
FVehiclePhysicsControl | GetVehiclePhysicsControl () const |
FAckermannControllerSettings | GetAckermannControllerSettings () const |
void | RestoreVehiclePhysicsControl () |
FVehicleLightState | GetVehicleLightState () const |
void | ApplyVehiclePhysicsControl (const FVehiclePhysicsControl &PhysicsControl) |
void | ApplyAckermannControllerSettings (const FAckermannControllerSettings &AckermannControllerSettings) |
void | SetSimulatePhysics (bool enabled) |
void | SetWheelCollision (UWheeledVehicleMovementComponent4W *Vehicle4W, const FVehiclePhysicsControl &PhysicsControl) |
void | SetWheelCollisionNW (UWheeledVehicleMovementComponentNW *VehicleNW, const FVehiclePhysicsControl &PhysicsControl) |
void | SetVehicleLightState (const FVehicleLightState &LightState) |
void | SetFailureState (const carla::rpc::VehicleFailureState &FailureState) |
bool | IsTwoWheeledVehicle () |
virtual bool | IsTwoWheeledVehicle_Implementation () |
Vehicle input control | |
void | ApplyVehicleControl (const FVehicleControl &Control, EVehicleInputPriority Priority) |
void | ApplyVehicleAckermannControl (const FVehicleAckermannControl &AckermannControl, EVehicleInputPriority Priority) |
bool | IsAckermannControlActive () const |
void | ActivateVelocityControl (const FVector &Velocity) |
void | DeactivateVelocityControl () |
FVehicleTelemetryData | GetVehicleTelemetryData () const |
void | ShowDebugTelemetry (bool Enabled) |
void | FlushVehicleControl () |
DEPRECATED Set functions | |
void | SetThrottleInput (float Value) |
void | SetSteeringInput (float Value) |
void | SetBrakeInput (float Value) |
void | SetReverse (bool Value) |
void | ToggleReverse () |
void | SetHandbrakeInput (bool Value) |
void | HoldHandbrake () |
void | ReleaseHandbrake () |
TArray< float > | GetWheelsFrictionScale () |
void | SetWheelsFrictionScale (TArray< float > &WheelsFrictionScale) |
void | SetCarlaMovementComponent (UBaseCarlaMovementComponent *MoementComponent) |
template<typename T = UBaseCarlaMovementComponent> | |
T * | GetCarlaMovementComponent () const |
Overriden from AActor | ||
TArray< FName > | ConstraintComponentNames | |
float | DoorOpenStrength = 100.0f | |
ECarlaWheeledVehicleState | State = ECarlaWheeledVehicleState::UNKNOWN | |
Current state of the vehicle controller (for debugging purposes). | ||
UVehicleVelocityControl * | VelocityControl | |
struct { | ||
FVehicleControl Control | ||
FVehicleLightState LightState | ||
EVehicleInputPriority Priority = EVehicleInputPriority::INVALID | ||
} | InputControl | |
FVehicleControl | LastAppliedControl | |
FVehicleAckermannControl | LastAppliedAckermannControl | |
FVehiclePhysicsControl | LastPhysicsControl | |
bool | bAckermannControlActive = false | |
FAckermannController | AckermannController | |
float | RolloverBehaviorForce = 0.35 | |
int | RolloverBehaviorTracker = 0 | |
float | RolloverFlagTime = 5.0f | |
carla::rpc::VehicleFailureState | FailureState = carla::rpc::VehicleFailureState::None | |
bool | bPhysicsEnabled = true | |
UBaseCarlaMovementComponent * | BaseMovementComponent = nullptr | |
TArray< UPhysicsConstraintComponent * > | ConstraintsComponents | |
TMap< UPhysicsConstraintComponent *, UPrimitiveComponent * > | ConstraintDoor | |
TMap< UPrimitiveComponent *, FTransform > | DoorComponentsTransform | |
TMap< UPrimitiveComponent *, UPhysicsConstraintComponent * > | CollisionDisableConstraints | |
FTimerHandle | TimerHandler | |
float | DetectionSize { 750.0f } | |
FBox | FoliageBoundingBox | |
UBoxComponent * | VehicleBounds | |
float | CarSimOriginOffset = 150.f | |
bool | bIsNWVehicle = false | |
float | SpeedAnim { 0.0f } | |
float | RotationAnim { 0.0f } | |
FBox | GetDetectionBox () const | |
float | GetDetectionSize () const | |
void | UpdateDetectionBox () | |
const TArray< int32 > | GetFoliageInstancesCloseToVehicle (const UInstancedStaticMeshComponent *Component) const | |
void | DrawFoliageBoundingBox () const | |
FBoxSphereBounds | GetBoxSphereBounds () const | |
bool | IsInVehicleRange (const FVector &Location) const | |
void | SetWheelSteerDirection (EVehicleWheelLocation WheelLocation, float AngleInDeg) | |
Set the rotation of the car wheels indicated by the user 0 = FL_VehicleWheel, 1 = FR_VehicleWheel, 2 = BL_VehicleWheel, 3 = BR_VehicleWheel NOTE : This is purely aesthetic. | ||
float | GetWheelSteerAngle (EVehicleWheelLocation WheelLocation) | |
void | OpenDoor (const EVehicleDoor DoorIdx) | |
void | CloseDoor (const EVehicleDoor DoorIdx) | |
void | OpenDoorPhys (const EVehicleDoor DoorIdx) | |
void | CloseDoorPhys (const EVehicleDoor DoorIdx) | |
void | RecordDoorChange (const EVehicleDoor DoorIdx, const bool bIsOpen) | |
virtual FVector | GetVelocity () const override | |
void | SetRolloverFlag () | |
carla::rpc::VehicleFailureState | GetFailureState () const | |
float | GetSpeedAnim () const | |
void | SetSpeedAnim (float Speed) | |
float | GetRotationAnim () const | |
void | SetRotationAnim (float Rotation) | |
virtual void | BeginPlay () override | |
virtual void | EndPlay (const EEndPlayReason::Type EndPlayReason) | |
void | RefreshLightState (const FVehicleLightState &VehicleLightState) | |
void | AdjustVehicleBounds () | |
void | ResetConstraints () | |
static FRotator | GetPhysicsConstraintAngle (UPhysicsConstraintComponent *Component) | |
static void | SetPhysicsConstraintAngle (UPhysicsConstraintComponent *Component, const FRotator &NewAngle) | |
void | ApplyRolloverBehavior () | |
Rollovers tend to have too much angular velocity, resulting in the vehicle doing a full 360º flip. | ||
void | CheckRollover (const float roll, const std::pair< float, float > threshold_roll) | |
void | AddReferenceToManager () | |
void | RemoveReferenceToManager () | |
Base class for CARLA wheeled vehicles.
在文件 CarlaWheeledVehicle.h 第 73 行定义.
ACarlaWheeledVehicle::ACarlaWheeledVehicle | ( | const FObjectInitializer & | ObjectInitializer | ) |
在文件 CarlaWheeledVehicle.cpp 第 35 行定义.
引用了 BaseMovementComponent, VehicleBounds , 以及 VelocityControl.
ACarlaWheeledVehicle::~ACarlaWheeledVehicle | ( | ) |
在文件 CarlaWheeledVehicle.cpp 第 50 行定义.
void ACarlaWheeledVehicle::ActivateVelocityControl | ( | const FVector & | Velocity | ) |
在文件 CarlaWheeledVehicle.cpp 第 807 行定义.
引用了 VelocityControl.
private |
在文件 CarlaWheeledVehicle.cpp 第 1160 行定义.
引用了 Actor, AVegetationManager::AddVehicle(), IsValid() , 以及 World.
被这些函数引用 BeginPlay().
protected |
在文件 CarlaWheeledVehicle.cpp 第 257 行定义.
引用了 BoundingBox, UBoundingBoxCalculator::GetVehicleBoundingBox() , 以及 VehicleBounds.
inline |
在文件 CarlaWheeledVehicle.h 第 182 行定义.
private |
Rollovers tend to have too much angular velocity, resulting in the vehicle doing a full 360º flip.
This function progressively reduces the vehicle's angular velocity so that it ends up upside down instead.
在文件 CarlaWheeledVehicle.cpp 第 1113 行定义.
引用了 CheckRollover(), FailureState, GetVehicleTransform(), carla::rpc::None, RolloverBehaviorTracker, RolloverFlagTime, SetRolloverFlag() , 以及 TimerHandler.
inline |
在文件 CarlaWheeledVehicle.h 第 226 行定义.
引用了 AckermannControl , 以及 bAckermannControlActive.
inline |
在文件 CarlaWheeledVehicle.h 第 211 行定义.
引用了 bAckermannControlActive , 以及 Control.
被这些函数引用 SetBrakeInput(), SetHandbrakeInput(), SetReverse(), SetSteeringInput(), SetThrottleInput() , 以及 AWheeledVehicleAIController::Tick().
void ACarlaWheeledVehicle::ApplyVehiclePhysicsControl | ( | const FVehiclePhysicsControl & | PhysicsControl | ) |
在文件 CarlaWheeledVehicle.cpp 第 588 行定义.
引用了 AckermannController, bIsNWVehicle, FVehiclePhysicsControl::bUseGearAutoBox, FVehiclePhysicsControl::CenterOfMass, FVehiclePhysicsControl::ClutchStrength, FVehiclePhysicsControl::DampingRateFullThrottle, FVehiclePhysicsControl::DampingRateZeroThrottleClutchDisengaged, FVehiclePhysicsControl::DampingRateZeroThrottleClutchEngaged, FVehicleNWGearData::DownRatio, FVehiclePhysicsControl::DragCoefficient, FVehiclePhysicsControl::FinalRatio, FVehiclePhysicsControl::ForwardGears, FVehiclePhysicsControl::GearSwitchTime, UCarlaStatics::GetRecorder(), LastPhysicsControl, FVehiclePhysicsControl::Mass, FVehiclePhysicsControl::MaxRPM, FVehiclePhysicsControl::MOI, PhysicsControl, FVehicleNWGearData::Ratio, ResetConstraints(), SetWheelCollision(), SetWheelCollisionNW(), FVehiclePhysicsControl::SteeringCurve, FVehiclePhysicsControl::TorqueCurve, UE_LOG(), FAckermannController::UpdateVehiclePhysics(), FVehicleNWGearData::UpRatio , 以及 FVehiclePhysicsControl::Wheels.
被这些函数引用 RestoreVehiclePhysicsControl().
overrideprotectedvirtual |
在文件 CarlaWheeledVehicle.cpp 第 98 行定义.
引用了 AckermannController, Actor, AddReferenceToManager(), CollisionDisableConstraints, ConstraintComponentNames, ConstraintDoor, ConstraintsComponents, UDefaultMovementComponent::CreateDefaultMovementComponent(), DoorComponentsTransform, AFrictionTrigger::Friction, GetVehiclePhysicsControl(), LastPhysicsControl, ResetConstraints(), SetWheelsFrictionScale(), UE_LOG() , 以及 FAckermannController::UpdateVehiclePhysics().
private |
在文件 CarlaWheeledVehicle.cpp 第 1140 行定义.
引用了 RolloverBehaviorForce , 以及 RolloverBehaviorTracker.
被这些函数引用 ApplyRolloverBehavior().
void ACarlaWheeledVehicle::CloseDoor | ( | const EVehicleDoor | DoorIdx | ) |
在文件 CarlaWheeledVehicle.cpp 第 1040 行定义.
引用了 All, CloseDoorPhys(), ConstraintsComponents , 以及 UE_LOG().
void ACarlaWheeledVehicle::CloseDoorPhys | ( | const EVehicleDoor | DoorIdx | ) |
在文件 CarlaWheeledVehicle.cpp 第 1090 行定义.
引用了 ConstraintDoor, ConstraintsComponents, DoorComponentsTransform , 以及 RecordDoorChange().
被这些函数引用 CloseDoor() , 以及 ResetConstraints().
void ACarlaWheeledVehicle::DeactivateVelocityControl | ( | ) |
在文件 CarlaWheeledVehicle.cpp 第 812 行定义.
引用了 VelocityControl.
void ACarlaWheeledVehicle::DrawFoliageBoundingBox | ( | ) | const |
在文件 CarlaWheeledVehicle.cpp 第 238 行定义.
引用了 FoliageBoundingBox.
protectedvirtual |
在文件 CarlaWheeledVehicle.cpp 第 1016 行定义.
引用了 RemoveReferenceToManager() , 以及 ShowDebugTelemetry().
void ACarlaWheeledVehicle::FlushVehicleControl | ( | ) |
在文件 CarlaWheeledVehicle.cpp 第 320 行定义.
引用了 AckermannController, bAckermannControlActive, BaseMovementComponent, InputControl, INVALID, LastAppliedControl, UBaseCarlaMovementComponent::ProcessControl(), FAckermannController::RunLoop() , 以及 FAckermannController::UpdateVehicleState().
被这些函数引用 AWheeledVehicleAIController::Tick().
inline |
在文件 CarlaWheeledVehicle.h 第 170 行定义.
inline |
在文件 CarlaWheeledVehicle.h 第 161 行定义.
引用了 State.
FBoxSphereBounds ACarlaWheeledVehicle::GetBoxSphereBounds | ( | ) | const |
在文件 CarlaWheeledVehicle.cpp 第 246 行定义.
引用了 UCarlaStatics::GetLargeMapManager(), ALargeMapManager::LocalToGlobalTransform() , 以及 VehicleBounds.
inline |
在文件 CarlaWheeledVehicle.h 第 300 行定义.
FBox ACarlaWheeledVehicle::GetDetectionBox | ( | ) | const |
在文件 CarlaWheeledVehicle.cpp 第 227 行定义.
引用了 FoliageBoundingBox , 以及 GetDetectionBox().
被这些函数引用 GetDetectionBox().
float ACarlaWheeledVehicle::GetDetectionSize | ( | ) | const |
在文件 CarlaWheeledVehicle.cpp 第 233 行定义.
引用了 DetectionSize.
被这些函数引用 AVegetationManager::DestroySkeletalFoliages() , 以及 AVegetationManager::SpawnSkeletalFoliages().
carla::rpc::VehicleFailureState ACarlaWheeledVehicle::GetFailureState | ( | ) | const |
在文件 CarlaWheeledVehicle.cpp 第 1156 行定义.
引用了 FailureState.
const TArray< int32 > ACarlaWheeledVehicle::GetFoliageInstancesCloseToVehicle | ( | const UInstancedStaticMeshComponent * | Component | ) | const |
在文件 CarlaWheeledVehicle.cpp 第 221 行定义.
引用了 FoliageBoundingBox , 以及 GetFoliageInstancesCloseToVehicle().
被这些函数引用 AVegetationManager::GetElementsToSpawn() , 以及 GetFoliageInstancesCloseToVehicle().
float ACarlaWheeledVehicle::GetMaximumSteerAngle | ( | ) | const |
Get the maximum angle at which the front wheel can steer.
在文件 CarlaWheeledVehicle.cpp 第 307 行定义.
被这些函数引用 AWheeledVehicleAIController::OnPossess().
static |
在文件 CarlaWheeledVehicle.cpp 第 1190 行定义.
inline |
在文件 CarlaWheeledVehicle.h 第 481 行定义.
inline |
在文件 CarlaWheeledVehicle.h 第 475 行定义.
inline |
Vehicle Ackermann control currently applied to this vehicle.
在文件 CarlaWheeledVehicle.h 第 103 行定义.
inline |
Get vehicle's bounding box component.
在文件 CarlaWheeledVehicle.h 第 138 行定义.
FVector ACarlaWheeledVehicle::GetVehicleBoundingBoxExtent | ( | ) | const |
FTransform ACarlaWheeledVehicle::GetVehicleBoundingBoxTransform | ( | ) | const |
Transform of the vehicle's bounding box relative to the vehicle.
在文件 CarlaWheeledVehicle.cpp 第 297 行定义.
引用了 VehicleBounds.
inline |
Vehicle control currently applied to this vehicle.
在文件 CarlaWheeledVehicle.h 第 96 行定义.
被这些函数引用 UDefaultMovementComponent::ProcessControl().
int32 ACarlaWheeledVehicle::GetVehicleCurrentGear | ( | ) | const |
Active gear of the vehicle.
在文件 CarlaWheeledVehicle.cpp 第 292 行定义.
引用了 BaseMovementComponent , 以及 UBaseCarlaMovementComponent::GetVehicleCurrentGear().
被这些函数引用 GetVehicleTelemetryData().
float ACarlaWheeledVehicle::GetVehicleForwardSpeed | ( | ) | const |
Forward speed in cm/s. Might be negative if goes backwards.
在文件 CarlaWheeledVehicle.cpp 第 282 行定义.
引用了 BaseMovementComponent , 以及 UBaseCarlaMovementComponent::GetVehicleForwardSpeed().
被这些函数引用 CaService::AddBasicVehicleContainerHighFrequency(), CaService::CheckSpeedDelta(), CaService::ComputeSpeed() , 以及 GetVehicleTelemetryData().
FVehicleLightState ACarlaWheeledVehicle::GetVehicleLightState | ( | ) | const |
在文件 CarlaWheeledVehicle.cpp 第 578 行定义.
引用了 InputControl.
被这些函数引用 CaService::AddLowFrequencyContainer().
FVector ACarlaWheeledVehicle::GetVehicleOrientation | ( | ) | const |
Orientation vector of the vehicle, pointing forward.
在文件 CarlaWheeledVehicle.cpp 第 287 行定义.
被这些函数引用 CaService::CheckHeadingDelta().
FVehiclePhysicsControl ACarlaWheeledVehicle::GetVehiclePhysicsControl | ( | ) | const |
在文件 CarlaWheeledVehicle.cpp 第 401 行定义.
引用了 bIsNWVehicle, bPhysicsEnabled, FVehiclePhysicsControl::bUseGearAutoBox, FVehiclePhysicsControl::CenterOfMass, FVehiclePhysicsControl::ClutchStrength, FWheelPhysicsControl::DampingRate, FVehiclePhysicsControl::DampingRateFullThrottle, FVehiclePhysicsControl::DampingRateZeroThrottleClutchDisengaged, FVehiclePhysicsControl::DampingRateZeroThrottleClutchEngaged, FGearPhysicsControl::DownRatio, FVehiclePhysicsControl::DragCoefficient, FVehiclePhysicsControl::FinalRatio, FVehiclePhysicsControl::ForwardGears, FVehiclePhysicsControl::GearSwitchTime, LastPhysicsControl, FWheelPhysicsControl::LatStiffMaxLoad, FWheelPhysicsControl::LatStiffValue, FWheelPhysicsControl::LongStiffValue, FVehiclePhysicsControl::Mass, FWheelPhysicsControl::MaxBrakeTorque, FWheelPhysicsControl::MaxHandBrakeTorque, FVehiclePhysicsControl::MaxRPM, FWheelPhysicsControl::MaxSteerAngle, FVehiclePhysicsControl::MOI, PhysicsControl, FWheelPhysicsControl::Position, FWheelPhysicsControl::Radius, FGearPhysicsControl::Ratio, FVehiclePhysicsControl::SteeringCurve, FWheelPhysicsControl::TireFriction, FVehiclePhysicsControl::TorqueCurve, FGearPhysicsControl::UpRatio , 以及 FVehiclePhysicsControl::Wheels.
被这些函数引用 BeginPlay().
FVehicleTelemetryData ACarlaWheeledVehicle::GetVehicleTelemetryData | ( | ) | const |
在文件 CarlaWheeledVehicle.cpp 第 817 行定义.
引用了 FVehicleControl::Brake, FVehicleTelemetryData::Brake, FVehicleTelemetryData::Drag, FVehicleTelemetryData::EngineRPM, FVehicleTelemetryData::Gear, GetVehicleCurrentGear(), GetVehicleForwardSpeed(), LastAppliedControl, FWheelTelemetryData::LatForce, FWheelTelemetryData::LatSlip, FWheelTelemetryData::LongForce, FWheelTelemetryData::LongSlip, FWheelTelemetryData::NormalizedLatForce, FWheelTelemetryData::NormalizedLongForce, FWheelTelemetryData::NormalizedTireLoad, FWheelTelemetryData::Omega, FVehicleTelemetryData::Speed, FVehicleControl::Steer, FVehicleTelemetryData::Steer, FVehicleControl::Throttle, FVehicleTelemetryData::Throttle, FWheelTelemetryData::TireFriction, FWheelTelemetryData::TireLoad, FWheelTelemetryData::Torque , 以及 FVehicleTelemetryData::Wheels.
inline |
Transform of the vehicle.
Location is shifted so it matches center of the vehicle bounds rather than the actor's location.
在文件 CarlaWheeledVehicle.h 第 111 行定义.
被这些函数引用 ApplyRolloverBehavior() , 以及 GetVehicleOrientation().
overridevirtual |
在文件 CarlaWheeledVehicle.cpp 第 1011 行定义.
引用了 BaseMovementComponent , 以及 UBaseCarlaMovementComponent::GetVelocity().
TArray< float > ACarlaWheeledVehicle::GetWheelsFrictionScale | ( | ) |
在文件 CarlaWheeledVehicle.cpp 第 368 行定义.
float ACarlaWheeledVehicle::GetWheelSteerAngle | ( | EVehicleWheelLocation | WheelLocation | ) |
在文件 CarlaWheeledVehicle.cpp 第 940 行定义.
引用了 bPhysicsEnabled.
被这些函数引用 FFrameData::AddVehicleWheelsAnimation() , 以及 ACarlaRecorder::AddVehicleWheelsAnimation().
inline |
在文件 CarlaWheeledVehicle.h 第 282 行定义.
inline |
在文件 CarlaWheeledVehicle.h 第 233 行定义.
bool ACarlaWheeledVehicle::IsInVehicleRange | ( | const FVector & | Location | ) | const |
在文件 CarlaWheeledVehicle.cpp 第 205 行定义.
引用了 FoliageBoundingBox , 以及 IsInVehicleRange().
被这些函数引用 IsInVehicleRange().
bool ACarlaWheeledVehicle::IsTwoWheeledVehicle | ( | ) |
被这些函数引用 FFrameData::AddVehicleWheelsAnimation(), ACarlaRecorder::AddVehicleWheelsAnimation() , 以及 SetWheelCollision().
inlinevirtual |
在文件 CarlaWheeledVehicle.h 第 199 行定义.
void ACarlaWheeledVehicle::OpenDoor | ( | const EVehicleDoor | DoorIdx | ) |
在文件 CarlaWheeledVehicle.cpp 第 1023 行定义.
引用了 All, ConstraintsComponents, OpenDoorPhys() , 以及 UE_LOG().
void ACarlaWheeledVehicle::OpenDoorPhys | ( | const EVehicleDoor | DoorIdx | ) |
在文件 CarlaWheeledVehicle.cpp 第 1057 行定义.
引用了 CollisionDisableConstraints, ConstraintDoor, ConstraintsComponents, DoorComponentsTransform, DoorOpenStrength , 以及 RecordDoorChange().
被这些函数引用 OpenDoor() , 以及 ResetConstraints().
void ACarlaWheeledVehicle::RecordDoorChange | ( | const EVehicleDoor | DoorIdx, |
const bool | bIsOpen ) |
在文件 CarlaWheeledVehicle.cpp 第 1104 行定义.
引用了 UCarlaStatics::GetRecorder().
被这些函数引用 CloseDoorPhys() , 以及 OpenDoorPhys().
protected |
inline |
在文件 CarlaWheeledVehicle.h 第 288 行定义.
private |
在文件 CarlaWheeledVehicle.cpp 第 1175 行定义.
引用了 Actor, IsValid(), AVegetationManager::RemoveVehicle() , 以及 World.
被这些函数引用 EndPlay().
protected |
在文件 CarlaWheeledVehicle.cpp 第 999 行定义.
引用了 CloseDoorPhys(), ConstraintsComponents , 以及 OpenDoorPhys().
被这些函数引用 ApplyVehiclePhysicsControl(), BeginPlay() , 以及 SetSimulatePhysics().
void ACarlaWheeledVehicle::RestoreVehiclePhysicsControl | ( | ) |
在文件 CarlaWheeledVehicle.cpp 第 583 行定义.
引用了 ApplyVehiclePhysicsControl() , 以及 LastPhysicsControl.
被这些函数引用 UCarSimManagerComponent::DisableCarSimPhysics() , 以及 UBaseCarlaMovementComponent::EnableUE4VehiclePhysics().
inline |
在文件 CarlaWheeledVehicle.h 第 155 行定义.
被这些函数引用 AWheeledVehicleAIController::ConfigureAutopilot().
void ACarlaWheeledVehicle::SetBrakeInput | ( | float | Value | ) |
在文件 CarlaWheeledVehicle.cpp 第 347 行定义.
引用了 ApplyVehicleControl(), FVehicleControl::Brake, Control , 以及 InputControl.
被这些函数引用 AWheeledVehicleAIController::ConfigureAutopilot().
void ACarlaWheeledVehicle::SetCarlaMovementComponent | ( | UBaseCarlaMovementComponent * | MoementComponent | ) |
在文件 CarlaWheeledVehicle.cpp 第 916 行定义.
void ACarlaWheeledVehicle::SetFailureState | ( | const carla::rpc::VehicleFailureState & | FailureState | ) |
在文件 CarlaWheeledVehicle.cpp 第 911 行定义.
引用了 FailureState.
void ACarlaWheeledVehicle::SetHandbrakeInput | ( | bool | Value | ) |
在文件 CarlaWheeledVehicle.cpp 第 361 行定义.
引用了 ApplyVehicleControl(), FVehicleControl::bHandBrake, Control , 以及 InputControl.
被这些函数引用 AWheeledVehicleAIController::ConfigureAutopilot().
static |
在文件 CarlaWheeledVehicle.cpp 第 1196 行定义.
void ACarlaWheeledVehicle::SetReverse | ( | bool | Value | ) |
在文件 CarlaWheeledVehicle.cpp 第 354 行定义.
引用了 ApplyVehicleControl(), FVehicleControl::bReverse, Control , 以及 InputControl.
被这些函数引用 AWheeledVehicleAIController::ConfigureAutopilot().
void ACarlaWheeledVehicle::SetRolloverFlag | ( | ) |
在文件 CarlaWheeledVehicle.cpp 第 1149 行定义.
引用了 FailureState, carla::rpc::Rollover , 以及 RolloverBehaviorTracker.
被这些函数引用 ApplyRolloverBehavior().
inline |
void ACarlaWheeledVehicle::SetSimulatePhysics | ( | bool | enabled | ) |
inline |
void ACarlaWheeledVehicle::SetSteeringInput | ( | float | Value | ) |
在文件 CarlaWheeledVehicle.cpp 第 340 行定义.
引用了 ApplyVehicleControl(), Control, InputControl , 以及 FVehicleControl::Steer.
被这些函数引用 AWheeledVehicleAIController::ConfigureAutopilot().
void ACarlaWheeledVehicle::SetThrottleInput | ( | float | Value | ) |
在文件 CarlaWheeledVehicle.cpp 第 333 行定义.
引用了 ApplyVehicleControl(), Control, InputControl , 以及 FVehicleControl::Throttle.
被这些函数引用 AWheeledVehicleAIController::ConfigureAutopilot() , 以及 UDefaultMovementComponent::ProcessControl().
void ACarlaWheeledVehicle::SetVehicleLightState | ( | const FVehicleLightState & | LightState | ) |
在文件 CarlaWheeledVehicle.cpp 第 892 行定义.
引用了 FVehicleLightState::Brake, FVehicleLightState::Fog, FVehicleLightState::HighBeam, InputControl, FVehicleLightState::Interior, FVehicleLightState::LeftBlinker, LightState, FVehicleLightState::LowBeam, FVehicleLightState::Position, RefreshLightState(), FVehicleLightState::Reverse, FVehicleLightState::RightBlinker, FVehicleLightState::Special1 , 以及 FVehicleLightState::Special2.
void ACarlaWheeledVehicle::SetWheelCollision | ( | UWheeledVehicleMovementComponent4W * | Vehicle4W, |
const FVehiclePhysicsControl & | PhysicsControl ) |
在文件 CarlaWheeledVehicle.cpp 第 52 行定义.
引用了 IsTwoWheeledVehicle(), PhysicsControl, UE_LOG() , 以及 FVehiclePhysicsControl::UseSweepWheelCollision.
被这些函数引用 ApplyVehiclePhysicsControl().
void ACarlaWheeledVehicle::SetWheelCollisionNW | ( | UWheeledVehicleMovementComponentNW * | VehicleNW, |
const FVehiclePhysicsControl & | PhysicsControl ) |
在文件 CarlaWheeledVehicle.cpp 第 78 行定义.
引用了 PhysicsControl, UE_LOG() , 以及 FVehiclePhysicsControl::UseSweepWheelCollision.
被这些函数引用 ApplyVehiclePhysicsControl().
void ACarlaWheeledVehicle::SetWheelsFrictionScale | ( | TArray< float > & | WheelsFrictionScale | ) |
void ACarlaWheeledVehicle::SetWheelSteerDirection | ( | EVehicleWheelLocation | WheelLocation, |
float | AngleInDeg ) |
Set the rotation of the car wheels indicated by the user 0 = FL_VehicleWheel, 1 = FR_VehicleWheel, 2 = BL_VehicleWheel, 3 = BR_VehicleWheel NOTE : This is purely aesthetic.
It will not modify the physics of the car in any way
在文件 CarlaWheeledVehicle.cpp 第 925 行定义.
引用了 bPhysicsEnabled , 以及 UE_LOG().
void ACarlaWheeledVehicle::ShowDebugTelemetry | ( | bool | Enabled | ) |
在文件 CarlaWheeledVehicle.cpp 第 867 行定义.
引用了 ACarlaHUD::AddDebugVehicleForTelemetry(), ACarlaHUD::DebugVehicle , 以及 UE_LOG().
被这些函数引用 EndPlay().
inline |
在文件 CarlaWheeledVehicle.h 第 273 行定义.
void ACarlaWheeledVehicle::UpdateDetectionBox | ( | ) |
在文件 CarlaWheeledVehicle.cpp 第 212 行定义.
引用了 DetectionSize , 以及 FoliageBoundingBox.
被这些函数引用 AVegetationManager::Tick().
private |
在文件 CarlaWheeledVehicle.h 第 353 行定义.
被这些函数引用 ApplyVehiclePhysicsControl(), BeginPlay() , 以及 FlushVehicleControl().
private |
在文件 CarlaWheeledVehicle.h 第 352 行定义.
被这些函数引用 FlushVehicleControl().
private |
bool ACarlaWheeledVehicle::bIsNWVehicle = false |
private |
在文件 CarlaWheeledVehicle.h 第 439 行定义.
被这些函数引用 GetVehiclePhysicsControl(), GetWheelSteerAngle(), SetSimulatePhysics() , 以及 SetWheelSteerDirection().
float ACarlaWheeledVehicle::CarSimOriginOffset = 150.f |
在文件 CarlaWheeledVehicle.h 第 420 行定义.
被这些函数引用 UCarSimManagerComponent::BeginPlay().
private |
在文件 CarlaWheeledVehicle.h 第 456 行定义.
被这些函数引用 BeginPlay() , 以及 OpenDoorPhys().
protected |
在文件 CarlaWheeledVehicle.h 第 323 行定义.
被这些函数引用 BeginPlay().
private |
在文件 CarlaWheeledVehicle.h 第 449 行定义.
被这些函数引用 BeginPlay(), CloseDoorPhys() , 以及 OpenDoorPhys().
private |
在文件 CarlaWheeledVehicle.h 第 446 行定义.
被这些函数引用 BeginPlay(), CloseDoor(), CloseDoorPhys(), OpenDoor(), OpenDoorPhys() , 以及 ResetConstraints().
FVehicleControl ACarlaWheeledVehicle::Control |
在文件 CarlaWheeledVehicle.h 第 343 行定义.
被这些函数引用 SetBrakeInput(), SetHandbrakeInput(), SetReverse(), SetSteeringInput() , 以及 SetThrottleInput().
float ACarlaWheeledVehicle::DetectionSize { 750.0f } |
在文件 CarlaWheeledVehicle.h 第 363 行定义.
被这些函数引用 GetDetectionSize() , 以及 UpdateDetectionBox().
private |
在文件 CarlaWheeledVehicle.h 第 453 行定义.
被这些函数引用 BeginPlay(), CloseDoorPhys() , 以及 OpenDoorPhys().
protected |
在文件 CarlaWheeledVehicle.h 第 326 行定义.
被这些函数引用 OpenDoorPhys().
private |
在文件 CarlaWheeledVehicle.h 第 359 行定义.
被这些函数引用 ApplyRolloverBehavior(), GetFailureState(), SetFailureState() , 以及 SetRolloverFlag().
FBox ACarlaWheeledVehicle::FoliageBoundingBox |
struct { ... } ACarlaWheeledVehicle::InputControl |
private |
在文件 CarlaWheeledVehicle.h 第 349 行定义.
private |
在文件 CarlaWheeledVehicle.h 第 348 行定义.
被这些函数引用 FlushVehicleControl() , 以及 GetVehicleTelemetryData().
private |
在文件 CarlaWheeledVehicle.h 第 350 行定义.
被这些函数引用 ApplyVehiclePhysicsControl(), BeginPlay(), GetVehiclePhysicsControl() , 以及 RestoreVehiclePhysicsControl().
FVehicleLightState ACarlaWheeledVehicle::LightState |
在文件 CarlaWheeledVehicle.h 第 344 行定义.
被这些函数引用 SetVehicleLightState().
EVehicleInputPriority ACarlaWheeledVehicle::Priority = EVehicleInputPriority::INVALID |
在文件 CarlaWheeledVehicle.h 第 342 行定义.
private |
在文件 CarlaWheeledVehicle.h 第 355 行定义.
被这些函数引用 CheckRollover().
private |
在文件 CarlaWheeledVehicle.h 第 356 行定义.
被这些函数引用 ApplyRolloverBehavior(), CheckRollover() , 以及 SetRolloverFlag().
private |
在文件 CarlaWheeledVehicle.h 第 357 行定义.
被这些函数引用 ApplyRolloverBehavior().
float ACarlaWheeledVehicle::RotationAnim { 0.0f } |
在文件 CarlaWheeledVehicle.h 第 472 行定义.
float ACarlaWheeledVehicle::SpeedAnim { 0.0f } |
在文件 CarlaWheeledVehicle.h 第 471 行定义.
private |
Current state of the vehicle controller (for debugging purposes).
在文件 CarlaWheeledVehicle.h 第 335 行定义.
private |
在文件 CarlaWheeledVehicle.h 第 469 行定义.
被这些函数引用 ApplyRolloverBehavior().
UBoxComponent* ACarlaWheeledVehicle::VehicleBounds |
private |
在文件 CarlaWheeledVehicle.h 第 338 行定义.
被这些函数引用 ACarlaWheeledVehicle(), ActivateVelocityControl() , 以及 DeactivateVelocityControl().