成员 ACarlaGameModeBase::BeginPlay () override

If semantic segmentation enabled.

Recorder should not tick here, FCarlaEngine should do it.

成员 ACarlaGameModeBase::Tick (float DeltaSeconds) override
Recorder should not tick here, FCarlaEngine should do it.
成员 ACarlaWheeledVehicle::FlushVehicleControl ()
This function should be private to AWheeledVehicleAIController.
成员 ACarlaWheeledVehicle::SetAIVehicleState (ECarlaWheeledVehicleState InState)
This function should be private to AWheeledVehicleAIController.
成员 ACollisionSensor::SetOwner (AActor *NewOwner) override
Deregister previous owner if there was one.
命名空间 carla
This shouldn't be exposed in this namespace.
Works as a list but its actually a map. We should assess the use cases and reconsider this implementation.
Dead actors are never removed from the list.
成员 carla::FileSystem::ListFolder (const std::string &folder_path, const std::string &wildcard_pattern)
Do permission check.
成员 carla::geom::Math::DistanceArcToPoint (Vector3D p, Vector3D start_pos, float length, float heading, float curvature)
: Because Unreal's coordinates, hacky way to correct the -y, this must be changed in the future
成员 carla::geom::Vector3D::msgpack_pack (Packer &pk) const
The following is copy-pasted from MSGPACK_DEFINE_ARRAY. This is a workaround for an issue in msgpack library. The MSGPACK_DEFINE_ARRAY macro is shadowing our z variable.
成员 carla::geom::Vector3DInt::msgpack_pack (Packer &pk) const
The following is copy-pasted from MSGPACK_DEFINE_ARRAY. This is a workaround for an issue in msgpack library. The MSGPACK_DEFINE_ARRAY macro is shadowing our z variable.
成员 carla::opendrive::parser::ProfilesParser::Parse (const pugi::xml_document &xml, carla::road::MapBuilder &map_builder)
: RoadInfo classes must be created to fit this information
成员 carla::road::element::DirectedPoint::ApplyLateralOffset (float lateral_offset)
Z axis??
成员 carla::road::element::FLAGS
Temporary flags to search lanes where we can find road marks. This needs to be expanded searching in shoulders too, but since shouders have a small width, they can cause problems while finding the nearest center of a lane given a location that are in a road, but very close to a shoulder.
成员 carla::road::element::GeometrySpiral::DistanceTo (const geom::Location &) const override
成员 carla::road::element::LaneCrossingCalculator::Calculate (const Map &map, const geom::Location &origin, const geom::Location &destination)
This case should also be handled.
成员 carla::road::element::RoadInfoElevation::Evaluate (const double dist, double &out_tan) const
unused? you can use the polynomial directly.
成员 carla::road::MapBuilder::GetLaneNext (RoadId road_id, SectionId section_id, LaneId lane_id)
Is it correct to use a road id as section id? (NS: I just added this cast to avoid compiler warnings).
Rename, does not represent the episode info anymore.
成员 carla::rpc::ResponseError::_what
Needs initialization, empty strings end up calling memcpy on a nullptr. Possibly a bug in MsgPack but could also be our specialization for variants
成员 carla::sensor::SensorData::client::detail::Simulator
This shouldn't be exposed in this namespace.
Lacking some optimization.
Workaround for finding the type.
成员 FActorDefinitionValidator::AreTagsValid (const FString &Tags)
Do more checks.
成员 FActorDefinitionValidator::IsIdValid (const FString &Id)
Do more checks.
成员 FActorDefinitionValidator::IsValid (const EActorAttributeType Type)
Do more checks.
成员 FActorDefinitionValidator::IsValid (const FActorDefinition &ActorDefinition)
Validate Class and make sure IDs are not repeated.
成员 FActorDefinitionValidator::ValueIsValid (const EActorAttributeType Type, const FString &Value)
Do more checks.
成员 FActorInfo::Velocity
To be used solely by the FWorldObserver.
成员 FCarlaServer::AsyncRun (uint32 NumberOfWorkerThreads)
Define better the number of threads each server gets.
This class only supports PF_R8G8B8A8 format.
成员 FPixelReader::SendPixelsInRenderThread (TSensor &Sensor, bool use16BitFormat=false, std::function< TArray< TPixel >(void *, uint32)> Conversor={})
Can we make sure the sensor is not going to be destroyed?
成员 MapGen::fixGraphData (Graph &graph)
This can probably be done at graph creation.
成员 MapGen::getRotation (float angle0, float angle1, float angle2)
There has to be a better way.
成员 MapGen::randomize (Graph &graph, const int32 seed)
We skip first face because is the surrounding face. But this won't be always the case, if the graph is generated differently it might be a different one.
成员 MapGen::RoadSegmentDescription::Add (const GraphHalfEdge &Edge)
Use a scale.
成员 UActorBlueprintFunctionLibrary::MakePedestrianDefinition (const FPedestrianParameters &Parameters, bool &Success, FActorDefinition &Definition)
We need to validate here the params.
成员 UActorBlueprintFunctionLibrary::MakePropDefinition (const FPropParameters &Parameters, bool &Success, FActorDefinition &Definition)
We need to validate here the params.
成员 UActorBlueprintFunctionLibrary::MakeVehicleDefinition (const FVehicleParameters &Parameters, bool &Success, FActorDefinition &Definition)
We need to validate here the params.
成员 UCarlaEpisode::LoadNewOpendriveEpisode (const FString &OpenDriveString, const carla::rpc::OpendriveGenerationParameters &Params)
this can take too long to finish, clients need a method to know if the navigation is available or not.
成员 UCarlaSettings::UPROPERTY (Category="Quality Settings/Low", BlueprintReadOnly, EditAnywhere, config, DisplayName="Road Materials List for Low Quality") TArray< FStaticMaterial > LowRoadMaterials
Move Low quality vars to a generic map of structs with the quality level as key.