Public 类型 | Public 成员函数 | 所有成员列表
carla::client::Sensor类 参考abstract

#include <Sensor.h>

+ 类 carla::client::Sensor 继承关系图:
+ carla::client::Sensor 的协作图:

Public 类型

using CallbackFunctionType = std::function<void(SharedPtr<sensor::SensorData>)>

Public 成员函数

 Actor (ActorInitializer init)
virtual bool IsListening () const =0
 Return whether this Sensor instance is currently listening to new data.
virtual void Listen (CallbackFunctionType callback)=0
 Register a callback to be executed each time a new measurement is received.
virtual void Stop ()=0
 Stop listening for new measurements.
- Public 成员函数 继承自 carla::client::Actor
 Actor (ActorInitializer init)
void AddAngularImpulse (const geom::Vector3D &vector)
 Add angular impulse to the actor.
void AddForce (const geom::Vector3D &force)
 Add force to the actor at its center of mass.
void AddForce (const geom::Vector3D &force, const geom::Vector3D &location)
 Add force to the actor at certain location.
void AddImpulse (const geom::Vector3D &impulse, const geom::Vector3D &location)
 Add impulse to the actor at certain location.
void AddImpulse (const geom::Vector3D &vector)
 Add impulse to the actor at its center of mass.
void AddTorque (const geom::Vector3D &vector)
 Add a torque to the actor.
virtual bool Destroy ()
 Tell the simulator to destroy this Actor, and return whether the actor was successfully destroyed.
void DisableConstantVelocity ()
 Disable the constant velocity mode
void EnableConstantVelocity (const geom::Vector3D &vector)
 Enable a constant velocity mode
geom::Vector3D GetAcceleration () const
 Return the current 3D acceleration of the actor.
rpc::ActorState GetActorState () const
geom::Vector3D GetAngularVelocity () const
 Return the current 3D angular velocity of the actor.
std::vector< std::string > GetBoneNames () const
std::vector< geom::TransformGetBoneRelativeTransforms () const
std::vector< geom::TransformGetBoneWorldTransforms () const
std::vector< std::string > GetComponentNames () const
geom::Transform GetComponentRelativeTransform (const std::string componentName) const
geom::Transform GetComponentWorldTransform (const std::string componentName) const
geom::Location GetLocation () const
 Return the current location of the actor.
std::vector< std::string > GetSocketNames () const
std::vector< geom::TransformGetSocketRelativeTransforms () const
std::vector< geom::TransformGetSocketWorldTransforms () const
geom::Transform GetTransform () const
 Return the current transform of the actor.
geom::Vector3D GetVelocity () const
 Return the current 3D velocity of the actor.
bool IsActive () const
bool IsAlive () const
bool IsDormant () const
const auto & Serialize () const
void SetActorDead ()
 Set actor as dead and starts his life span
void SetCollisions (bool enabled=true)
 Enable or disable collisions on this actor.
void SetEnableGravity (bool enabled=true)
 Enable or disable gravity on this actor.
void SetLocation (const geom::Location &location)
 Teleport the actor to location.
void SetSimulatePhysics (bool enabled=true)
 Enable or disable physics simulation on this actor.
void SetTargetAngularVelocity (const geom::Vector3D &vector)
 Set the angular velocity of the actor before applying physics.
void SetTargetVelocity (const geom::Vector3D &vector)
 Set the actor velocity before applying physics.
void SetTransform (const geom::Transform &transform)
 Teleport and rotate the actor to transform.
virtual ~Actor ()=default
- Public 成员函数 继承自 carla::client::detail::ActorState
const std::vector< ActorAttributeValue > & GetAttributes () const
const std::string & GetDisplayId () const
ActorId GetId () const
SharedPtr< ActorGetParent () const
ActorId GetParentId () const
const std::vector< uint8_t > & GetSemanticTags () const
const std::string & GetTypeId () const
World GetWorld () const


- Protected 成员函数 继承自 carla::client::detail::ActorState
 ActorState (rpc::Actor description, EpisodeProxy episode)
const rpc::ActorGetActorDescription () const
const geom::BoundingBoxGetBoundingBox () const
EpisodeProxyGetEpisode ()
const EpisodeProxyGetEpisode () const


在文件 LibCarla/source/carla/client/Sensor.h17 行定义.


◆ CallbackFunctionType

在文件 LibCarla/source/carla/client/Sensor.h20 行定义.


◆ Actor()

carla::client::Actor::Actor ( ActorInitializer init)

在文件 client/Actor.h25 行定义.

◆ IsListening()

virtual bool carla::client::Sensor::IsListening ( ) const
pure virtual

Return whether this Sensor instance is currently listening to new data.

carla::client::LaneInvasionSensor, carla::client::ServerSideSensor , 以及 carla::client::RssSensor 内被实现.

◆ Listen()

virtual void carla::client::Sensor::Listen ( CallbackFunctionType callback)
pure virtual

Register a callback to be executed each time a new measurement is received.

carla::client::LaneInvasionSensor, carla::client::ServerSideSensor , 以及 carla::client::RssSensor 内被实现.

◆ Stop()

virtual void carla::client::Sensor::Stop ( )
pure virtual

Stop listening for new measurements.

carla::client::LaneInvasionSensor, carla::client::ServerSideSensor , 以及 carla::client::RssSensor 内被实现.
