1// Copyright (c) 2017 Computer Vision Center (CVC) at the Universitat Autonoma
2// de Barcelona (UAB).
4// This work is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.
5// For a copy, see <>.
7#include "carla/StringUtil.h"
26#include "carla/road/Signal.h"
29#include <iterator>
30#include <memory>
31#include <algorithm>
33using namespace carla::road::element;
35namespace carla {
36namespace road {
38 boost::optional<Map> MapBuilder::Build() {
43 for (auto &&info : _temp_road_info_container) {
44 DEBUG_ASSERT(info.first != nullptr);
45 info.first->_info = InformationSet(std::move(info.second));
46 }
48 for (auto &&info : _temp_lane_info_container) {
49 DEBUG_ASSERT(info.first != nullptr);
50 info.first->_info = InformationSet(std::move(info.second));
51 }
53 // compute transform requires the roads to have the RoadInfo
58 // remove temporal already used information
62 // _map_data is a memeber of MapBuilder so you must especify if
63 // you want to keep it (will return copy -> Map(const Map &))
64 // or move it (will return move -> Map(Map &&))
65 Map map(std::move(_map_data));
70 return map;
71 }
73 // called from profiles parser
75 Road *road,
76 const double s,
77 const double a,
78 const double b,
79 const double c,
80 const double d) {
81 DEBUG_ASSERT(road != nullptr);
82 auto elevation = std::make_unique<RoadInfoElevation>(s, a, b, c, d);
83 _temp_road_info_container[road].emplace_back(std::move(elevation));
84 }
87 Road *road,
88 const std::string name,
89 const double s,
90 const double t,
91 const double zOffset,
92 const double hdg,
93 const double pitch,
94 const double roll,
95 const std::string orientation,
96 const double width,
97 const double length,
98 const std::vector<road::element::CrosswalkPoint> points) {
99 DEBUG_ASSERT(road != nullptr);
100 auto cross = std::make_unique<RoadInfoCrosswalk>(s, name, t, zOffset, hdg, pitch, roll, std::move(orientation), width, length, std::move(points));
101 _temp_road_info_container[road].emplace_back(std::move(cross));
102 }
104 // called from lane parser
106 Lane *lane,
107 const double s,
108 const std::string restriction) {
109 DEBUG_ASSERT(lane != nullptr);
110 _temp_lane_info_container[lane].emplace_back(std::make_unique<RoadInfoLaneAccess>(s, restriction));
111 }
114 Lane *lane,
115 const double s,
116 const double a,
117 const double b,
118 const double c,
119 const double d) {
120 DEBUG_ASSERT(lane != nullptr);
121 _temp_lane_info_container[lane].emplace_back(std::make_unique<RoadInfoLaneBorder>(s, a, b, c, d));
122 }
125 Lane *lane,
126 const double s,
127 const double inner,
128 const double outer) {
129 DEBUG_ASSERT(lane != nullptr);
130 _temp_lane_info_container[lane].emplace_back(std::make_unique<RoadInfoLaneHeight>(s, inner, outer));
131 }
134 Lane *lane,
135 const double s,
136 const std::string surface,
137 const double friction,
138 const double roughness) {
139 DEBUG_ASSERT(lane != nullptr);
140 _temp_lane_info_container[lane].emplace_back(std::make_unique<RoadInfoLaneMaterial>(s, surface, friction,
141 roughness));
142 }
145 Lane *lane,
146 const double s,
147 const std::string value) {
148 DEBUG_ASSERT(lane != nullptr);
149 _temp_lane_info_container[lane].emplace_back(std::make_unique<RoadInfoLaneRule>(s, value));
150 }
153 Lane *lane,
154 const double s,
155 const double forward,
156 const double back,
157 const double left,
158 const double right) {
159 DEBUG_ASSERT(lane != nullptr);
160 _temp_lane_info_container[lane].emplace_back(std::make_unique<RoadInfoLaneVisibility>(s, forward, back,
161 left, right));
162 }
165 Lane *lane,
166 const double s,
167 const double a,
168 const double b,
169 const double c,
170 const double d) {
171 DEBUG_ASSERT(lane != nullptr);
172 _temp_lane_info_container[lane].emplace_back(std::make_unique<RoadInfoLaneWidth>(s, a, b, c, d));
173 }
176 Lane *lane,
177 const int road_mark_id,
178 const double s,
179 const std::string type,
180 const std::string weight,
181 const std::string color,
182 const std::string material,
183 const double width,
184 std::string lane_change,
185 const double height,
186 const std::string type_name,
187 const double type_width) {
188 DEBUG_ASSERT(lane != nullptr);
191 StringUtil::ToLower(lane_change);
193 if (lane_change == "increase") {
194 lc = RoadInfoMarkRecord::LaneChange::Increase;
195 } else if (lane_change == "decrease") {
196 lc = RoadInfoMarkRecord::LaneChange::Decrease;
197 } else if (lane_change == "none") {
198 lc = RoadInfoMarkRecord::LaneChange::None;
199 } else {
200 lc = RoadInfoMarkRecord::LaneChange::Both;
201 }
202 _temp_lane_info_container[lane].emplace_back(std::make_unique<RoadInfoMarkRecord>(s, road_mark_id, type,
203 weight, color,
204 material, width, lc, height, type_name, type_width));
205 }
208 Lane *lane,
209 const int road_mark_id,
210 const double length,
211 const double space,
212 const double tOffset,
213 const double s,
214 const std::string rule,
215 const double width) {
216 DEBUG_ASSERT(lane != nullptr);
217 auto it = MakeRoadInfoIterator<RoadInfoMarkRecord>(_temp_lane_info_container[lane]);
218 for (; !it.IsAtEnd(); ++it) {
219 if (it->GetRoadMarkId() == road_mark_id) {
220 it->GetLines().emplace_back(std::make_unique<RoadInfoMarkTypeLine>(s, road_mark_id, length, space,
221 tOffset, rule, width));
222 break;
223 }
224 }
226 }
229 Lane *lane,
230 const double s,
231 const double max,
232 const std::string /*unit*/) {
233 DEBUG_ASSERT(lane != nullptr);
234 _temp_lane_info_container[lane].emplace_back(std::make_unique<RoadInfoSpeed>(s, max));
235 }
239 Road* road,
240 const SignId signal_id,
241 const double s,
242 const double t,
243 const std::string name,
244 const std::string dynamic,
245 const std::string orientation,
246 const double zOffset,
247 const std::string country,
248 const std::string type,
249 const std::string subtype,
250 const double value,
251 const std::string unit,
252 const double height,
253 const double width,
254 const std::string text,
255 const double hOffset,
256 const double pitch,
257 const double roll) {
258 _temp_signal_container[signal_id] = std::make_unique<Signal>(
259 road->GetId(),
260 signal_id,
261 s,
262 t,
263 name,
264 dynamic,
265 orientation,
266 zOffset,
267 country,
268 type,
269 subtype,
270 value,
271 unit,
272 height,
273 width,
274 text,
275 hOffset,
276 pitch,
277 roll);
279 return AddSignalReference(road, signal_id, s, t, orientation);
280 }
283 const SignId signal_id,
284 const double x,
285 const double y,
286 const double z,
287 const double hdg,
288 const double pitch,
289 const double roll) {
290 std::unique_ptr<Signal> &signal = _temp_signal_container[signal_id];
291 signal->_using_inertial_position = true;
292 geom::Location location = geom::Location(x, -y, z);
293 signal->_transform = geom::Transform (location, geom::Rotation(
294 geom::Math::ToDegrees(static_cast<float>(pitch)),
295 geom::Math::ToDegrees(static_cast<float>(-hdg)),
296 geom::Math::ToDegrees(static_cast<float>(roll))));
297 }
300 const SignId signal_id,
301 const RoadId road_id,
302 const double s,
303 const double t,
304 const double zOffset,
305 const double hOffset,
306 const double pitch,
307 const double roll) {
308 std::unique_ptr<Signal> &signal = _temp_signal_container[signal_id];
309 signal->_road_id = road_id;
310 signal->_s = s;
311 signal->_t = t;
312 signal->_zOffset = zOffset;
313 signal->_hOffset = hOffset;
314 signal->_pitch = pitch;
315 signal->_roll = roll;
316 }
319 Road* road,
320 const SignId signal_id,
321 const double s_position,
322 const double t_position,
323 const std::string signal_reference_orientation) {
325 const double epsilon = 0.00001;
326 RELEASE_ASSERT(s_position >= 0.0);
327 // Prevent s_position from being equal to the road length
328 double fixed_s = geom::Math::Clamp(s_position, 0.0, road->GetLength() - epsilon);
329 _temp_road_info_container[road].emplace_back(std::make_unique<element::RoadInfoSignal>(
330 signal_id, road->GetId(), fixed_s, t_position, signal_reference_orientation));
331 auto road_info_signal = static_cast<element::RoadInfoSignal*>(
332 _temp_road_info_container[road].back().get());
333 _temp_signal_reference_container.emplace_back(road_info_signal);
334 return road_info_signal;
335 }
338 element::RoadInfoSignal* signal_reference,
339 const LaneId from_lane,
340 const LaneId to_lane) {
341 signal_reference->_validities.emplace_back(LaneValidity(from_lane, to_lane));
342 }
345 const SignId signal_id,
346 const std::string dependency_id,
347 const std::string dependency_type) {
348 _temp_signal_container[signal_id]->_dependencies.emplace_back(
349 SignalDependency(dependency_id, dependency_type));
350 }
352 // build road objects
354 const RoadId road_id,
355 const std::string name,
356 const double length,
357 const JuncId junction_id,
358 const RoadId predecessor,
359 const RoadId successor)
360 {
362 // add it
363 auto road = &(_map_data._roads.emplace(road_id, Road()).first->second);
365 // set road data
366 road->_map_data = &_map_data;
367 road->_id = road_id;
368 road->_name = name;
369 road->_length = length;
370 road->_junction_id = junction_id;
371 (junction_id != -1) ? road->_is_junction = true : road->_is_junction = false;
372 road->_successor = successor;
373 road->_predecessor = predecessor;
375 return road;
376 }
379 Road *road,
380 const SectionId id,
381 const double s) {
382 DEBUG_ASSERT(road != nullptr);
384 sec._road = road;
385 return &sec;
386 }
390 const int32_t lane_id,
391 const uint32_t lane_type,
392 const bool lane_level,
393 const int32_t predecessor,
394 const int32_t successor) {
395 DEBUG_ASSERT(section != nullptr);
397 // add the lane
398 auto *lane = &((section->_lanes.emplace(lane_id, Lane()).first)->second);
400 // set lane data
401 lane->_id = lane_id;
402 lane->_lane_section = section;
403 lane->_level = lane_level;
404 lane->_type = static_cast<carla::road::Lane::LaneType>(lane_type);
405 lane->_successor = successor;
406 lane->_predecessor = predecessor;
408 return lane;
409 }
412 Road *road,
413 const double s,
414 const double x,
415 const double y,
416 const double hdg,
417 const double length) {
418 DEBUG_ASSERT(road != nullptr);
419 const geom::Location location(static_cast<float>(x), static_cast<float>(y), 0.0f);
420 auto line_geometry = std::make_unique<GeometryLine>(
421 s,
422 length,
423 hdg,
424 location);
426 _temp_road_info_container[road].emplace_back(std::unique_ptr<RoadInfo>(new RoadInfoGeometry(s,
427 std::move(line_geometry))));
428 }
431 Road *road,
432 const double s,
433 const std::string /*type*/,
434 const double max,
435 const std::string /*unit*/) {
436 DEBUG_ASSERT(road != nullptr);
437 _temp_road_info_container[road].emplace_back(std::make_unique<RoadInfoSpeed>(s, max));
438 }
441 Road *road,
442 const double s,
443 const double a,
444 const double b,
445 const double c,
446 const double d) {
447 DEBUG_ASSERT(road != nullptr);
448 _temp_road_info_container[road].emplace_back(std::make_unique<RoadInfoLaneOffset>(s, a, b, c, d));
449 }
452 Road *road,
453 const double s,
454 const double x,
455 const double y,
456 const double hdg,
457 const double length,
458 const double curvature) {
459 DEBUG_ASSERT(road != nullptr);
460 const geom::Location location(static_cast<float>(x), static_cast<float>(y), 0.0f);
461 auto arc_geometry = std::make_unique<GeometryArc>(
462 s,
463 length,
464 hdg,
465 location,
466 curvature);
468 _temp_road_info_container[road].emplace_back(std::unique_ptr<RoadInfo>(new RoadInfoGeometry(s,
469 std::move(arc_geometry))));
470 }
473 Road * road,
474 const double s,
475 const double x,
476 const double y,
477 const double hdg,
478 const double length,
479 const double curvStart,
480 const double curvEnd) {
481 //throw_exception(std::runtime_error("geometry spiral not supported"));
482 DEBUG_ASSERT(road != nullptr);
483 const geom::Location location(static_cast<float>(x), static_cast<float>(y), 0.0f);
484 auto spiral_geometry = std::make_unique<GeometrySpiral>(
485 s,
486 length,
487 hdg,
488 location,
489 curvStart,
490 curvEnd);
492 _temp_road_info_container[road].emplace_back(std::unique_ptr<RoadInfo>(new RoadInfoGeometry(s,
493 std::move(spiral_geometry))));
494 }
497 Road * road,
498 const double s,
499 const double x,
500 const double y,
501 const double hdg,
502 const double length,
503 const double a,
504 const double b,
505 const double c,
506 const double d) {
507 //throw_exception(std::runtime_error("geometry poly3 not supported"));
508 DEBUG_ASSERT(road != nullptr);
509 const geom::Location location(static_cast<float>(x), static_cast<float>(y), 0.0f);
510 auto poly3_geometry = std::make_unique<GeometryPoly3>(
511 s,
512 length,
513 hdg,
514 location,
515 a,
516 b,
517 c,
518 d);
519 _temp_road_info_container[road].emplace_back(std::unique_ptr<RoadInfo>(new RoadInfoGeometry(s,
520 std::move(poly3_geometry))));
521 }
524 Road * road,
525 const double s,
526 const double x,
527 const double y,
528 const double hdg,
529 const double length,
530 const double aU,
531 const double bU,
532 const double cU,
533 const double dU,
534 const double aV,
535 const double bV,
536 const double cV,
537 const double dV,
538 const std::string p_range) {
539 //throw_exception(std::runtime_error("geometry poly3 not supported"));
540 bool arcLength;
541 if(p_range == "arcLength"){
542 arcLength = true;
543 }else{
544 arcLength = false;
545 }
546 DEBUG_ASSERT(road != nullptr);
547 const geom::Location location(static_cast<float>(x), static_cast<float>(y), 0.0f);
548 auto parampoly3_geometry = std::make_unique<GeometryParamPoly3>(
549 s,
550 length,
551 hdg,
552 location,
553 aU,
554 bU,
555 cU,
556 dU,
557 aV,
558 bV,
559 cV,
560 dV,
561 arcLength);
562 _temp_road_info_container[road].emplace_back(std::unique_ptr<RoadInfo>(new RoadInfoGeometry(s,
563 std::move(parampoly3_geometry))));
564 }
566 void MapBuilder::AddJunction(const int32_t id, const std::string name) {
567 _map_data.GetJunctions().emplace(id, Junction(id, name));
568 }
571 const JuncId junction_id,
572 const ConId connection_id,
573 const RoadId incoming_road,
574 const RoadId connecting_road) {
575 DEBUG_ASSERT(_map_data.GetJunction(junction_id) != nullptr);
576 _map_data.GetJunction(junction_id)->GetConnections().emplace(connection_id,
577 Junction::Connection(connection_id, incoming_road, connecting_road));
578 }
581 const JuncId junction_id,
582 const ConId connection_id,
583 const LaneId from,
584 const LaneId to) {
585 DEBUG_ASSERT(_map_data.GetJunction(junction_id) != nullptr);
586 _map_data.GetJunction(junction_id)->GetConnection(connection_id)->AddLaneLink(from, to);
587 }
590 const JuncId junction_id,
591 std::set<road::ContId>&& controllers) {
592 DEBUG_ASSERT(_map_data.GetJunction(junction_id) != nullptr);
593 _map_data.GetJunction(junction_id)->_controllers = std::move(controllers);
594 }
597 const RoadId road_id,
598 const LaneId lane_id,
599 const double s) {
600 return &_map_data.GetRoad(road_id).GetLaneByDistance(s, lane_id);
601 }
604 const RoadId road_id) {
605 return &_map_data.GetRoad(road_id);
606 }
608 // return the pointer to a lane object
609 Lane *MapBuilder::GetEdgeLanePointer(RoadId road_id, bool from_start, LaneId lane_id) {
611 if (!_map_data.ContainsRoad(road_id)) {
612 return nullptr;
613 }
614 Road &road = _map_data.GetRoad(road_id);
616 // get the lane section
617 LaneSection *section;
618 if (from_start) {
619 section = road.GetStartSection(lane_id);
620 } else {
621 section = road.GetEndSection(lane_id);
622 }
624 // get the lane
625 DEBUG_ASSERT(section != nullptr);
626 return section->GetLane(lane_id);
627 }
629 // return a list of pointers to all lanes from a lane (using road and junction
630 // info)
631 std::vector<Lane *> MapBuilder::GetLaneNext(
632 RoadId road_id,
633 SectionId section_id,
634 LaneId lane_id) {
635 std::vector<Lane *> result;
637 if (!_map_data.ContainsRoad(road_id)) {
638 return result;
639 }
640 Road &road = _map_data.GetRoad(road_id);
642 // get the section
643 LaneSection &section = road._lane_sections.GetById(section_id);
645 // get the lane
646 Lane *lane = section.GetLane(lane_id);
647 DEBUG_ASSERT(lane != nullptr);
649 // successor and predecessor (road and lane)
650 LaneId next;
651 RoadId next_road;
652 if (lane_id <= 0) {
653 next_road = road.GetSuccessor();
654 next = lane->GetSuccessor();
655 } else {
656 next_road = road.GetPredecessor();
657 next = lane->GetPredecessor();
658 }
660 // check to see if next is a road or a junction
661 bool next_is_junction = !_map_data.ContainsRoad(next_road);
662 double s = section.GetDistance();
664 // check if we are in a lane section in the middle
665 if ((lane_id > 0 && s > 0) ||
666 (lane_id <= 0 && road._lane_sections.upper_bound(s) != road._lane_sections.end())) {
667 // check if lane has a next link (if not, it deads in the middle section)
668 if (next != 0 || (lane_id == 0 && next == 0)) {
669 // change to next / prev section
670 if (lane_id <= 0) {
671 result.push_back(road.GetNextLane(s, next));
672 } else {
673 result.push_back(road.GetPrevLane(s, next));
674 }
675 }
676 } else if (!next_is_junction) {
677 // change to another road / junction
678 if (next != 0 || (lane_id == 0 && next == 0)) {
679 // single road
680 result.push_back(GetEdgeLanePointer(next_road, (next <= 0), next));
681 }
682 } else {
683 // several roads (junction)
685 /// @todo Is it correct to use a road id as section id? (NS: I just added
686 /// this cast to avoid compiler warnings).
687 auto next_road_as_junction = static_cast<JuncId>(next_road);
688 auto options = GetJunctionLanes(next_road_as_junction, road_id, lane_id);
689 for (auto opt : options) {
690 result.push_back(GetEdgeLanePointer(opt.first, (opt.second <= 0), opt.second));
691 }
692 }
694 return result;
695 }
697 std::vector<std::pair<RoadId, LaneId>> MapBuilder::GetJunctionLanes(
698 JuncId junction_id,
699 RoadId road_id,
700 LaneId lane_id) {
701 std::vector<std::pair<RoadId, LaneId>> result;
703 // get the junction
704 Junction *junction = _map_data.GetJunction(junction_id);
705 if (junction == nullptr) {
706 return result;
707 }
709 // check all connections
710 for (auto con : junction->_connections) {
711 // only connections for our road
712 if (con.second.incoming_road == road_id) {
713 // for center lane it is always next lane id 0, we don't need to search
714 // because it is not in the junction
715 if (lane_id == 0) {
716 result.push_back(std::make_pair(con.second.connecting_road, 0));
717 } else {
718 // check all lane links
719 for (auto link : con.second.lane_links) {
720 // is our lane id ?
721 if (link.from == lane_id) {
722 // add as option
723 result.push_back(std::make_pair(con.second.connecting_road,;
724 }
725 }
726 }
727 }
728 }
730 return result;
731 }
733 // assign pointers to the next lanes
735 // process each lane to define its nexts
736 for (auto &road : _map_data._roads) {
737 for (auto &section : road.second._lane_sections) {
738 for (auto &lane : section.second._lanes) {
740 // assign the next lane pointers
741 lane.second._next_lanes = GetLaneNext(road.first, section.second._id, lane.first);
743 // add to each lane found, this as its predecessor
744 for (auto next_lane : lane.second._next_lanes) {
745 // add as previous
746 DEBUG_ASSERT(next_lane != nullptr);
747 next_lane->_prev_lanes.push_back(&lane.second);
748 }
750 }
751 }
752 }
754 // process each lane to define its nexts
755 for (auto &road : _map_data._roads) {
756 for (auto &section : road.second._lane_sections) {
757 for (auto &lane : section.second._lanes) {
759 // add next roads
760 for (auto next_lane : lane.second._next_lanes) {
761 DEBUG_ASSERT(next_lane != nullptr);
762 // avoid same road
763 if (next_lane->GetRoad() != &road.second) {
764 if (std::find(road.second._nexts.begin(), road.second._nexts.end(),
765 next_lane->GetRoad()) == road.second._nexts.end()) {
766 road.second._nexts.push_back(next_lane->GetRoad());
767 }
768 }
769 }
771 // add prev roads
772 for (auto prev_lane : lane.second._prev_lanes) {
773 DEBUG_ASSERT(prev_lane != nullptr);
774 // avoid same road
775 if (prev_lane->GetRoad() != &road.second) {
776 if (std::find(road.second._prevs.begin(), road.second._prevs.end(),
777 prev_lane->GetRoad()) == road.second._prevs.end()) {
778 road.second._prevs.push_back(prev_lane->GetRoad());
779 }
780 }
781 }
783 }
784 }
785 }
786 }
788 geom::Transform MapBuilder::ComputeSignalTransform(std::unique_ptr<Signal> &signal, MapData &data) {
789 DirectedPoint point = data.GetRoad(signal->_road_id).GetDirectedPointInNoLaneOffset(signal->_s);
790 point.ApplyLateralOffset(static_cast<float>(-signal->_t));
791 point.location.y *= -1; // Unreal Y axis hack
792 point.location.z += static_cast<float>(signal->_zOffset);
793 geom::Transform transform(point.location, geom::Rotation(
794 geom::Math::ToDegrees(static_cast<float>(signal->_pitch)),
795 geom::Math::ToDegrees(static_cast<float>(-(point.tangent + signal->_hOffset))),
796 geom::Math::ToDegrees(static_cast<float>(signal->_roll))));
797 return transform;
798 }
801 for(auto signal_reference : _temp_signal_reference_container){
802 signal_reference->_signal =
803 _temp_signal_container[signal_reference->_signal_id].get();
804 }
806 for(auto& signal_pair : _temp_signal_container) {
807 auto& signal = signal_pair.second;
808 if (signal->_using_inertial_position) {
809 continue;
810 }
811 auto transform = ComputeSignalTransform(signal, _map_data);
812 if (SignalType::IsTrafficLight(signal->GetType())) {
813 transform.location = transform.location +
814 geom::Location(transform.GetForwardVector()*0.25);
815 }
816 signal->_transform = transform;
817 }
822 }
825 for(const auto& junction : _map_data._junctions) {
826 for(const auto& controller : junction.second._controllers) {
827 auto it = _map_data._controllers.find(controller);
828 if(it != _map_data._controllers.end()){
829 if( it->second != nullptr ){
830 it->second->_junctions.insert(junction.first);
831 for(const auto & signal : it->second->_signals) {
832 auto signal_it = _map_data._signals.find(signal);
833 if( signal_it->second != nullptr ){
834 signal_it->second->_controllers.insert(controller);
835 }
836 }
837 }
838 }
839 }
840 }
841 }
844 for (auto &junctionpair : map._data.GetJunctions()) {
845 auto* junction = map.GetJunction(junctionpair.first);
846 auto waypoints = map.GetJunctionWaypoints(junction->GetId(), Lane::LaneType::Any);
847 const int number_intervals = 10;
849 float minx = std::numeric_limits<float>::max();
850 float miny = std::numeric_limits<float>::max();
851 float minz = std::numeric_limits<float>::max();
852 float maxx = -std::numeric_limits<float>::max();
853 float maxy = -std::numeric_limits<float>::max();
854 float maxz = -std::numeric_limits<float>::max();
856 auto get_min_max = [&](geom::Location position) {
857 if (position.x < minx) {
858 minx = position.x;
859 }
860 if (position.y < miny) {
861 miny = position.y;
862 }
863 if (position.z < minz) {
864 minz = position.z;
865 }
867 if (position.x > maxx) {
868 maxx = position.x;
869 }
870 if (position.y > maxy) {
871 maxy = position.y;
872 }
873 if (position.z > maxz) {
874 maxz = position.z;
875 }
876 };
878 for (auto &waypoint_p : waypoints) {
879 auto &waypoint_start = waypoint_p.first;
880 auto &waypoint_end = waypoint_p.second;
881 double interval = (waypoint_end.s - waypoint_start.s) / static_cast<double>(number_intervals);
882 auto next_wp = waypoint_end;
883 auto location = map.ComputeTransform(next_wp).location;
885 get_min_max(location);
887 next_wp = waypoint_start;
888 location = map.ComputeTransform(next_wp).location;
890 get_min_max(location);
892 for (int i = 0; i < number_intervals; ++i) {
893 if (interval < std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon())
894 break;
895 auto next = map.GetNext(next_wp, interval);
896 if(next.size()){
897 next_wp = next.back();
898 }
900 location = map.ComputeTransform(next_wp).location;
901 get_min_max(location);
902 }
903 }
904 carla::geom::Location location(0.5f * (maxx + minx), 0.5f * (maxy + miny), 0.5f * (maxz + minz));
905 carla::geom::Vector3D extent(0.5f * (maxx - minx), 0.5f * (maxy - miny), 0.5f * (maxz - minz));
907 junction->_bounding_box = carla::geom::BoundingBox(location, extent);
908 }
909 }
912 const ContId controller_id,
913 const std::string controller_name,
914 const uint32_t controller_sequence,
915 const std::set<road::SignId>&& signals) {
917 // Add the Controller to MapData
918 auto controller_pair = _map_data._controllers.emplace(
919 std::make_pair(
920 controller_id,
921 std::make_unique<Controller>(controller_id, controller_name, controller_sequence)));
923 DEBUG_ASSERT(controller_pair.first != _map_data._controllers.end());
924 DEBUG_ASSERT(controller_pair.first->second);
926 // Add the signals owned by the controller
927 controller_pair.first->second->_signals = std::move(signals);
929 // Add ContId to the signal owned by this Controller
930 auto& signals_map = _map_data._signals;
931 for(auto signal: signals) {
932 auto it = signals_map.find(signal);
933 if(it != signals_map.end()) {
934 it->second->_controllers.insert(signal);
935 }
936 }
940 for (auto &junctionpair : map._data.GetJunctions()) {
941 auto& junction = junctionpair.second;
942 junction._road_conflicts = (map.ComputeJunctionConflicts(junction.GetId()));
943 }
944 }
947 for (auto * signal_reference : _temp_signal_reference_container) {
948 if (signal_reference->_validities.size() == 0) {
949 Road* road = GetRoad(signal_reference->GetRoadId());
950 auto lanes = road->GetLanesByDistance(signal_reference->GetS());
951 switch (signal_reference->GetOrientation()) {
953 LaneId min_lane = 1;
954 LaneId max_lane = 0;
955 for (const auto* lane : lanes) {
956 auto lane_id = lane->GetId();
957 if(lane_id > max_lane) {
958 max_lane = lane_id;
959 }
960 }
961 if(min_lane <= max_lane) {
962 AddValidityToSignalReference(signal_reference, min_lane, max_lane);
963 }
964 break;
965 }
967 LaneId min_lane = 0;
968 LaneId max_lane = -1;
969 for (const auto* lane : lanes) {
970 auto lane_id = lane->GetId();
971 if(lane_id < min_lane) {
972 min_lane = lane_id;
973 }
974 }
975 if(min_lane <= max_lane) {
976 AddValidityToSignalReference(signal_reference, min_lane, max_lane);
977 }
978 break;
979 }
981 // Get positive lanes
982 LaneId min_lane = 1;
983 LaneId max_lane = 0;
984 for (const auto* lane : lanes) {
985 auto lane_id = lane->GetId();
986 if(lane_id > max_lane) {
987 max_lane = lane_id;
988 }
989 }
990 if(min_lane <= max_lane) {
991 AddValidityToSignalReference(signal_reference, min_lane, max_lane);
992 }
994 // get negative lanes
995 min_lane = 0;
996 max_lane = -1;
997 for (const auto* lane : lanes) {
998 auto lane_id = lane->GetId();
999 if(lane_id < min_lane) {
1000 min_lane = lane_id;
1001 }
1002 }
1003 if(min_lane <= max_lane) {
1004 AddValidityToSignalReference(signal_reference, min_lane, max_lane);
1005 }
1006 break;
1007 }
1008 }
1009 }
1010 }
1011 }
1014 std::vector<element::RoadInfoSignal*> elements_to_remove;
1015 for (auto * signal_reference : _temp_signal_reference_container) {
1016 bool should_remove = true;
1017 for (auto & lane_validity : signal_reference->_validities) {
1018 if ( (lane_validity._from_lane != 0) ||
1019 (lane_validity._to_lane != 0)) {
1020 should_remove = false;
1021 break;
1022 }
1023 }
1024 if (signal_reference->_validities.size() == 0) {
1025 should_remove = false;
1026 }
1027 if (should_remove) {
1028 elements_to_remove.push_back(signal_reference);
1029 }
1030 }
1031 for (auto* element : elements_to_remove) {
1032 auto road_id = element->GetRoadId();
1033 auto& road_info = _temp_road_info_container[GetRoad(road_id)];
1034 road_info.erase(std::remove_if(road_info.begin(), road_info.end(),
1035 [=] (auto& info_ptr) {
1036 return (info_ptr.get() == element);
1037 }), road_info.end());
1039 _temp_signal_reference_container.end(), element),
1041 }
1042 }
1045 for (auto& signal_pair : map._data._signals) {
1046 auto& signal = signal_pair.second;
1047 auto signal_position = signal->GetTransform().location;
1048 auto signal_rotation = signal->GetTransform().rotation;
1049 auto closest_waypoint_to_signal =
1050 map.GetClosestWaypointOnRoad(signal_position,
1051 static_cast<int32_t>(carla::road::Lane::LaneType::Shoulder) | static_cast<int32_t>(carla::road::Lane::LaneType::Driving));
1052 // workarround to not move stencil stop
1053 if (
1054 signal->GetName().find("Stencil_STOP") != std::string::npos ||
1055 signal->GetName().find("STATIC") != std::string::npos ||
1056 signal->_using_inertial_position) {
1057 continue;
1058 }
1059 if(closest_waypoint_to_signal) {
1060 auto road_transform = map.ComputeTransform(closest_waypoint_to_signal.get());
1061 auto distance_to_road = (road_transform.location -signal_position).Length();
1062 double lane_width = map.GetLaneWidth(closest_waypoint_to_signal.get());
1063 int displacement_direction = 1;
1064 int iter = 0;
1065 int MaxIter = 10;
1066 // Displaces signal until it finds a suitable spot
1067 while(distance_to_road < (lane_width * 0.7) && iter < MaxIter && displacement_direction != 0) {
1068 if(iter == 0) {
1069 log_debug("Traffic sign",
1070 signal->GetSignalId(),
1071 "overlaps a driving lane. Moving out of the road...");
1072 }
1074 auto right_waypoint = map.GetRight(closest_waypoint_to_signal.get());
1075 auto right_lane_type = (right_waypoint) ? map.GetLaneType(right_waypoint.get()) : carla::road::Lane::LaneType::None;
1077 auto left_waypoint = map.GetLeft(closest_waypoint_to_signal.get());
1078 auto left_lane_type = (left_waypoint) ? map.GetLaneType(left_waypoint.get()) : carla::road::Lane::LaneType::None;
1080 if (right_lane_type != carla::road::Lane::LaneType::Driving) {
1081 displacement_direction = 1;
1082 } else if (left_lane_type != carla::road::Lane::LaneType::Driving) {
1083 displacement_direction = -1;
1084 } else {
1085 displacement_direction = 0;
1086 }
1088 geom::Vector3D displacement = 1.f*(road_transform.GetRightVector()) *
1089 static_cast<float>(abs(lane_width))*0.2f;
1090 signal_position += (displacement * displacement_direction);
1091 signal_rotation = road_transform.rotation;
1092 closest_waypoint_to_signal =
1093 map.GetClosestWaypointOnRoad(signal_position,
1094 static_cast<int32_t>(carla::road::Lane::LaneType::Shoulder) | static_cast<int32_t>(carla::road::Lane::LaneType::Driving));
1095 distance_to_road =
1096 (map.ComputeTransform(closest_waypoint_to_signal.get()).location -
1097 signal_position).Length();
1098 lane_width = map.GetLaneWidth(closest_waypoint_to_signal.get());
1099 iter++;
1100 }
1101 if(iter == MaxIter) {
1102 log_debug("Failed to find suitable place for signal.");
1103 } else {
1104 // Only perform the displacement if a good location has been found
1105 signal->_transform.location = signal_position;
1106 signal->_transform.rotation = signal_rotation;
1107 }
1108 }
1109 }
1110 }
1112} // namespace road
1113} // namespace carla
#define DEBUG_ASSERT(predicate)
Definition Debug.h:66
#define RELEASE_ASSERT(pred)
Definition Debug.h:84
static void ToLower(WritableRangeT &str)
Definition StringUtil.h:36
static T Clamp(T a, T min=T(0), T max=T(1))
Definition Math.h:49
static constexpr T ToDegrees(T rad)
Definition Math.h:37
Connection * GetConnection(ConId id)
std::set< ContId > _controllers
std::unordered_map< ConId, Connection > & GetConnections()
std::unordered_map< ConId, Connection > _connections
LaneSection & Emplace(SectionId id, double s)
LaneSection & GetById(SectionId id)
double GetDistance() const
Lane * GetLane(const LaneId id)
std::map< LaneId, Lane > _lanes
Definition LaneSection.h:61
Can be used as flags
Definition Lane.h:29
LaneId GetPredecessor() const
Definition Lane.h:102
LaneId GetSuccessor() const
Definition Lane.h:98
std::unordered_map< SignId, std::unique_ptr< Signal > > _temp_signal_container
Definition MapBuilder.h:420
void AddRoadGeometryArc(carla::road::Road *road, const double s, const double x, const double y, const double hdg, const double length, const double curvature)
void CreateController(const ContId controller_id, const std::string controller_name, const uint32_t controller_sequence, const std::set< road::SignId > &&signals)
carla::road::Lane * AddRoadSectionLane(carla::road::LaneSection *section, const LaneId lane_id, const uint32_t lane_type, const bool lane_level, const LaneId predecessor, const LaneId successor)
void AddSignalPositionRoad(const SignId signal_id, const RoadId road_id, const double s, const double t, const double zOffset, const double hOffset, const double pitch, const double roll)
void AddSignalPositionInertial(const SignId signal_id, const double x, const double y, const double z, const double hdg, const double pitch, const double roll)
void CreateRoadSpeed(Road *road, const double s, const std::string type, const double max, const std::string unit)
carla::road::Road * AddRoad(const RoadId road_id, const std::string name, const double length, const JuncId junction_id, const RoadId predecessor, const RoadId successor)
void CreateSectionOffset(Road *road, const double s, const double a, const double b, const double c, const double d)
void AddJunctionController(const JuncId junction_id, std::set< ContId > &&controllers)
carla::road::LaneSection * AddRoadSection(carla::road::Road *road, const SectionId id, const double s)
void CreateLaneAccess(Lane *lane, const double s, const std::string restriction)
void AddRoadObjectCrosswalk(Road *road, const std::string name, const double s, const double t, const double zOffset, const double hdg, const double pitch, const double roll, const std::string orientation, const double width, const double length, const std::vector< road::element::CrosswalkPoint > points)
void CreateLaneHeight(Lane *lane, const double s, const double inner, const double outer)
geom::Transform ComputeSignalTransform(std::unique_ptr< Signal > &signal, MapData &data)
Lane * GetLane(const RoadId road_id, const LaneId lane_id, const double s)
void CreateLaneBorder(Lane *lane, const double s, const double a, const double b, const double c, const double d)
void ComputeJunctionRoadConflicts(Map &map)
Compute the conflicts of the roads (intersecting roads)
void AddValidityToSignalReference(element::RoadInfoSignal *signal_reference, const LaneId from_lane, const LaneId to_lane)
void CreateLaneRule(Lane *lane, const double s, const std::string value)
void SolveControllerAndJuntionReferences()
Solve the references between Controllers and Juntions
void AddRoadElevationProfile(Road *road, const double s, const double a, const double b, const double c, const double d)
boost::optional< Map > Build()
void AddJunction(const JuncId id, const std::string name)
void CreateLaneSpeed(Lane *lane, const double s, const double max, const std::string unit)
std::unordered_map< Road *, std::vector< std::unique_ptr< element::RoadInfo > > > _temp_road_info_container
Map to temporary store all the road and lane infos until the map is built, so they can be added all t...
Definition MapBuilder.h:414
void AddLaneLink(const JuncId junction_id, const ConId connection_id, const LaneId from, const LaneId to)
void AddDependencyToSignal(const SignId signal_id, const std::string dependency_id, const std::string dependency_type)
void AddRoadGeometryParamPoly3(carla::road::Road *road, const double s, const double x, const double y, const double hdg, const double length, const double aU, const double bU, const double cU, const double dU, const double aV, const double bV, const double cV, const double dV, const std::string p_range)
std::vector< std::pair< RoadId, LaneId > > GetJunctionLanes(JuncId junction_id, RoadId road_id, LaneId lane_id)
void RemoveZeroLaneValiditySignalReferences()
Removes signal references with lane validity equal to [0,0] as they have no effect on any road
void CreateRoadMarkTypeLine(Lane *lane, const int road_mark_id, const double length, const double space, const double tOffset, const double s, const std::string rule, const double width)
void CreateJunctionBoundingBoxes(Map &map)
Create the bounding boxes of each junction
element::RoadInfoSignal * AddSignalReference(Road *road, const SignId signal_id, const double s_position, const double t_position, const std::string signal_reference_orientation)
std::unordered_map< Lane *, std::vector< std::unique_ptr< element::RoadInfo > > > _temp_lane_info_container
Definition MapBuilder.h:417
std::vector< element::RoadInfoSignal * > _temp_signal_reference_container
Definition MapBuilder.h:422
void AddRoadGeometryPoly3(carla::road::Road *road, const double s, const double x, const double y, const double hdg, const double length, const double a, const double b, const double c, const double d)
void GenerateDefaultValiditiesForSignalReferences()
Generates a default validity field for signal references with missing validity record in OpenDRIVE
void AddConnection(const JuncId junction_id, const ConId connection_id, const RoadId incoming_road, const RoadId connecting_road)
element::RoadInfoSignal * AddSignal(Road *road, const SignId signal_id, const double s, const double t, const std::string name, const std::string dynamic, const std::string orientation, const double zOffset, const std::string country, const std::string type, const std::string subtype, const double value, const std::string unit, const double height, const double width, const std::string text, const double hOffset, const double pitch, const double roll)
void CreateRoadMark(Lane *lane, const int road_mark_id, const double s, const std::string type, const std::string weight, const std::string color, const std::string material, const double width, const std::string lane_change, const double height, const std::string type_name, const double type_width)
std::vector< Lane * > GetLaneNext(RoadId road_id, SectionId section_id, LaneId lane_id)
Return a list of pointers to all lanes from a lane (using road and junction info).
void CreateLaneWidth(Lane *lane, const double s, const double a, const double b, const double c, const double d)
void SolveSignalReferencesAndTransforms()
Solves the signal references in the road
void CreateLaneVisibility(Lane *lane, const double s, const double forward, const double back, const double left, const double right)
void CreatePointersBetweenRoadSegments()
Create the pointers between RoadSegments based on the ids.
Road * GetRoad(const RoadId road_id)
void CreateLaneMaterial(Lane *lane, const double s, const std::string surface, const double friction, const double roughness)
void CheckSignalsOnRoads(Map &map)
Checks signals overlapping driving lanes and emits a warning
void AddRoadGeometrySpiral(carla::road::Road *road, const double s, const double x, const double y, const double hdg, const double length, const double curvStart, const double curvEnd)
void AddRoadGeometryLine(carla::road::Road *road, const double s, const double x, const double y, const double hdg, const double length)
Lane * GetEdgeLanePointer(RoadId road_id, bool from_start, LaneId lane_id)
Return the pointer to a lane object.
std::unordered_map< RoadId, Road > _roads
Definition MapData.h:94
Road & GetRoad(const RoadId id)
Definition MapData.cpp:21
std::unordered_map< ContId, std::unique_ptr< Controller > > _controllers
Definition MapData.h:100
std::unordered_map< JuncId, Junction > _junctions
Definition MapData.h:96
bool ContainsRoad(RoadId id) const
Definition MapData.h:48
std::unordered_map< JuncId, Junction > & GetJunctions()
Definition MapData.cpp:17
Junction * GetJunction(JuncId id)
Definition MapData.cpp:29
std::unordered_map< SignId, std::unique_ptr< Signal > > _signals
Definition MapData.h:98
Lane::LaneType GetLaneType(Waypoint waypoint) const
Definition road/Map.cpp:281
double GetLaneWidth(Waypoint waypoint) const
Definition road/Map.cpp:285
boost::optional< element::Waypoint > GetClosestWaypointOnRoad(const geom::Location &location, int32_t lane_type=static_cast< int32_t >(Lane::LaneType::Driving)) const
Definition road/Map.cpp:165
boost::optional< Waypoint > GetRight(Waypoint waypoint) const
Return a waypoint at the lane of waypoint's right lane.
Definition road/Map.cpp:626
boost::optional< Waypoint > GetLeft(Waypoint waypoint) const
Return a waypoint at the lane of waypoint's left lane.
Definition road/Map.cpp:636
std::vector< Waypoint > GetNext(Waypoint waypoint, double distance) const
Return the list of waypoints at distance such that a vehicle at waypoint could drive to.
Definition road/Map.cpp:554
Junction * GetJunction(JuncId id)
Definition road/Map.cpp:997
geom::Transform ComputeTransform(Waypoint waypoint) const
Definition road/Map.cpp:273
std::vector< std::pair< Waypoint, Waypoint > > GetJunctionWaypoints(JuncId id, Lane::LaneType lane_type) const
Generate waypoints of the junction
Definition road/Map.cpp:747
std::unordered_map< road::RoadId, std::unordered_set< road::RoadId > > ComputeJunctionConflicts(JuncId id) const
Definition road/Map.cpp:764
MapData * _map_data
Definition Road.h:185
RoadId GetPredecessor() const
Definition Road.cpp:54
double GetLength() const
Definition Road.cpp:38
Lane * GetPrevLane(const double s, const LaneId lane_id)
Definition Road.cpp:136
LaneSectionMap _lane_sections
Definition Road.h:197
RoadId GetSuccessor() const
Definition Road.cpp:50
RoadId GetId() const
Definition Road.cpp:30
LaneSection * GetStartSection(LaneId id)
Get the start section (from road coordinates s) given a lane id
Definition Road.cpp:154
Lane * GetNextLane(const double s, const LaneId lane_id)
Definition Road.cpp:119
Lane & GetLaneByDistance(double s, LaneId lane_id)
Definition Road.cpp:74
std::vector< Lane * > GetLanesByDistance(double s)
Get all lanes from all lane sections in a specific s
Definition Road.cpp:88
element::DirectedPoint GetDirectedPointInNoLaneOffset(const double s) const
Returns a directed point on the center of the road (lane 0), with the corresponding laneOffset and el...
Definition Road.cpp:202
LaneSection * GetEndSection(LaneId id)
Get the end section (from road coordinates s) given a lane id
Definition Road.cpp:167
static bool IsTrafficLight(const std::string &type)
std::vector< LaneValidity > _validities
uint32_t SectionId
Definition RoadTypes.h:21
int32_t JuncId
Definition RoadTypes.h:17
std::string ContId
Definition RoadTypes.h:29
int32_t LaneId
Definition RoadTypes.h:19
uint32_t RoadId
Definition RoadTypes.h:15
std::string SignId
Definition RoadTypes.h:25
uint32_t ConId
Definition RoadTypes.h:27
This file contains definitions of common data structures used in traffic manager.
Definition Carla.cpp:133
static void log_debug(Args &&... args)
Definition Logging.h:68
void AddLaneLink(LaneId from, LaneId to)
void ApplyLateralOffset(float lateral_offset)
Definition Geometry.cpp:28