1// Copyright (c) 2020 Computer Vision Center (CVC) at the Universitat Autonoma
2// de Barcelona (UAB).
4// This work is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.
5// For a copy, see <>.
7#include "carla/road/Map.h"
8#include "carla/Exception.h"
9#include "carla/geom/Math.h"
10#include "carla/geom/Vector3D.h"
25#include <vector>
26#include <unordered_map>
27#include <stdexcept>
28#include <chrono>
29#include <thread>
30#include <iomanip>
31#include <cmath>
33namespace carla {
34namespace road {
36 using namespace carla::road::element;
38 /// We use this epsilon to shift the waypoints away from the edges of the lane
39 /// sections to avoid floating point precision errors.
40 static constexpr double EPSILON = 10.0 * std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon();
42 // ===========================================================================
43 // -- Static local methods ---------------------------------------------------
44 // ===========================================================================
46 template <typename T>
47 static std::vector<T> ConcatVectors(std::vector<T> dst, std::vector<T> src) {
48 if (src.size() > dst.size()) {
49 return ConcatVectors(src, dst);
50 }
51 dst.insert(
52 dst.end(),
53 std::make_move_iterator(src.begin()),
54 std::make_move_iterator(src.end()));
55 return dst;
56 }
58 static double GetDistanceAtStartOfLane(const Lane &lane) {
59 if (lane.GetId() <= 0) {
60 return lane.GetDistance() + 10.0 * EPSILON;
61 } else {
62 return lane.GetDistance() + lane.GetLength() - 10.0 * EPSILON;
63 }
64 }
66 static double GetDistanceAtEndOfLane(const Lane &lane) {
67 if (lane.GetId() > 0) {
68 return lane.GetDistance() + 10.0 * EPSILON;
69 } else {
70 return lane.GetDistance() + lane.GetLength() - 10.0 * EPSILON;
71 }
72 }
74 /// Return a waypoint for each drivable lane on @a lane_section.
75 template <typename FuncT>
77 RoadId road_id,
78 const LaneSection &lane_section,
79 double distance,
80 FuncT &&func) {
81 for (const auto &pair : lane_section.GetLanes()) {
82 const auto &lane = pair.second;
83 if (lane.GetId() == 0) {
84 continue;
85 }
86 if ((static_cast<uint32_t>(lane.GetType()) & static_cast<uint32_t>(Lane::LaneType::Driving)) > 0) {
87 std::forward<FuncT>(func)(Waypoint{
88 road_id,
89 lane_section.GetId(),
90 lane.GetId(),
91 distance < 0.0 ? GetDistanceAtStartOfLane(lane) : distance});
92 }
93 }
94 }
96 template <typename FuncT>
97 static void ForEachLaneImpl(
98 RoadId road_id,
99 const LaneSection &lane_section,
100 double distance,
101 Lane::LaneType lane_type,
102 FuncT &&func) {
103 for (const auto &pair : lane_section.GetLanes()) {
104 const auto &lane = pair.second;
105 if (lane.GetId() == 0) {
106 continue;
107 }
108 if ((static_cast<int32_t>(lane.GetType()) & static_cast<int32_t>(lane_type)) > 0) {
109 std::forward<FuncT>(func)(Waypoint{
110 road_id,
111 lane_section.GetId(),
112 lane.GetId(),
113 distance < 0.0 ? GetDistanceAtStartOfLane(lane) : distance});
114 }
115 }
116 }
118 /// Return a waypoint for each drivable lane on each lane section of @a road.
119 template <typename FuncT>
120 static void ForEachDrivableLane(const Road &road, FuncT &&func) {
121 for (const auto &lane_section : road.GetLaneSections()) {
123 road.GetId(),
124 lane_section,
125 -1.0, // At start of the lane
126 std::forward<FuncT>(func));
127 }
128 }
130 /// Return a waypoint for each lane of the specified type on each lane section of @a road.
131 template <typename FuncT>
132 static void ForEachLane(const Road &road, Lane::LaneType lane_type, FuncT &&func) {
133 for (const auto &lane_section : road.GetLaneSections()) {
135 road.GetId(),
136 lane_section,
137 -1.0, // At start of the lane
138 lane_type,
139 std::forward<FuncT>(func));
140 }
141 }
143 /// Return a waypoint for each drivable lane at @a distance on @a road.
144 template <typename FuncT>
145 static void ForEachDrivableLaneAt(const Road &road, double distance, FuncT &&func) {
146 for (const auto &lane_section : road.GetLaneSectionsAt(distance)) {
148 road.GetId(),
149 lane_section,
150 distance,
151 std::forward<FuncT>(func));
152 }
153 }
155 /// Assumes road_id and section_id are valid.
156 static bool IsLanePresent(const MapData &data, Waypoint waypoint) {
157 const auto &section = data.GetRoad(waypoint.road_id).GetLaneSectionById(waypoint.section_id);
158 return section.ContainsLane(waypoint.lane_id);
159 }
161 // ===========================================================================
162 // -- Map: Geometry ----------------------------------------------------------
163 // ===========================================================================
165 boost::optional<Waypoint> Map::GetClosestWaypointOnRoad(
166 const geom::Location &pos,
167 int32_t lane_type) const {
168 std::vector<Rtree::TreeElement> query_result =
170 [&](Rtree::TreeElement const &element) {
171 const Lane &lane = GetLane(element.second.first);
172 return (lane_type & static_cast<int32_t>(lane.GetType())) > 0;
173 });
175 if (query_result.size() == 0) {
176 return boost::optional<Waypoint>{};
177 }
179 Rtree::BSegment segment = query_result.front().first;
180 Rtree::BPoint s1 = segment.first;
181 Rtree::BPoint s2 = segment.second;
182 auto distance_to_segment = geom::Math::DistanceSegmentToPoint(pos,
183 geom::Vector3D(s1.get<0>(), s1.get<1>(), s1.get<2>()),
184 geom::Vector3D(s2.get<0>(), s2.get<1>(), s2.get<2>()));
186 Waypoint result_start = query_result.front().second.first;
187 Waypoint result_end = query_result.front().second.second;
189 if (result_start.lane_id < 0) {
190 double delta_s = distance_to_segment.first;
191 double final_s = result_start.s + delta_s;
192 if (final_s >= result_end.s) {
193 return result_end;
194 } else if (delta_s <= 0) {
195 return result_start;
196 } else {
197 return GetNext(result_start, delta_s).front();
198 }
199 } else {
200 double delta_s = distance_to_segment.first;
201 double final_s = result_start.s - delta_s;
202 if (final_s <= result_end.s) {
203 return result_end;
204 } else if (delta_s <= 0) {
205 return result_start;
206 } else {
207 return GetNext(result_start, delta_s).front();
208 }
209 }
210 }
212 boost::optional<Waypoint> Map::GetWaypoint(
213 const geom::Location &pos,
214 int32_t lane_type) const {
215 boost::optional<Waypoint> w = GetClosestWaypointOnRoad(pos, lane_type);
217 if (!w.has_value()) {
218 return w;
219 }
221 const auto dist = geom::Math::Distance2D(ComputeTransform(*w).location, pos);
222 const auto lane_width_info = GetLane(*w).GetInfo<RoadInfoLaneWidth>(w->s);
223 const auto half_lane_width =
224 lane_width_info->GetPolynomial().Evaluate(w->s) * 0.5;
226 if (dist < half_lane_width) {
227 return w;
228 }
230 return boost::optional<Waypoint>{};
231 }
233 boost::optional<Waypoint> Map::GetWaypoint(
234 RoadId road_id,
235 LaneId lane_id,
236 float s) const {
238 // define the waypoint with the known parameters
239 Waypoint waypoint;
240 waypoint.road_id = road_id;
241 waypoint.lane_id = lane_id;
242 waypoint.s = s;
244 // check the road
245 if (!_data.ContainsRoad(waypoint.road_id)) {
246 return boost::optional<Waypoint>{};
247 }
248 const Road &road = _data.GetRoad(waypoint.road_id);
250 // check the 's' distance
251 if (s < 0.0f || s >= road.GetLength()) {
252 return boost::optional<Waypoint>{};
253 }
255 // check the section
256 bool lane_found = false;
257 for (auto &section : road.GetLaneSectionsAt(s)) {
258 if (section.ContainsLane(lane_id)) {
259 waypoint.section_id = section.GetId();
260 lane_found = true;
261 break;
262 }
263 }
265 // check the lane id
266 if (!lane_found) {
267 return boost::optional<Waypoint>{};
268 }
270 return waypoint;
271 }
274 return GetLane(waypoint).ComputeTransform(waypoint.s);
275 }
277 // ===========================================================================
278 // -- Map: Road information --------------------------------------------------
279 // ===========================================================================
282 return GetLane(waypoint).GetType();
283 }
285 double Map::GetLaneWidth(const Waypoint waypoint) const {
286 const auto s = waypoint.s;
288 const auto &lane = GetLane(waypoint);
289 RELEASE_ASSERT(lane.GetRoad() != nullptr);
290 RELEASE_ASSERT(s <= lane.GetRoad()->GetLength());
292 const auto lane_width_info = lane.GetInfo<RoadInfoLaneWidth>(s);
293 RELEASE_ASSERT(lane_width_info != nullptr);
295 return lane_width_info->GetPolynomial().Evaluate(s);
296 }
299 return _data.GetRoad(road_id).GetJunctionId();
300 }
302 bool Map::IsJunction(RoadId road_id) const {
303 return _data.GetRoad(road_id).IsJunction();
304 }
306 std::pair<const RoadInfoMarkRecord *, const RoadInfoMarkRecord *>
307 Map::GetMarkRecord(const Waypoint waypoint) const {
308 // if lane Id is 0, just return a pair of nulls
309 if (waypoint.lane_id == 0)
310 return std::make_pair(nullptr, nullptr);
312 const auto s = waypoint.s;
314 const auto &current_lane = GetLane(waypoint);
315 RELEASE_ASSERT(current_lane.GetRoad() != nullptr);
316 RELEASE_ASSERT(s <= current_lane.GetRoad()->GetLength());
318 const auto inner_lane_id = waypoint.lane_id < 0 ?
319 waypoint.lane_id + 1 :
320 waypoint.lane_id - 1;
322 const auto &inner_lane = current_lane.GetRoad()->GetLaneById(waypoint.section_id, inner_lane_id);
324 auto current_lane_info = current_lane.GetInfo<RoadInfoMarkRecord>(s);
325 auto inner_lane_info = inner_lane.GetInfo<RoadInfoMarkRecord>(s);
327 return std::make_pair(current_lane_info, inner_lane_info);
328 }
330 std::vector<Map::SignalSearchData> Map::GetSignalsInDistance(
331 Waypoint waypoint, double distance, bool stop_at_junction) const {
333 const auto &lane = GetLane(waypoint);
334 const bool forward = (waypoint.lane_id <= 0);
335 const double signed_distance = forward ? distance : -distance;
336 const double relative_s = waypoint.s - lane.GetDistance();
337 const double remaining_lane_length = forward ? lane.GetLength() - relative_s : relative_s;
338 DEBUG_ASSERT(remaining_lane_length >= 0.0);
340 auto &road =_data.GetRoad(waypoint.road_id);
341 std::vector<SignalSearchData> result;
343 // If after subtracting the distance we are still in the same lane, return
344 // same waypoint with the extra distance.
345 if (distance <= remaining_lane_length) {
346 auto signals = road.GetInfosInRange<RoadInfoSignal>(
347 waypoint.s, waypoint.s + signed_distance);
348 for(auto* signal : signals){
349 double distance_to_signal = 0;
350 if (waypoint.lane_id < 0){
351 distance_to_signal = signal->GetDistance() - waypoint.s;
352 } else {
353 distance_to_signal = waypoint.s - signal->GetDistance();
354 }
355 // check that the signal affects the waypoint
356 bool is_valid = false;
357 for (auto &validity : signal->GetValidities()) {
358 if (waypoint.lane_id >= validity._from_lane &&
359 waypoint.lane_id <= validity._to_lane) {
360 is_valid = true;
361 break;
362 }
363 }
364 if(!is_valid){
365 continue;
366 }
367 if (distance_to_signal == 0) {
368 result.emplace_back(SignalSearchData
369 {signal, waypoint,
370 distance_to_signal});
371 } else {
372 result.emplace_back(SignalSearchData
373 {signal, GetNext(waypoint, distance_to_signal).front(),
374 distance_to_signal});
375 }
377 }
378 return result;
379 }
380 const double signed_remaining_length = forward ? remaining_lane_length : -remaining_lane_length;
382 //result = road.GetInfosInRange<RoadInfoSignal>(waypoint.s, waypoint.s + signed_remaining_length);
383 auto signals = road.GetInfosInRange<RoadInfoSignal>(
384 waypoint.s, waypoint.s + signed_remaining_length);
385 for(auto* signal : signals){
386 double distance_to_signal = 0;
387 if (waypoint.lane_id < 0){
388 distance_to_signal = signal->GetDistance() - waypoint.s;
389 } else {
390 distance_to_signal = waypoint.s - signal->GetDistance();
391 }
392 // check that the signal affects the waypoint
393 bool is_valid = false;
394 for (auto &validity : signal->GetValidities()) {
395 if (waypoint.lane_id >= validity._from_lane &&
396 waypoint.lane_id <= validity._to_lane) {
397 is_valid = true;
398 break;
399 }
400 }
401 if(!is_valid){
402 continue;
403 }
404 if (distance_to_signal == 0) {
405 result.emplace_back(SignalSearchData
406 {signal, waypoint,
407 distance_to_signal});
408 } else {
409 result.emplace_back(SignalSearchData
410 {signal, GetNext(waypoint, distance_to_signal).front(),
411 distance_to_signal});
412 }
413 }
414 // If we run out of remaining_lane_length we have to go to the successors.
415 for (auto &successor : GetSuccessors(waypoint)) {
416 if(_data.GetRoad(successor.road_id).IsJunction() && stop_at_junction){
417 continue;
418 }
419 auto& sucessor_lane = _data.GetRoad(successor.road_id).
420 GetLaneByDistance(successor.s, successor.lane_id);
421 if (successor.lane_id < 0) {
422 successor.s = sucessor_lane.GetDistance();
423 } else {
424 successor.s = sucessor_lane.GetDistance() + sucessor_lane.GetLength();
425 }
426 auto sucessor_signals = GetSignalsInDistance(
427 successor, distance - remaining_lane_length, stop_at_junction);
428 for(auto& signal : sucessor_signals){
429 signal.accumulated_s += remaining_lane_length;
430 }
431 result = ConcatVectors(result, sucessor_signals);
432 }
433 return result;
434 }
436 std::vector<const element::RoadInfoSignal*>
438 std::vector<const element::RoadInfoSignal*> result;
439 for (const auto& road_pair : _data.GetRoads()) {
440 const auto &road = road_pair.second;
441 auto road_infos = road.GetInfos<element::RoadInfoSignal>();
442 for(const auto* road_info : road_infos) {
443 result.push_back(road_info);
444 }
445 }
446 return result;
447 }
449 std::vector<LaneMarking> Map::CalculateCrossedLanes(
450 const geom::Location &origin,
451 const geom::Location &destination) const {
452 return LaneCrossingCalculator::Calculate(*this, origin, destination);
453 }
455 std::vector<geom::Location> Map::GetAllCrosswalkZones() const {
456 std::vector<geom::Location> result;
458 for (const auto &pair : _data.GetRoads()) {
459 const auto &road = pair.second;
460 std::vector<const RoadInfoCrosswalk *> crosswalks = road.GetInfos<RoadInfoCrosswalk>();
461 if (crosswalks.size() > 0) {
462 for (auto crosswalk : crosswalks) {
463 // waypoint only at start position
464 std::vector<geom::Location> points;
465 Waypoint waypoint;
466 geom::Transform base;
467 for (const auto &section : road.GetLaneSectionsAt(crosswalk->GetS())) {
468 // get the section with the center lane
469 for (const auto &lane : section.GetLanes()) {
470 // is the center line
471 if (lane.first == 0) {
472 // get the center point
473 waypoint.road_id = pair.first;
474 waypoint.section_id = section.GetId();
475 waypoint.lane_id = 0;
476 waypoint.s = crosswalk->GetS();
477 base = ComputeTransform(waypoint);
478 }
479 }
480 }
482 // move perpendicular ('t')
483 geom::Transform pivot = base;
484 pivot.rotation.yaw -= geom::Math::ToDegrees<float>(static_cast<float>(crosswalk->GetHeading()));
485 pivot.rotation.yaw -= 90; // move perpendicular to 's' for the lateral offset
486 geom::Vector3D v(static_cast<float>(crosswalk->GetT()), 0.0f, 0.0f);
487 pivot.TransformPoint(v);
488 // restore pivot position and orientation
489 pivot = base;
490 pivot.location = v;
491 pivot.rotation.yaw -= geom::Math::ToDegrees<float>(static_cast<float>(crosswalk->GetHeading()));
493 // calculate all the corners
494 for (auto corner : crosswalk->GetPoints()) {
496 static_cast<float>(corner.u),
497 static_cast<float>(corner.v),
498 static_cast<float>(corner.z));
499 // set the width larger to contact with the sidewalk (in case they have gutter area)
500 if (corner.u < 0) {
501 v2.x -= 1.0f;
502 } else {
503 v2.x += 1.0f;
504 }
505 pivot.TransformPoint(v2);
506 result.push_back(v2);
507 }
508 }
509 }
510 }
511 return result;
512 }
514 // ===========================================================================
515 // -- Map: Waypoint generation -----------------------------------------------
516 // ===========================================================================
518 std::vector<Waypoint> Map::GetSuccessors(const Waypoint waypoint) const {
519 const auto &next_lanes = GetLane(waypoint).GetNextLanes();
520 std::vector<Waypoint> result;
521 result.reserve(next_lanes.size());
522 for (auto *next_lane : next_lanes) {
523 RELEASE_ASSERT(next_lane != nullptr);
524 const auto lane_id = next_lane->GetId();
525 RELEASE_ASSERT(lane_id != 0);
526 const auto *section = next_lane->GetLaneSection();
527 RELEASE_ASSERT(section != nullptr);
528 const auto *road = next_lane->GetRoad();
529 RELEASE_ASSERT(road != nullptr);
530 const auto distance = GetDistanceAtStartOfLane(*next_lane);
531 result.emplace_back(Waypoint{road->GetId(), section->GetId(), lane_id, distance});
532 }
533 return result;
534 }
536 std::vector<Waypoint> Map::GetPredecessors(const Waypoint waypoint) const {
537 const auto &prev_lanes = GetLane(waypoint).GetPreviousLanes();
538 std::vector<Waypoint> result;
539 result.reserve(prev_lanes.size());
540 for (auto *next_lane : prev_lanes) {
541 RELEASE_ASSERT(next_lane != nullptr);
542 const auto lane_id = next_lane->GetId();
543 RELEASE_ASSERT(lane_id != 0);
544 const auto *section = next_lane->GetLaneSection();
545 RELEASE_ASSERT(section != nullptr);
546 const auto *road = next_lane->GetRoad();
547 RELEASE_ASSERT(road != nullptr);
548 const auto distance = GetDistanceAtEndOfLane(*next_lane);
549 result.emplace_back(Waypoint{road->GetId(), section->GetId(), lane_id, distance});
550 }
551 return result;
552 }
554 std::vector<Waypoint> Map::GetNext(
555 const Waypoint waypoint,
556 const double distance) const {
557 RELEASE_ASSERT(distance > 0.0);
558 if (distance <= EPSILON) {
559 return {waypoint};
560 }
561 const auto &lane = GetLane(waypoint);
562 const bool forward = (waypoint.lane_id <= 0);
563 const double signed_distance = forward ? distance : -distance;
564 const double relative_s = waypoint.s - lane.GetDistance();
565 const double remaining_lane_length = forward ? lane.GetLength() - relative_s : relative_s;
566 DEBUG_ASSERT(remaining_lane_length >= 0.0);
568 // If after subtracting the distance we are still in the same lane, return
569 // same waypoint with the extra distance.
570 if (distance <= remaining_lane_length) {
571 Waypoint result = waypoint;
572 result.s += signed_distance;
573 result.s += forward ? -EPSILON : EPSILON;
574 RELEASE_ASSERT(result.s > 0.0);
575 return { result };
576 }
578 // If we run out of remaining_lane_length we have to go to the successors.
579 std::vector<Waypoint> result;
580 for (const auto &successor : GetSuccessors(waypoint)) {
582 successor.road_id != waypoint.road_id ||
583 successor.section_id != waypoint.section_id ||
584 successor.lane_id != waypoint.lane_id);
585 result = ConcatVectors(result, GetNext(successor, distance - remaining_lane_length));
586 }
587 return result;
588 }
590 std::vector<Waypoint> Map::GetPrevious(
591 const Waypoint waypoint,
592 const double distance) const {
593 RELEASE_ASSERT(distance > 0.0);
594 if (distance <= EPSILON) {
595 return {waypoint};
596 }
597 const auto &lane = GetLane(waypoint);
598 const bool forward = !(waypoint.lane_id <= 0);
599 const double signed_distance = forward ? distance : -distance;
600 const double relative_s = waypoint.s - lane.GetDistance();
601 const double remaining_lane_length = forward ? lane.GetLength() - relative_s : relative_s;
602 DEBUG_ASSERT(remaining_lane_length >= 0.0);
604 // If after subtracting the distance we are still in the same lane, return
605 // same waypoint with the extra distance.
606 if (distance <= remaining_lane_length) {
607 Waypoint result = waypoint;
608 result.s += signed_distance;
609 result.s += forward ? -EPSILON : EPSILON;
610 RELEASE_ASSERT(result.s > 0.0);
611 return { result };
612 }
614 // If we run out of remaining_lane_length we have to go to the successors.
615 std::vector<Waypoint> result;
616 for (const auto &successor : GetPredecessors(waypoint)) {
618 successor.road_id != waypoint.road_id ||
619 successor.section_id != waypoint.section_id ||
620 successor.lane_id != waypoint.lane_id);
621 result = ConcatVectors(result, GetPrevious(successor, distance - remaining_lane_length));
622 }
623 return result;
624 }
626 boost::optional<Waypoint> Map::GetRight(Waypoint waypoint) const {
627 RELEASE_ASSERT(waypoint.lane_id != 0);
628 if (waypoint.lane_id > 0) {
629 ++waypoint.lane_id;
630 } else {
631 --waypoint.lane_id;
632 }
633 return IsLanePresent(_data, waypoint) ? waypoint : boost::optional<Waypoint>{};
634 }
636 boost::optional<Waypoint> Map::GetLeft(Waypoint waypoint) const {
637 RELEASE_ASSERT(waypoint.lane_id != 0);
638 if (std::abs(waypoint.lane_id) == 1) {
639 waypoint.lane_id *= -1;
640 } else if (waypoint.lane_id > 0) {
641 --waypoint.lane_id;
642 } else {
643 ++waypoint.lane_id;
644 }
645 return IsLanePresent(_data, waypoint) ? waypoint : boost::optional<Waypoint>{};
646 }
648 std::vector<Waypoint> Map::GenerateWaypoints(const double distance) const {
649 RELEASE_ASSERT(distance > 0.0);
650 std::vector<Waypoint> result;
651 for (const auto &pair : _data.GetRoads()) {
652 const auto &road = pair.second;
653 for (double s = EPSILON; s < (road.GetLength() - EPSILON); s += distance) {
654 ForEachDrivableLaneAt(road, s, [&](auto &&waypoint) {
655 result.emplace_back(waypoint);
656 });
657 }
658 }
659 return result;
660 }
662 std::vector<Waypoint> Map::GenerateWaypointsOnRoadEntries(Lane::LaneType lane_type) const {
663 std::vector<Waypoint> result;
664 for (const auto &pair : _data.GetRoads()) {
665 const auto &road = pair.second;
666 // right lanes start at s 0
667 for (const auto &lane_section : road.GetLaneSectionsAt(0.0)) {
668 for (const auto &lane : lane_section.GetLanes()) {
669 // add only the right (negative) lanes
670 if (lane.first < 0 &&
671 static_cast<int32_t>(lane.second.GetType()) & static_cast<int32_t>(lane_type)) {
672 result.emplace_back(Waypoint{ road.GetId(), lane_section.GetId(), lane.second.GetId(), 0.0 });
673 }
674 }
675 }
676 // left lanes start at s max
677 const auto road_len = road.GetLength();
678 for (const auto &lane_section : road.GetLaneSectionsAt(road_len)) {
679 for (const auto &lane : lane_section.GetLanes()) {
680 // add only the left (positive) lanes
681 if (lane.first > 0 &&
682 static_cast<int32_t>(lane.second.GetType()) & static_cast<int32_t>(lane_type)) {
683 result.emplace_back(
684 Waypoint{ road.GetId(), lane_section.GetId(), lane.second.GetId(), road_len });
685 }
686 }
687 }
688 }
689 return result;
690 }
692 std::vector<Waypoint> Map::GenerateWaypointsInRoad(
693 RoadId road_id,
694 Lane::LaneType lane_type) const {
695 std::vector<Waypoint> result;
696 if(_data.GetRoads().count(road_id)) {
697 const auto &road = _data.GetRoads().at(road_id);
698 // right lanes start at s 0
699 for (const auto &lane_section : road.GetLaneSectionsAt(0.0)) {
700 for (const auto &lane : lane_section.GetLanes()) {
701 // add only the right (negative) lanes
702 if (lane.first < 0 &&
703 static_cast<int32_t>(lane.second.GetType()) & static_cast<int32_t>(lane_type)) {
704 result.emplace_back(Waypoint{ road.GetId(), lane_section.GetId(), lane.second.GetId(), 0.0 });
705 }
706 }
707 }
708 // left lanes start at s max
709 const auto road_len = road.GetLength();
710 for (const auto &lane_section : road.GetLaneSectionsAt(road_len)) {
711 for (const auto &lane : lane_section.GetLanes()) {
712 // add only the left (positive) lanes
713 if (lane.first > 0 &&
714 static_cast<int32_t>(lane.second.GetType()) & static_cast<int32_t>(lane_type)) {
715 result.emplace_back(
716 Waypoint{ road.GetId(), lane_section.GetId(), lane.second.GetId(), road_len });
717 }
718 }
719 }
720 }
721 return result;
722 }
724 std::vector<std::pair<Waypoint, Waypoint>> Map::GenerateTopology() const {
725 std::vector<std::pair<Waypoint, Waypoint>> result;
726 for (const auto &pair : _data.GetRoads()) {
727 const auto &road = pair.second;
728 ForEachDrivableLane(road, [&](auto &&waypoint) {
729 auto successors = GetSuccessors(waypoint);
730 if (successors.size() == 0){
731 auto distance = static_cast<float>(GetDistanceAtEndOfLane(GetLane(waypoint)));
732 auto last_waypoint = GetWaypoint(waypoint.road_id, waypoint.lane_id, distance);
733 if (last_waypoint.has_value()){
734 result.push_back({waypoint, *last_waypoint});
735 }
736 }
737 else{
738 for (auto &&successor : GetSuccessors(waypoint)) {
739 result.push_back({waypoint, successor});
740 }
741 }
742 });
743 }
744 return result;
745 }
747 std::vector<std::pair<Waypoint, Waypoint>> Map::GetJunctionWaypoints(JuncId id, Lane::LaneType lane_type) const {
748 std::vector<std::pair<Waypoint, Waypoint>> result;
749 const Junction * junction = GetJunction(id);
750 for(auto &connections : junction->GetConnections()) {
751 const Road &road = _data.GetRoad(connections.second.connecting_road);
752 ForEachLane(road, lane_type, [&](auto &&waypoint) {
753 const auto& lane = GetLane(waypoint);
754 const double final_s = GetDistanceAtEndOfLane(lane);
755 Waypoint lane_end(waypoint);
756 lane_end.s = final_s;
757 result.push_back({waypoint, lane_end});
758 });
759 }
760 return result;
761 }
763 std::unordered_map<road::RoadId, std::unordered_set<road::RoadId>>
766 const float epsilon = 0.0001f; // small delta in the road (set to 0.1
767 // millimeters to prevent numeric errors)
768 const Junction *junction = GetJunction(id);
769 std::unordered_map<road::RoadId, std::unordered_set<road::RoadId>>
770 conflicts;
772 // 2d typedefs
773 typedef boost::geometry::model::point
774 <float, 2, boost::geometry::cs::cartesian> Point2d;
775 typedef boost::geometry::model::segment<Point2d> Segment2d;
776 typedef boost::geometry::model::box<Rtree::BPoint> Box;
778 // box range
779 auto bbox_pos = junction->GetBoundingBox().location;
780 auto bbox_ext = junction->GetBoundingBox().extent;
781 auto min_corner = geom::Vector3D(
782 bbox_pos.x - bbox_ext.x,
783 bbox_pos.y - bbox_ext.y,
784 bbox_pos.z - bbox_ext.z - epsilon);
785 auto max_corner = geom::Vector3D(
786 bbox_pos.x + bbox_ext.x,
787 bbox_pos.y + bbox_ext.y,
788 bbox_pos.z + bbox_ext.z + epsilon);
789 Box box({min_corner.x, min_corner.y, min_corner.z},
790 {max_corner.x, max_corner.y, max_corner.z});
791 auto segments = _rtree.GetIntersections(box);
793 for (size_t i = 0; i < segments.size(); ++i){
794 auto &segment1 = segments[i];
795 auto waypoint1 = segment1.second.first;
796 JuncId junc_id1 = _data.GetRoad(waypoint1.road_id).GetJunctionId();
797 // only segments in the junction
798 if(junc_id1 != id){
799 continue;
800 }
801 Segment2d seg1{{segment1.first.first.get<0>(), segment1.first.first.get<1>()},
802 {segment1.first.second.get<0>(), segment1.first.second.get<1>()}};
803 for (size_t j = i + 1; j < segments.size(); ++j){
804 auto &segment2 = segments[j];
805 auto waypoint2 = segment2.second.first;
806 JuncId junc_id2 = _data.GetRoad(waypoint2.road_id).GetJunctionId();
807 // only segments in the junction
808 if(junc_id2 != id){
809 continue;
810 }
811 // discard same road
812 if(waypoint1.road_id == waypoint2.road_id){
813 continue;
814 }
815 Segment2d seg2{{segment2.first.first.get<0>(), segment2.first.first.get<1>()},
816 {segment2.first.second.get<0>(), segment2.first.second.get<1>()}};
818 double distance = boost::geometry::distance(seg1, seg2);
819 // better to set distance to lanewidth
820 if(distance > 2.0){
821 continue;
822 }
823 if(conflicts[waypoint1.road_id].count(waypoint2.road_id) == 0){
824 conflicts[waypoint1.road_id].insert(waypoint2.road_id);
825 }
826 if(conflicts[waypoint2.road_id].count(waypoint1.road_id) == 0){
827 conflicts[waypoint2.road_id].insert(waypoint1.road_id);
828 }
829 }
830 }
831 return conflicts;
832 }
834 const Lane &Map::GetLane(Waypoint waypoint) const {
835 return _data.GetRoad(waypoint.road_id).GetLaneById(waypoint.section_id, waypoint.lane_id);
836 }
838 // ===========================================================================
839 // -- Map: Private functions -------------------------------------------------
840 // ===========================================================================
842 // Adds a new element to the rtree element list using the position of the
843 // waypoints both ends of the segment
845 std::vector<Rtree::TreeElement> &rtree_elements,
846 geom::Transform &current_transform,
847 geom::Transform &next_transform,
848 Waypoint &current_waypoint,
849 Waypoint &next_waypoint) {
850 Rtree::BPoint init =
852 current_transform.location.x,
853 current_transform.location.y,
854 current_transform.location.z);
855 Rtree::BPoint end =
857 next_transform.location.x,
858 next_transform.location.y,
859 next_transform.location.z);
860 rtree_elements.emplace_back(std::make_pair(Rtree::BSegment(init, end),
861 std::make_pair(current_waypoint, next_waypoint)));
862 }
863 // Adds a new element to the rtree element list using the position of the
864 // waypoints, both ends of the segment
866 std::vector<Rtree::TreeElement> &rtree_elements,
867 geom::Transform &current_transform,
868 Waypoint &current_waypoint,
869 Waypoint &next_waypoint) {
870 geom::Transform next_transform = ComputeTransform(next_waypoint);
871 AddElementToRtree(rtree_elements, current_transform, next_transform,
872 current_waypoint, next_waypoint);
873 current_waypoint = next_waypoint;
874 current_transform = next_transform;
875 }
877 // returns the remaining length of the geometry depending on the lane
878 // direction
879 double GetRemainingLength(const Lane &lane, double current_s) {
880 if (lane.GetId() < 0) {
881 return (lane.GetDistance() + lane.GetLength() - current_s);
882 } else {
883 return (current_s - lane.GetDistance());
884 }
885 }
888 const double epsilon = 0.000001; // small delta in the road (set to 1
889 // micrometer to prevent numeric errors)
890 const double min_delta_s = 1; // segments of minimum 1m through the road
892 // 1.8 degrees, maximum angle in a curve to place a segment
893 constexpr double angle_threshold = geom::Math::Pi<double>() / 100.0;
894 // maximum distance of a segment
895 constexpr double max_segment_length = 100.0;
897 // Generate waypoints at start of every lane
898 std::vector<Waypoint> topology;
899 for (const auto &pair : _data.GetRoads()) {
900 const auto &road = pair.second;
901 ForEachLane(road, Lane::LaneType::Any, [&](auto &&waypoint) {
902 if(waypoint.lane_id != 0) {
903 topology.push_back(waypoint);
904 }
905 });
906 }
908 // Container of segments and waypoints
909 std::vector<Rtree::TreeElement> rtree_elements;
910 // Loop through all lanes
911 for (auto &waypoint : topology) {
912 auto &lane_start_waypoint = waypoint;
914 auto current_waypoint = lane_start_waypoint;
916 const Lane &lane = GetLane(current_waypoint);
918 geom::Transform current_transform = ComputeTransform(current_waypoint);
920 // Save computation time in straight lines
921 if (lane.IsStraight()) {
922 double delta_s = min_delta_s;
923 double remaining_length =
924 GetRemainingLength(lane, current_waypoint.s);
925 remaining_length -= epsilon;
926 delta_s = remaining_length;
927 if (delta_s < epsilon) {
928 continue;
929 }
930 auto next = GetNext(current_waypoint, delta_s);
932 RELEASE_ASSERT(next.size() == 1);
933 RELEASE_ASSERT(next.front().road_id == current_waypoint.road_id);
934 auto next_waypoint = next.front();
937 rtree_elements,
938 current_transform,
939 current_waypoint,
940 next_waypoint);
941 // end of lane
942 } else {
943 auto next_waypoint = current_waypoint;
945 // Loop until the end of the lane
946 // Advance in small s-increments
947 while (true) {
948 double delta_s = min_delta_s;
949 double remaining_length =
950 GetRemainingLength(lane, next_waypoint.s);
951 remaining_length -= epsilon;
952 delta_s = std::min(delta_s, remaining_length);
954 if (delta_s < epsilon) {
956 rtree_elements,
957 current_transform,
958 current_waypoint,
959 next_waypoint);
960 break;
961 }
963 auto next = GetNext(next_waypoint, delta_s);
964 if (next.size() != 1 ||
965 current_waypoint.section_id != next.front().section_id) {
967 rtree_elements,
968 current_transform,
969 current_waypoint,
970 next_waypoint);
971 break;
972 }
974 next_waypoint = next.front();
975 geom::Transform next_transform = ComputeTransform(next_waypoint);
976 double angle = geom::Math::GetVectorAngle(
977 current_transform.GetForwardVector(), next_transform.GetForwardVector());
979 if (std::abs(angle) > angle_threshold ||
980 std::abs(current_waypoint.s - next_waypoint.s) > max_segment_length) {
982 rtree_elements,
983 current_transform,
984 next_transform,
985 current_waypoint,
986 next_waypoint);
987 current_waypoint = next_waypoint;
988 current_transform = next_transform;
989 }
990 }
991 }
992 }
993 // Add segments to Rtree
994 _rtree.InsertElements(rtree_elements);
995 }
998 return _data.GetJunction(id);
999 }
1002 return _data.GetJunction(id);
1003 }
1006 const double distance,
1007 const float extra_width,
1008 const bool smooth_junctions) const {
1009 RELEASE_ASSERT(distance > 0.0);
1010 geom::MeshFactory mesh_factory;
1011 geom::Mesh out_mesh;
1013 mesh_factory.road_param.resolution = static_cast<float>(distance);
1014 mesh_factory.road_param.extra_lane_width = extra_width;
1016 // Generate roads outside junctions
1017 for (auto &&pair : _data.GetRoads()) {
1018 const auto &road = pair.second;
1019 if (road.IsJunction()) {
1020 continue;
1021 }
1022 out_mesh += *mesh_factory.Generate(road);
1023 }
1025 // Generate roads within junctions and smooth them
1026 for (const auto &junc_pair : _data.GetJunctions()) {
1027 const auto &junction = junc_pair.second;
1028 std::vector<std::unique_ptr<geom::Mesh>> lane_meshes;
1029 for(const auto &connection_pair : junction.GetConnections()) {
1030 const auto &connection = connection_pair.second;
1031 const auto &road = _data.GetRoads().at(connection.connecting_road);
1032 for (auto &&lane_section : road.GetLaneSections()) {
1033 for (auto &&lane_pair : lane_section.GetLanes()) {
1034 lane_meshes.push_back(mesh_factory.Generate(lane_pair.second));
1035 }
1036 }
1037 }
1038 if(smooth_junctions) {
1039 out_mesh += *mesh_factory.MergeAndSmooth(lane_meshes);
1040 } else {
1041 geom::Mesh junction_mesh;
1042 for(auto& lane : lane_meshes) {
1043 junction_mesh += *lane;
1044 }
1045 out_mesh += junction_mesh;
1046 }
1047 }
1049 return out_mesh;
1050 }
1053 std::vector<std::unique_ptr<geom::Mesh>> Map::GenerateChunkedMesh(
1054 const rpc::OpendriveGenerationParameters& params) const {
1055 geom::MeshFactory mesh_factory(params);
1056 std::vector<std::unique_ptr<geom::Mesh>> out_mesh_list;
1058 std::unordered_map<JuncId, geom::Mesh> junction_map;
1059 for (auto &&pair : _data.GetRoads()) {
1060 const auto &road = pair.second;
1061 if (!road.IsJunction()) {
1062 std::vector<std::unique_ptr<geom::Mesh>> road_mesh_list =
1063 mesh_factory.GenerateAllWithMaxLen(road);
1065 out_mesh_list.insert(
1066 out_mesh_list.end(),
1067 std::make_move_iterator(road_mesh_list.begin()),
1068 std::make_move_iterator(road_mesh_list.end()));
1069 }
1070 }
1072 // Generate roads within junctions and smooth them
1073 for (const auto &junc_pair : _data.GetJunctions()) {
1074 const auto &junction = junc_pair.second;
1075 std::vector<std::unique_ptr<geom::Mesh>> lane_meshes;
1076 std::vector<std::unique_ptr<geom::Mesh>> sidewalk_lane_meshes;
1077 for(const auto &connection_pair : junction.GetConnections()) {
1078 const auto &connection = connection_pair.second;
1079 const auto &road = _data.GetRoads().at(connection.connecting_road);
1080 for (auto &&lane_section : road.GetLaneSections()) {
1081 for (auto &&lane_pair : lane_section.GetLanes()) {
1082 const auto &lane = lane_pair.second;
1083 if (lane.GetType() != road::Lane::LaneType::Sidewalk) {
1084 lane_meshes.push_back(mesh_factory.Generate(lane));
1085 } else {
1086 sidewalk_lane_meshes.push_back(mesh_factory.Generate(lane));
1087 }
1088 }
1089 }
1090 }
1091 if(params.smooth_junctions) {
1092 auto merged_mesh = mesh_factory.MergeAndSmooth(lane_meshes);
1093 for(auto& lane : sidewalk_lane_meshes) {
1094 *merged_mesh += *lane;
1095 }
1096 out_mesh_list.push_back(std::move(merged_mesh));
1097 } else {
1098 std::unique_ptr<geom::Mesh> junction_mesh = std::make_unique<geom::Mesh>();
1099 for(auto& lane : lane_meshes) {
1100 *junction_mesh += *lane;
1101 }
1102 for(auto& lane : sidewalk_lane_meshes) {
1103 *junction_mesh += *lane;
1104 }
1105 out_mesh_list.push_back(std::move(junction_mesh));
1106 }
1107 }
1109 auto min_pos = geom::Vector2D(
1110 out_mesh_list.front()->GetVertices().front().x,
1111 out_mesh_list.front()->GetVertices().front().y);
1112 auto max_pos = min_pos;
1113 for (auto & mesh : out_mesh_list) {
1114 auto vertex = mesh->GetVertices().front();
1115 min_pos.x = std::min(min_pos.x, vertex.x);
1116 min_pos.y = std::min(min_pos.y, vertex.y);
1117 max_pos.x = std::max(max_pos.x, vertex.x);
1118 max_pos.y = std::max(max_pos.y, vertex.y);
1119 }
1120 size_t mesh_amount_x = static_cast<size_t>((max_pos.x - min_pos.x)/params.max_road_length) + 1;
1121 size_t mesh_amount_y = static_cast<size_t>((max_pos.y - min_pos.y)/params.max_road_length) + 1;
1122 std::vector<std::unique_ptr<geom::Mesh>> result;
1123 result.reserve(mesh_amount_x*mesh_amount_y);
1124 for (size_t i = 0; i < mesh_amount_x*mesh_amount_y; ++i) {
1125 result.emplace_back(std::make_unique<geom::Mesh>());
1126 }
1127 for (auto & mesh : out_mesh_list) {
1128 auto vertex = mesh->GetVertices().front();
1129 size_t x_pos = static_cast<size_t>((vertex.x - min_pos.x) / params.max_road_length);
1130 size_t y_pos = static_cast<size_t>((vertex.y - min_pos.y) / params.max_road_length);
1131 *(result[x_pos + mesh_amount_x*y_pos]) += *mesh;
1132 }
1134 return result;
1135 }
1137 std::map<road::Lane::LaneType , std::vector<std::unique_ptr<geom::Mesh>>>
1139 const geom::Vector3D& minpos,
1140 const geom::Vector3D& maxpos) const
1141 {
1143 geom::MeshFactory mesh_factory(params);
1144 std::map<road::Lane::LaneType, std::vector<std::unique_ptr<geom::Mesh>>> road_out_mesh_list;
1145 std::map<road::Lane::LaneType, std::vector<std::unique_ptr<geom::Mesh>>> junction_out_mesh_list;
1147 std::thread juntction_thread( &Map::GenerateJunctions, this, mesh_factory, params,
1148 minpos, maxpos, &junction_out_mesh_list);
1150 const std::vector<RoadId> RoadsIDToGenerate = FilterRoadsByPosition(minpos, maxpos);
1152 size_t num_roads = RoadsIDToGenerate.size();
1153 size_t num_roads_per_thread = 30;
1154 size_t num_threads = (num_roads / num_roads_per_thread) + 1;
1155 num_threads = num_threads > 1 ? num_threads : 1;
1156 std::vector<std::thread> workers;
1157 std::mutex write_mutex;
1158 std::cout << "Generating " << std::to_string(num_roads) << " roads" << std::endl;
1160 for ( size_t i = 0; i < num_threads; ++i ) {
1161 std::thread neworker(
1162 [this, &write_mutex, &mesh_factory, &RoadsIDToGenerate, &road_out_mesh_list, i, num_roads_per_thread]() {
1163 std::map<road::Lane::LaneType, std::vector<std::unique_ptr<geom::Mesh>>> Current =
1164 std::move(GenerateRoadsMultithreaded(mesh_factory, RoadsIDToGenerate,i, num_roads_per_thread ));
1165 std::lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(write_mutex);
1166 for ( auto&& pair : Current ) {
1167 if (road_out_mesh_list.find(pair.first) != road_out_mesh_list.end()) {
1168 road_out_mesh_list[pair.first].insert(road_out_mesh_list[pair.first].end(),
1169 std::make_move_iterator(pair.second.begin()),
1170 std::make_move_iterator(pair.second.end()));
1171 } else {
1172 road_out_mesh_list[pair.first] = std::move(pair.second);
1173 }
1174 }
1175 });
1176 workers.push_back(std::move(neworker));
1177 }
1179 for (size_t i = 0; i < workers.size(); ++i) {
1180 workers[i].join();
1181 }
1182 workers.clear();
1183 for (size_t i = 0; i < workers.size(); ++i) {
1184 if (workers[i].joinable()) {
1185 workers[i].join();
1186 }
1187 }
1189 juntction_thread.join();
1190 for (auto&& pair : junction_out_mesh_list) {
1191 if (road_out_mesh_list.find(pair.first) != road_out_mesh_list.end())
1192 {
1193 road_out_mesh_list[pair.first].insert(road_out_mesh_list[pair.first].end(),
1194 std::make_move_iterator(pair.second.begin()),
1195 std::make_move_iterator(pair.second.end()));
1196 }
1197 else
1198 {
1199 road_out_mesh_list[pair.first] = std::move(pair.second);
1200 }
1201 }
1202 std::cout << "Generated " << std::to_string(num_roads) << " roads" << std::endl;
1204 return road_out_mesh_list;
1205 }
1207 std::vector<std::pair<geom::Transform, std::string>> Map::GetTreesTransform(
1208 const geom::Vector3D& minpos,
1209 const geom::Vector3D& maxpos,
1210 float distancebetweentrees,
1211 float distancefromdrivinglineborder,
1212 float s_offset) const {
1214 std::vector<std::pair<geom::Transform, std::string>> transforms;
1216 const std::vector<RoadId> RoadsIDToGenerate = FilterRoadsByPosition(minpos, maxpos);
1217 for ( RoadId id : RoadsIDToGenerate ) {
1218 const auto& road = _data.GetRoads().at(id);
1219 if (!road.IsJunction()) {
1220 for (auto &&lane_section : road.GetLaneSections()) {
1221 LaneId min_lane = 0;
1222 for (auto &pairlane : lane_section.GetLanes()) {
1223 if (min_lane > pairlane.first && pairlane.second.GetType() == Lane::LaneType::Driving) {
1224 min_lane = pairlane.first;
1225 }
1226 }
1228 const road::Lane* lane = lane_section.GetLane(min_lane);
1229 if( lane ) {
1230 double s_current = lane_section.GetDistance() + s_offset;
1231 const double s_end = lane_section.GetDistance() + lane_section.GetLength();
1232 while(s_current < s_end){
1233 if(lane->GetWidth(s_current) != 0.0f){
1234 const auto edges = lane->GetCornerPositions(s_current, 0);
1235 if (edges.first == edges.second) continue;
1236 geom::Vector3D director = edges.second - edges.first;
1237 geom::Vector3D treeposition = edges.first - director.MakeUnitVector() * distancefromdrivinglineborder;
1238 geom::Transform lanetransform = lane->ComputeTransform(s_current);
1239 geom::Transform treeTransform(treeposition, lanetransform.rotation);
1241 if(roadinfo){
1242 transforms.push_back(std::make_pair(treeTransform, roadinfo->GetType()));
1243 }else{
1244 transforms.push_back(std::make_pair(treeTransform, "urban"));
1245 }
1246 }
1247 s_current += distancebetweentrees;
1248 }
1250 }
1251 }
1252 }
1253 }
1254 return transforms;
1255 }
1258 geom::Mesh out_mesh;
1260 // Get the crosswalk vertices for the current map
1261 const std::vector<geom::Location> crosswalk_vertex = GetAllCrosswalkZones();
1262 if (crosswalk_vertex.empty()) {
1263 return out_mesh;
1264 }
1266 // Create a a list of triangle fans with material "crosswalk"
1267 out_mesh.AddMaterial("crosswalk");
1268 size_t start_vertex_index = 0;
1269 size_t i = 0;
1270 std::vector<geom::Vector3D> vertices;
1271 // Iterate the vertices until a repeated one is found, this indicates
1272 // the triangle fan is done and another one must start
1273 do {
1274 // Except for the first iteration && triangle fan done
1275 if (i != 0 && crosswalk_vertex[start_vertex_index] == crosswalk_vertex[i]) {
1276 // Create the actual fan
1277 out_mesh.AddTriangleFan(vertices);
1278 vertices.clear();
1279 // End the loop if i reached the end of the vertex list
1280 if (i >= crosswalk_vertex.size() - 1) {
1281 break;
1282 }
1283 start_vertex_index = ++i;
1284 }
1285 // Append a new Vector3D that will be added to the triangle fan
1286 vertices.push_back(crosswalk_vertex[i++]);
1287 } while (i < crosswalk_vertex.size());
1289 out_mesh.EndMaterial();
1290 return out_mesh;
1291 }
1293 /// Buids a list of meshes related with LineMarkings
1294 std::vector<std::unique_ptr<geom::Mesh>> Map::GenerateLineMarkings(
1296 const geom::Vector3D& minpos,
1297 const geom::Vector3D& maxpos,
1298 std::vector<std::string>& outinfo ) const
1299 {
1300 std::vector<std::unique_ptr<geom::Mesh>> LineMarks;
1301 geom::MeshFactory mesh_factory(params);
1303 const std::vector<RoadId> RoadsIDToGenerate = FilterRoadsByPosition(minpos, maxpos);
1304 for ( RoadId id : RoadsIDToGenerate ) {
1305 const auto& road = _data.GetRoads().at(id);
1306 if (!road.IsJunction()) {
1307 mesh_factory.GenerateLaneMarkForRoad(road, LineMarks, outinfo);
1308 }
1309 }
1311 return std::move(LineMarks);
1312 }
1314 std::vector<carla::geom::BoundingBox> Map::GetJunctionsBoundingBoxes() const {
1315 std::vector<carla::geom::BoundingBox> returning;
1316 for ( const auto& junc_pair : _data.GetJunctions() ) {
1317 const auto& junction = junc_pair.second;
1318 float box_extraextension_factor = 1.5f;
1319 carla::geom::BoundingBox bb = junction.GetBoundingBox();
1320 bb.extent *= box_extraextension_factor;
1321 returning.push_back(bb);
1322 }
1323 return returning;
1324 }
1326 inline float Map::GetZPosInDeformation(float posx, float posy) const {
1327 return geom::deformation::GetZPosInDeformation(posx, posy) +
1329 }
1331 std::map<road::Lane::LaneType, std::vector<std::unique_ptr<geom::Mesh>>>
1333 const std::vector<RoadId>& RoadsId,
1334 const size_t index, const size_t number_of_roads_per_thread) const
1335 {
1336 std::map<road::Lane::LaneType, std::vector<std::unique_ptr<geom::Mesh>>> out;
1338 size_t start = index * number_of_roads_per_thread;
1339 size_t endoffset = (index+1) * number_of_roads_per_thread;
1340 size_t end = RoadsId.size();
1342 for (int i = start; i < endoffset && i < end; ++i) {
1343 const auto& road = _data.GetRoads().at(RoadsId[i]);
1344 if (!road.IsJunction()) {
1345 mesh_factory.GenerateAllOrderedWithMaxLen(road, out);
1346 }
1347 }
1348 std::cout << "Generated roads from " + std::to_string(index * number_of_roads_per_thread) + " to " + std::to_string((index+1) * number_of_roads_per_thread ) << std::endl;
1349 return out;
1350 }
1354 const geom::Vector3D& minpos,
1355 const geom::Vector3D& maxpos,
1356 std::map<road::Lane::LaneType,
1357 std::vector<std::unique_ptr<geom::Mesh>>>* junction_out_mesh_list) const {
1359 std::vector<JuncId> JunctionsToGenerate = FilterJunctionsByPosition(minpos, maxpos);
1360 size_t num_junctions = JunctionsToGenerate.size();
1361 std::cout << "Generating " << std::to_string(num_junctions) << " junctions" << std::endl;
1362 size_t junctionindex = 0;
1363 size_t num_junctions_per_thread = 5;
1364 size_t num_threads = (num_junctions / num_junctions_per_thread) + 1;
1365 num_threads = num_threads > 1 ? num_threads : 1;
1366 std::vector<std::thread> workers;
1367 std::mutex write_mutex;
1369 for ( size_t i = 0; i < num_threads; ++i ) {
1370 std::thread neworker(
1371 [this, &write_mutex, &mesh_factory, &junction_out_mesh_list, JunctionsToGenerate, i, num_junctions_per_thread, num_junctions]() {
1372 std::map<road::Lane::LaneType,
1373 std::vector<std::unique_ptr<geom::Mesh>>> junctionsofthisthread;
1375 size_t minimum = 0;
1376 if( (i + 1) * num_junctions_per_thread < num_junctions ){
1377 minimum = (i + 1) * num_junctions_per_thread;
1378 }else{
1379 minimum = num_junctions;
1380 }
1381 std::cout << "Generating Junctions between " << std::to_string(i * num_junctions_per_thread) << " and " << std::to_string(minimum) << std::endl;
1383 for ( size_t junctionindex = i * num_junctions_per_thread;
1384 junctionindex < minimum;
1385 ++junctionindex )
1386 {
1387 GenerateSingleJunction(mesh_factory, JunctionsToGenerate[junctionindex], &junctionsofthisthread);
1388 }
1389 std::cout << "Generated Junctions between " << std::to_string(i * num_junctions_per_thread) << " and " << std::to_string(minimum) << std::endl;
1390 std::lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(write_mutex);
1391 for ( auto&& pair : junctionsofthisthread ) {
1392 if ((*junction_out_mesh_list).find(pair.first) != (*junction_out_mesh_list).end()) {
1393 (*junction_out_mesh_list)[pair.first].insert((*junction_out_mesh_list)[pair.first].end(),
1394 std::make_move_iterator(pair.second.begin()),
1395 std::make_move_iterator(pair.second.end()));
1396 } else {
1397 (*junction_out_mesh_list)[pair.first] = std::move(pair.second);
1398 }
1399 }
1400 });
1401 workers.push_back(std::move(neworker));
1402 }
1404 for (size_t i = 0; i < workers.size(); ++i) {
1405 workers[i].join();
1406 }
1407 workers.clear();
1408 for (size_t i = 0; i < workers.size(); ++i) {
1409 if (workers[i].joinable()) {
1410 workers[i].join();
1411 }
1412 }
1413 }
1415 std::vector<JuncId> Map::FilterJunctionsByPosition( const geom::Vector3D& minpos,
1416 const geom::Vector3D& maxpos ) const {
1418 std::cout << "Filtered from " + std::to_string(_data.GetJunctions().size() ) + " junctions " << std::endl;
1419 std::vector<JuncId> ToReturn;
1420 for( auto& junction : _data.GetJunctions() ){
1421 geom::Location junctionLocation = junction.second.GetBoundingBox().location;
1422 if( minpos.x < junctionLocation.x && junctionLocation.x < maxpos.x &&
1423 minpos.y > junctionLocation.y && junctionLocation.y > maxpos.y ) {
1424 ToReturn.push_back(junction.first);
1425 }
1426 }
1427 std::cout << "To " + std::to_string(ToReturn.size() ) + " junctions " << std::endl;
1429 return ToReturn;
1430 }
1432 std::vector<RoadId> Map::FilterRoadsByPosition( const geom::Vector3D& minpos,
1433 const geom::Vector3D& maxpos ) const {
1435 std::vector<RoadId> ToReturn;
1436 std::cout << "Filtered from " + std::to_string(_data.GetRoads().size() ) + " roads " << std::endl;
1437 for( auto& road : _data.GetRoads() ){
1438 auto &&lane_section = (*road.second.GetLaneSections().begin());
1439 const road::Lane* lane = lane_section.GetLane(-1);
1440 if( lane ) {
1441 const double s_check = lane_section.GetDistance() + lane_section.GetLength() * 0.5;
1442 geom::Location roadLocation = lane->ComputeTransform(s_check).location;
1443 if( minpos.x < roadLocation.x && roadLocation.x < maxpos.x &&
1444 minpos.y > roadLocation.y && roadLocation.y > maxpos.y ) {
1445 ToReturn.push_back(road.first);
1446 }
1447 }
1448 }
1449 std::cout << "To " + std::to_string(ToReturn.size() ) + " roads " << std::endl;
1450 return ToReturn;
1451 }
1453 std::unique_ptr<geom::Mesh> Map::SDFToMesh(const road::Junction& jinput,
1454 const std::vector<geom::Vector3D>& sdfinput,
1455 int grid_cells_per_dim) const {
1457 int junctionid = jinput.GetId();
1458 float box_extraextension_factor = 1.2f;
1459 const double CubeSize = 0.5;
1461 carla::geom::Vector3D MinOffset = bb.location - geom::Location(bb.extent * box_extraextension_factor);
1462 carla::geom::Vector3D MaxOffset = bb.location + geom::Location(bb.extent * box_extraextension_factor);
1463 carla::geom::Vector3D OffsetPerCell = ( bb.extent * box_extraextension_factor * 2 ) / grid_cells_per_dim;
1465 auto junctionsdf = [this, OffsetPerCell, CubeSize, MinOffset, junctionid](MeshReconstruction::Vec3 const& pos)
1466 {
1467 geom::Vector3D worldloc(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z);
1468 boost::optional<element::Waypoint> CheckingWaypoint = GetWaypoint(geom::Location(worldloc), 0x1 << 1);
1469 if (CheckingWaypoint) {
1470 if ( pos.z < 0.2) {
1471 return 0.0;
1472 } else {
1473 return -abs(pos.z);
1474 }
1475 }
1476 boost::optional<element::Waypoint> InRoadWaypoint = GetClosestWaypointOnRoad(geom::Location(worldloc), 0x1 << 1);
1477 geom::Transform InRoadWPTransform = ComputeTransform(*InRoadWaypoint);
1479 geom::Vector3D director = geom::Location(worldloc) - (InRoadWPTransform.location);
1480 geom::Vector3D laneborder = InRoadWPTransform.location + geom::Location(director.MakeUnitVector() * GetLaneWidth(*InRoadWaypoint) * 0.5f);
1482 geom::Vector3D Distance = laneborder - worldloc;
1483 if (Distance.Length2D() < CubeSize * 1.1 && pos.z < 0.2) {
1484 return 0.0;
1485 }
1486 return Distance.Length() * -1.0;
1487 };
1489 double gridsizeindouble = grid_cells_per_dim;
1491 domain.min = { MinOffset.x, MinOffset.y, MinOffset.z };
1492 domain.size = { bb.extent.x * box_extraextension_factor * 2, bb.extent.y * box_extraextension_factor * 2, 0.4 };
1494 MeshReconstruction::Vec3 cubeSize{ CubeSize, CubeSize, 0.2 };
1495 auto mesh = MeshReconstruction::MarchCube(junctionsdf, domain, cubeSize );
1496 carla::geom::Rotation inverse = bb.rotation;
1497 carla::geom::Vector3D trasltation = bb.location;
1498 geom::Mesh out_mesh;
1500 for (auto& cv : mesh.vertices) {
1501 geom::Vector3D newvertex;
1502 newvertex.x = cv.x;
1503 newvertex.y = cv.y;
1504 newvertex.z = cv.z;
1505 out_mesh.AddVertex(newvertex);
1506 }
1508 auto finalvertices = out_mesh.GetVertices();
1509 for (auto ct : mesh.triangles) {
1510 out_mesh.AddIndex(ct[1] + 1);
1511 out_mesh.AddIndex(ct[0] + 1);
1512 out_mesh.AddIndex(ct[2] + 1);
1513 }
1515 for (auto& cv : out_mesh.GetVertices() ) {
1516 boost::optional<element::Waypoint> CheckingWaypoint = GetWaypoint(geom::Location(cv), 0x1 << 1);
1517 if (!CheckingWaypoint)
1518 {
1519 boost::optional<element::Waypoint> InRoadWaypoint = GetClosestWaypointOnRoad(geom::Location(cv), 0x1 << 1);
1520 geom::Transform InRoadWPTransform = ComputeTransform(*InRoadWaypoint);
1522 geom::Vector3D director = geom::Location(cv) - (InRoadWPTransform.location);
1523 geom::Vector3D laneborder = InRoadWPTransform.location + geom::Location(director.MakeUnitVector() * GetLaneWidth(*InRoadWaypoint) * 0.5f);
1524 cv = laneborder;
1525 }
1526 }
1527 return std::make_unique<geom::Mesh>(out_mesh);
1528 }
1531 const JuncId Id,
1532 std::map<road::Lane::LaneType, std::vector<std::unique_ptr<geom::Mesh>>>*
1533 junction_out_mesh_list) const {
1535 const auto& junction = _data.GetJunctions().at(Id);
1536 if (junction.GetConnections().size() > 2) {
1537 std::vector<std::unique_ptr<geom::Mesh>> lane_meshes;
1538 std::vector<std::unique_ptr<geom::Mesh>> sidewalk_lane_meshes;
1539 std::vector<carla::geom::Vector3D> perimeterpoints;
1541 auto pmesh = SDFToMesh(junction, perimeterpoints, 75);
1542 (*junction_out_mesh_list)[road::Lane::LaneType::Driving].push_back(std::move(pmesh));
1544 for (const auto& connection_pair : junction.GetConnections()) {
1545 const auto& connection = connection_pair.second;
1546 const auto& road = _data.GetRoads().at(connection.connecting_road);
1547 for (auto&& lane_section : road.GetLaneSections()) {
1548 for (auto&& lane_pair : lane_section.GetLanes()) {
1549 const auto& lane = lane_pair.second;
1550 if ( lane.GetType() == road::Lane::LaneType::Sidewalk ) {
1551 boost::optional<element::Waypoint> sw =
1552 GetWaypoint(road.GetId(), lane_pair.first, lane.GetDistance() + (lane.GetLength() * 0.5f));
1553 if( GetWaypoint(ComputeTransform(*sw).location).get_ptr () == nullptr ){
1554 sidewalk_lane_meshes.push_back(mesh_factory.GenerateSidewalk(lane));
1555 }
1556 }
1557 }
1558 }
1559 }
1560 std::unique_ptr<geom::Mesh> sidewalk_mesh = std::make_unique<geom::Mesh>();
1561 for (auto& lane : sidewalk_lane_meshes) {
1562 *sidewalk_mesh += *lane;
1563 }
1564 (*junction_out_mesh_list)[road::Lane::LaneType::Sidewalk].push_back(std::move(sidewalk_mesh));
1565 } else {
1566 std::vector<std::unique_ptr<geom::Mesh>> lane_meshes;
1567 std::vector<std::unique_ptr<geom::Mesh>> sidewalk_lane_meshes;
1568 for (const auto& connection_pair : junction.GetConnections()) {
1569 const auto& connection = connection_pair.second;
1570 const auto& road = _data.GetRoads().at(connection.connecting_road);
1571 for (auto&& lane_section : road.GetLaneSections()) {
1572 for (auto&& lane_pair : lane_section.GetLanes()) {
1573 const auto& lane = lane_pair.second;
1574 if (lane.GetType() != road::Lane::LaneType::Sidewalk) {
1575 lane_meshes.push_back(mesh_factory.GenerateTesselated(lane));
1576 }
1577 else {
1578 sidewalk_lane_meshes.push_back(mesh_factory.GenerateSidewalk(lane));
1579 }
1580 }
1581 }
1582 }
1583 std::unique_ptr<geom::Mesh> merged_mesh = std::make_unique<geom::Mesh>();
1584 for (auto& lane : lane_meshes) {
1585 *merged_mesh += *lane;
1586 }
1587 std::unique_ptr<geom::Mesh> sidewalk_mesh = std::make_unique<geom::Mesh>();
1588 for (auto& lane : sidewalk_lane_meshes) {
1589 *sidewalk_mesh += *lane;
1590 }
1592 (*junction_out_mesh_list)[road::Lane::LaneType::Driving].push_back(std::move(merged_mesh));
1593 (*junction_out_mesh_list)[road::Lane::LaneType::Sidewalk].push_back(std::move(sidewalk_mesh));
1594 }
1595 }
1597} // namespace road
1598} // namespace carla
#define DEBUG_ASSERT(predicate)
Definition Debug.h:66
#define RELEASE_ASSERT(pred)
Definition Debug.h:84
Location location
Center of the BoundingBox in local space
Vector3D extent
Half the size of the BoundingBox in local space
Rotation rotation
Rotation of the BoundingBox in local space
value_type Evaluate(const value_type &x) const
Evaluates f(x) = a + bx + cx^2 + dx^3
static double GetVectorAngle(const Vector3D &a, const Vector3D &b)
Returns the angle between 2 vectors in radians
Definition Math.cpp:14
static auto Distance2D(const Vector3D &a, const Vector3D &b)
Definition Math.h:82
static std::pair< float, float > DistanceSegmentToPoint(const Vector3D &p, const Vector3D &v, const Vector3D &w)
Returns a pair containing:
Definition Math.cpp:18
Mesh helper generator
Definition MeshFactory.h:22
std::unique_ptr< Mesh > GenerateSidewalk(const road::LaneSection &lane_section) const
std::unique_ptr< Mesh > MergeAndSmooth(std::vector< std::unique_ptr< Mesh > > &lane_meshes) const
void GenerateLaneMarkForRoad(const road::Road &road, std::vector< std::unique_ptr< Mesh > > &inout, std::vector< std::string > &outinfo) const
RoadParameters road_param
std::unique_ptr< Mesh > Generate(const road::Road &road) const
Generates a mesh that defines a road
std::unique_ptr< Mesh > GenerateTesselated(const road::Lane &lane, const double s_start, const double s_end) const
Generates a mesh that defines a lane from a given s start and end with bigger tesselation
std::vector< std::unique_ptr< Mesh > > GenerateAllWithMaxLen(const road::Road &road) const
Generates a chunked road with all the features needed for simulation
void GenerateAllOrderedWithMaxLen(const road::Road &road, std::map< road::Lane::LaneType, std::vector< std::unique_ptr< Mesh > > > &roads) const
Mesh data container, validator and exporter.
Definition Mesh.h:44
void AddIndex(index_type index)
Appends a index to the indexes list.
Definition Mesh.cpp:101
void AddVertex(vertex_type vertex)
Appends a vertex to the vertices list.
Definition Mesh.cpp:89
void AddMaterial(const std::string &material_name)
Starts applying a new material to the new added triangles.
Definition Mesh.cpp:113
void EndMaterial()
Stops applying the material to the new added triangles.
Definition Mesh.cpp:129
void AddTriangleFan(const std::vector< vertex_type > &vertices)
Adds a triangle fan to the mesh, vertex order is counterclockwise.
Definition Mesh.cpp:76
const std::vector< vertex_type > & GetVertices() const
Definition Mesh.cpp:255
boost::geometry::model::point< float, 3, boost::geometry::cs::cartesian > BPoint
Definition Rtree.h:89
boost::geometry::model::segment< BPoint > BSegment
Definition Rtree.h:90
std::vector< TreeElement > GetNearestNeighboursWithFilter(const Geometry &geometry, Filter filter, size_t number_neighbours=1) const
Return nearest neighbors with a user defined filter.
Definition Rtree.h:111
std::pair< BSegment, std::pair< Waypoint, Waypoint > > TreeElement
Definition Rtree.h:91
std::vector< TreeElement > GetIntersections(const Geometry &geometry) const
Returns segments that intersec the specified geometry Warning: intersection between 3D segments is no...
Definition Rtree.h:135
void InsertElements(const std::vector< TreeElement > &elements)
Definition Rtree.h:101
void TransformPoint(Vector3D &in_point) const
Applies this transformation to in_point (first translation then rotation).
Vector3D GetForwardVector() const
Vector3D MakeUnitVector() const
JuncId GetId() const
std::unordered_map< ConId, Connection > & GetConnections()
carla::geom::BoundingBox GetBoundingBox() const
SectionId GetId() const
bool ContainsLane(LaneId id) const
Definition LaneSection.h:39
std::map< LaneId, Lane > & GetLanes()
bool IsStraight() const
Checks whether the geometry is straight or not
Definition Lane.cpp:67
const std::vector< Lane * > & GetNextLanes() const
Definition Lane.h:90
LaneType GetType() const
Definition Lane.cpp:38
double GetWidth(const double s) const
Returns the total lane width given a s
Definition Lane.cpp:58
geom::Transform ComputeTransform(const double s) const
Definition Lane.cpp:131
const T * GetInfo(const double s) const
Definition Lane.h:79
Can be used as flags
Definition Lane.h:29
double GetDistance() const
Definition Lane.cpp:46
std::pair< geom::Vector3D, geom::Vector3D > GetCornerPositions(const double s, const float extra_width=0.f) const
Computes the location of the edges given a s
Definition Lane.cpp:206
LaneId GetId() const
Definition Lane.cpp:34
const std::vector< Lane * > & GetPreviousLanes() const
Definition Lane.h:94
double GetLength() const
Definition Lane.cpp:51
std::unordered_map< RoadId, Road > & GetRoads()
Definition MapData.cpp:13
Road & GetRoad(const RoadId id)
Definition MapData.cpp:21
bool ContainsRoad(RoadId id) const
Definition MapData.h:48
std::unordered_map< JuncId, Junction > & GetJunctions()
Definition MapData.cpp:17
Junction * GetJunction(JuncId id)
Definition MapData.cpp:29
std::vector< std::pair< Waypoint, Waypoint > > GenerateTopology() const
Generate the minimum set of waypoints that define the topology of map.
Definition road/Map.cpp:724
std::vector< SignalSearchData > GetSignalsInDistance(Waypoint waypoint, double distance, bool stop_at_junction=false) const
Searches signals from an initial waypoint until the defined distance.
Definition road/Map.cpp:330
JuncId GetJunctionId(RoadId road_id) const
Definition road/Map.cpp:298
std::vector< Waypoint > GetPrevious(Waypoint waypoint, double distance) const
Return the list of waypoints at distance in the reversed direction that a vehicle at waypoint could d...
Definition road/Map.cpp:590
bool IsJunction(RoadId road_id) const
Definition road/Map.cpp:302
Lane::LaneType GetLaneType(Waypoint waypoint) const
Definition road/Map.cpp:281
std::unique_ptr< geom::Mesh > SDFToMesh(const road::Junction &jinput, const std::vector< geom::Vector3D > &sdfinput, int grid_cells_per_dim) const
std::vector< std::pair< geom::Transform, std::string > > GetTreesTransform(const geom::Vector3D &minpos, const geom::Vector3D &maxpos, float distancebetweentrees, float distancefromdrivinglineborder, float s_offset=0) const
double GetLaneWidth(Waypoint waypoint) const
Definition road/Map.cpp:285
std::vector< RoadId > FilterRoadsByPosition(const geom::Vector3D &minpos, const geom::Vector3D &maxpos) const
void AddElementToRtreeAndUpdateTransforms(std::vector< Rtree::TreeElement > &rtree_elements, geom::Transform &current_transform, Waypoint &current_waypoint, Waypoint &next_waypoint)
Definition road/Map.cpp:865
boost::optional< element::Waypoint > GetClosestWaypointOnRoad(const geom::Location &location, int32_t lane_type=static_cast< int32_t >(Lane::LaneType::Driving)) const
Definition road/Map.cpp:165
boost::optional< element::Waypoint > GetWaypoint(const geom::Location &location, int32_t lane_type=static_cast< int32_t >(Lane::LaneType::Driving)) const
Definition road/Map.cpp:212
std::vector< Waypoint > GenerateWaypointsOnRoadEntries(Lane::LaneType lane_type=Lane::LaneType::Driving) const
Generate waypoints on each lane at the start of each road
Definition road/Map.cpp:662
std::pair< const element::RoadInfoMarkRecord *, const element::RoadInfoMarkRecord * > GetMarkRecord(Waypoint waypoint) const
Definition road/Map.cpp:307
std::vector< element::LaneMarking > CalculateCrossedLanes(const geom::Location &origin, const geom::Location &destination) const
Definition road/Map.cpp:449
std::vector< carla::geom::BoundingBox > GetJunctionsBoundingBoxes() const
boost::optional< Waypoint > GetRight(Waypoint waypoint) const
Return a waypoint at the lane of waypoint's right lane.
Definition road/Map.cpp:626
std::vector< JuncId > FilterJunctionsByPosition(const geom::Vector3D &minpos, const geom::Vector3D &maxpos) const
std::map< road::Lane::LaneType, std::vector< std::unique_ptr< geom::Mesh > > > GenerateRoadsMultithreaded(const carla::geom::MeshFactory &mesh_factory, const std::vector< RoadId > &RoadsID, const size_t index, const size_t number_of_roads_per_thread) const
boost::optional< Waypoint > GetLeft(Waypoint waypoint) const
Return a waypoint at the lane of waypoint's left lane.
Definition road/Map.cpp:636
geom::Mesh GetAllCrosswalkMesh() const
Buids a mesh of all crosswalks based on the OpenDRIVE
std::vector< Waypoint > GetNext(Waypoint waypoint, double distance) const
Return the list of waypoints at distance such that a vehicle at waypoint could drive to.
Definition road/Map.cpp:554
Junction * GetJunction(JuncId id)
Definition road/Map.cpp:997
void GenerateJunctions(const carla::geom::MeshFactory &mesh_factory, const rpc::OpendriveGenerationParameters &params, const geom::Vector3D &minpos, const geom::Vector3D &maxpos, std::map< road::Lane::LaneType, std::vector< std::unique_ptr< geom::Mesh > > > *juntion_out_mesh_list) const
std::vector< Waypoint > GenerateWaypointsInRoad(RoadId road_id, Lane::LaneType lane_type=Lane::LaneType::Driving) const
Generate waypoints at the entry of each lane of the specified road
Definition road/Map.cpp:692
std::vector< std::unique_ptr< geom::Mesh > > GenerateChunkedMesh(const rpc::OpendriveGenerationParameters &params) const
geom::Transform ComputeTransform(Waypoint waypoint) const
Definition road/Map.cpp:273
std::vector< Waypoint > GenerateWaypoints(double approx_distance) const
Generate all the waypoints in map separated by approx_distance.
Definition road/Map.cpp:648
std::map< road::Lane::LaneType, std::vector< std::unique_ptr< geom::Mesh > > > GenerateOrderedChunkedMeshInLocations(const rpc::OpendriveGenerationParameters &params, const geom::Vector3D &minpos, const geom::Vector3D &maxpos) const
void GenerateSingleJunction(const carla::geom::MeshFactory &mesh_factory, const JuncId Id, std::map< road::Lane::LaneType, std::vector< std::unique_ptr< geom::Mesh > > > *junction_out_mesh_list) const
std::vector< Waypoint > GetPredecessors(Waypoint waypoint) const
Definition road/Map.cpp:536
std::vector< Waypoint > GetSuccessors(Waypoint waypoint) const
Definition road/Map.cpp:518
std::vector< geom::Location > GetAllCrosswalkZones() const
Returns a list of locations defining 2d areas, when a location is repeated an area is finished
Definition road/Map.cpp:455
std::vector< std::unique_ptr< geom::Mesh > > GenerateLineMarkings(const rpc::OpendriveGenerationParameters &params, const geom::Vector3D &minpos, const geom::Vector3D &maxpos, std::vector< std::string > &outinfo) const
Buids a list of meshes related with LineMarkings
float GetZPosInDeformation(float posx, float posy) const
void AddElementToRtree(std::vector< Rtree::TreeElement > &rtree_elements, geom::Transform &current_transform, geom::Transform &next_transform, Waypoint &current_waypoint, Waypoint &next_waypoint)
Helper Functions for constructing the rtree element list
Definition road/Map.cpp:844
std::vector< const element::RoadInfoSignal * > GetAllSignalReferences() const
Return all RoadInfoSignal in the map
Definition road/Map.cpp:437
std::vector< std::pair< Waypoint, Waypoint > > GetJunctionWaypoints(JuncId id, Lane::LaneType lane_type) const
Generate waypoints of the junction
Definition road/Map.cpp:747
std::unordered_map< road::RoadId, std::unordered_set< road::RoadId > > ComputeJunctionConflicts(JuncId id) const
Definition road/Map.cpp:764
const Lane & GetLane(Waypoint waypoint) const
Definition road/Map.cpp:834
geom::Mesh GenerateMesh(const double distance, const float extra_width=0.6f, const bool smooth_junctions=true) const
Buids a mesh based on the OpenDRIVE
std::vector< const T * > GetInfosInRange(const double min_s, const double max_s) const
Definition Road.h:123
double GetLength() const
Definition Road.cpp:38
Lane & GetLaneById(SectionId section_id, LaneId lane_id)
Definition Road.cpp:110
RoadId GetId() const
Definition Road.cpp:30
auto GetLaneSections() const
Definition Road.h:127
auto GetLaneSectionsAt(const double s)
Definition Road.h:149
JuncId GetJunctionId() const
Definition Road.cpp:46
bool IsJunction() const
Definition Road.cpp:42
LaneSection & GetLaneSectionById(SectionId id)
Definition Road.h:163
static std::vector< LaneMarking > Calculate(const Map &map, const geom::Location &origin, const geom::Location &destination)
Lane Width RecordEach lane within a road’scross section can be provided with severalwidth entries.
const geom::CubicPolynomial & GetPolynomial() const
Each lane within a road cross section can be provided with several road markentries.
Mesh MarchCube(Fun3s const &sdf, Rect3 const &domain)
Reconstructs a triangle mesh from a given signed distance function using Marching Cubes.
float GetBumpDeformation(float posx, float posy)
Definition Deformation.h:39
float GetZPosInDeformation(float posx, float posy)
Definition Deformation.h:21
double GetRemainingLength(const Lane &lane, double current_s)
Definition road/Map.cpp:879
int32_t JuncId
Definition RoadTypes.h:17
static void ForEachDrivableLane(const Road &road, FuncT &&func)
Return a waypoint for each drivable lane on each lane section of road.
Definition road/Map.cpp:120
static constexpr double EPSILON
We use this epsilon to shift the waypoints away from the edges of the lane sections to avoid floating...
Definition road/Map.cpp:40
static bool IsLanePresent(const MapData &data, Waypoint waypoint)
Assumes road_id and section_id are valid.
Definition road/Map.cpp:156
static void ForEachDrivableLaneAt(const Road &road, double distance, FuncT &&func)
Return a waypoint for each drivable lane at distance on road.
Definition road/Map.cpp:145
static void ForEachDrivableLaneImpl(RoadId road_id, const LaneSection &lane_section, double distance, FuncT &&func)
Return a waypoint for each drivable lane on lane_section.
Definition road/Map.cpp:76
int32_t LaneId
Definition RoadTypes.h:19
static void ForEachLane(const Road &road, Lane::LaneType lane_type, FuncT &&func)
Return a waypoint for each lane of the specified type on each lane section of road.
Definition road/Map.cpp:132
static void ForEachLaneImpl(RoadId road_id, const LaneSection &lane_section, double distance, Lane::LaneType lane_type, FuncT &&func)
Definition road/Map.cpp:97
static double GetDistanceAtStartOfLane(const Lane &lane)
Definition road/Map.cpp:58
static std::vector< T > ConcatVectors(std::vector< T > dst, std::vector< T > src)
Definition road/Map.cpp:47
uint32_t RoadId
Definition RoadTypes.h:15
static double GetDistanceAtEndOfLane(const Lane &lane)
Definition road/Map.cpp:66
This file contains definitions of common data structures used in traffic manager.
Definition Carla.cpp:133
Data structure for the signal search
Definition road/Map.h:95
Seting for map generation from opendrive without additional geometry