►Nad | |
►Nrss | |
Nstate | |
Nworld | |
►Nbuiltin_interfaces | |
►Nmsg | |
CTime | This class represents the structure Time defined by the user in the IDL file |
CTimePubSubType | This class represents the TopicDataType of the type Time defined by the user in the IDL file |
►Ncarla | This file contains definitions of common data structures used in traffic manager |
►Nclient | |
►Ndetail | |
CActorFactory | |
CActorState | Internal state of an Actor |
►CActorVariant | Holds an Actor, but only instantiates it when needed |
CVisitor | |
CAtomicList | Holds an atomic pointer to a list |
CCachedActorList | Keeps a list of actor descriptions to avoid requesting each time the descriptions to the server |
►CCallbackList | |
CItem | |
►CClient | Provides communication with the rpc and streaming servers of a CARLA simulator |
CPimpl | |
CEpisode | Holds the current episode, and the current episode state |
CEpisodeProxyImpl | Provides access to the Simulator during a given episode |
CEpisodeProxyPointerType | |
CEpisodeState | Represents the state of all the actors of an episode at a given frame |
CGarbageCollector | |
CSimulator | Connects and controls a CARLA Simulator |
►CWalkerNavigation | |
CWalkerHandle | |
CActor | Represents an actor in the simulation |
CActorAttribute | An attribute of an ActorBlueprint |
CActorAttributeValue | |
CActorAttributeValueAccess | |
CActorBlueprint | Contains all the necessary information for spawning an Actor |
CActorInitializer | Used to initialize Actor classes |
CActorList | |
CActorSnapshot | |
CBadAttributeCast | Exception thrown when the value of an ActorAttribute cannot be cast to the requested type |
CBlueprintLibrary | |
CClient | |
CClientSideSensor | |
CDebugHelper | |
CFileTransfer | |
CInvalidAttributeValue | Exception thrown when the value given to an ActorAttribute cannot be converted to its type |
CJunction | |
CLandmark | Class containing a reference to RoadInfoSignal |
►CLaneInvasionCallback | |
CBounds | |
CLaneInvasionSensor | |
CLight | |
CLightManager | |
CLightState | |
CMap | |
CRssSensor | The RSS Sensor class implementing the carla::client::Sensor interface This class is a proxy to the RssCheck class |
CSensor | |
CServerSideSensor | |
CTimeoutException | |
CTimestamp | |
CTrafficLight | |
CTrafficSign | |
CVehicle | |
CWalker | |
CWalkerAIController | |
CWaypoint | |
CWorld | |
CWorldSnapshot | |
►Ndetail | |
CMoveWrapper | |
CSharedException | |
CStopWatchTmpl | |
►Ngeom | |
Ndeformation | |
CBoundingBox | |
CCubicPolynomial | Describes a Cubic Polynomial so: f(x) = a + bx + cx^2 + dx^3 |
CGeoLocation | |
CLocation | |
CMath | |
CMesh | Mesh data container, validator and exporter |
►CMeshFactory | Mesh helper generator |
CRoadParameters | Parameters for the road generation |
CMeshMaterial | Material that references the vertex index start and end of a mesh where it is affecting |
CPointCloudRtree | Rtree class working with 3D point clouds |
CRotation | |
CSegmentCloudRtree | Rtree class working with 3D segment clouds |
CSimplification | |
CTransform | |
CVector2D | |
CVector3D | |
CVector3DInt | |
CVertexInfo | |
CVertexNeighbors | |
CVertexWeight | |
►Nimage | |
Ndetail | |
►Nio | |
►Ndetail | |
Cio_any | |
Cio_impl | |
Cio_impl< IO > | |
Cio_impl< IO, IOs... > | |
Cio_jpeg | |
Cio_png | |
Cio_resolver | |
Cio_tiff | |
Cis_write_supported | |
Cany | |
Cjpeg | |
Cpng | |
Ctiff | |
CCityScapesPalette | |
►CColorConverter | |
CCityScapesPalette | |
CDepth | |
CLogarithmicDepth | |
CLogarithmicLinear | |
CImageConverter | |
CImageIO | |
►CImageView | |
Ccolor_converted_type | |
Niterator | |
►Nlearning | |
CInputs | |
CNeuralModel | |
CNeuralModelImpl | |
COutputs | |
CWheelInput | |
CWheelOutput | |
Nlogging | |
►Nmultigpu | |
CCommandHeader | |
CIncomingMessage | Helper for reading incoming TCP messages |
CListener | |
CPrimary | A TCP server session |
CPrimaryCommands | |
CRouter | |
CSecondary | |
CSecondaryCommands | |
CSessionInfo | |
►Nnav | |
CNavigation | Manage the pedestrians navigation, using the Recast & Detour library for low level calculations |
CVehicleCollisionInfo | Struct to send info about vehicles to the crowd |
CWalkerEventIgnore | Empty event that just ignores |
CWalkerEventStopAndCheck | Event to pause and check for near vehicles |
CWalkerEventVisitor | Visitor class |
CWalkerEventWait | Event to wait for a while |
CWalkerInfo | |
CWalkerManager | |
CWalkerRoutePoint | |
►Nopendrive | |
►Nparser | |
CControllerParser | |
CElevationProfile | |
CGeometry | |
CGeometryArc | |
CGeometryParamPoly3 | |
CGeometryParser | |
CGeometryPoly3 | |
CGeometrySpiral | |
CGeoReferenceParser | |
CJunctionParser | |
CLane | |
CLaneOffset | |
CLaneParser | |
CLaneSection | |
CLateralCrossfall | |
CLateralProfile | |
CLateralShape | |
CObjectParser | |
CPolynomial | |
CProfilesParser | |
CRoad | |
CRoadParser | |
CRoadTypeSpeed | |
CSignalParser | |
CTrafficGroupParser | |
COpenDriveParser | |
►Npointcloud | |
CPointCloudIO | |
►Nprofiler | |
►Ndetail | |
CStaticProfiler | |
CLifetimeProfiled | |
CLifetimeProfiler | |
►Nroad | |
►Nelement | |
CCrosswalkPoint | |
CDirectedPoint | |
CGeometry | |
CGeometryArc | |
CGeometryLine | |
►CGeometryParamPoly3 | |
CRtreeValue | |
►CGeometryPoly3 | |
CRtreeValue | |
CGeometrySpiral | |
CLaneCrossingCalculator | |
CLaneMarking | |
CRoadInfo | |
CRoadInfoCrosswalk | |
CRoadInfoElevation | |
CRoadInfoGeometry | |
CRoadInfoIterator | |
CRoadInfoLaneAccess | This record defines access restrictions for certain types of road users |
CRoadInfoLaneBorder | Instead of describing lanes by their width entries and, thus, invariably depending on influences of inner lanes on outer lanes, it might be more convenient to just describe the outer border of each lane independent of any inner lanes’ parameters |
CRoadInfoLaneHeight | The surface of a lane may be offset from the plane defined by the reference line and the corresponding elevation and crossfall entries (e.g |
CRoadInfoLaneMaterial | |
CRoadInfoLaneOffset | The lane offset record defines a lateral shift of the lane reference line(which is usually identical to the road reference line) |
CRoadInfoLaneRule | This record defines rules that can be applied to lanes to describe additonal properties not covered by the other attributes |
CRoadInfoLaneVisibility | Each lane within a road cross section may be provided with several entries defining the visibility in four directions relative to the lane’s direction |
CRoadInfoLaneWidth | Lane Width RecordEach lane within a road’scross section can be provided with severalwidth entries |
CRoadInfoMarkRecord | Each lane within a road cross section can be provided with several road markentries |
CRoadInfoMarkTypeLine | |
CRoadInfoSignal | |
CRoadInfoSpeed | |
CRoadInfoVisitor | |
CWaypoint | |
►Nobject | |
CRepeatRecord | |
CController | |
CInformationSet | |
►CJunction | |
CConnection | |
CLaneLink | |
CLane | |
CLaneSection | |
CLaneSectionMap | |
CLaneValidity | |
►CMap | |
CSignalSearchData | Data structure for the signal search |
CMapBuilder | |
CMapData | |
CObject | |
CRoad | |
►CRoadElementSet | A set of elements ordered by its position on the road |
CLessComp | |
CSignal | |
CSignalDependency | |
CSignalType | Using OpenDRIVE 1.5M (6.10 Country Codes) |
►Nros2 | |
CCarlaCameraInfoPublisherImpl | |
CCarlaClockPublisher | |
CCarlaClockPublisherImpl | |
CCarlaCollisionPublisher | |
CCarlaCollisionPublisherImpl | |
CCarlaDepthCameraPublisher | |
CCarlaDepthCameraPublisherImpl | |
CCarlaDVSCameraPublisher | |
CCarlaDVSCameraPublisherImpl | |
CCarlaEgoVehicleControlSubscriber | |
CCarlaEgoVehicleControlSubscriberImpl | |
CCarlaGNSSPublisher | |
CCarlaGNSSPublisherImpl | |
CCarlaIMUPublisher | |
CCarlaIMUPublisherImpl | |
CCarlaISCameraPublisher | |
CCarlaISCameraPublisherImpl | |
CCarlaLidarPublisher | |
CCarlaLidarPublisherImpl | |
CCarlaLineInvasionPublisher | |
CCarlaLineInvasionPublisherImpl | |
CCarlaListener | |
CCarlaListenerImpl | |
CCarlaMapSensorPublisher | |
CCarlaMapSensorPublisherImpl | |
CCarlaNormalsCameraPublisher | |
CCarlaNormalsCameraPublisherImpl | |
CCarlaOpticalFlowCameraPublisher | |
CCarlaOpticalFlowCameraPublisherImpl | |
CCarlaPointCloudPublisherImpl | |
CCarlaPublisher | |
CCarlaRadarPublisher | |
CCarlaRadarPublisherImpl | |
CCarlaRGBCameraPublisher | |
CCarlaRGBCameraPublisherImpl | |
CCarlaSemanticLidarPublisher | |
CCarlaSemanticLidarPublisherImpl | |
CCarlaSpeedometerSensor | |
CCarlaSpeedometerSensorImpl | |
CCarlaSSCameraPublisher | |
CCarlaSSCameraPublisherImpl | |
CCarlaSubscriber | |
CCarlaSubscriberListener | |
CCarlaSubscriberListenerImpl | |
CCarlaTransformPublisher | |
CCarlaTransformPublisherImpl | |
CRadarDetectionWithPosition | |
CROS2 | |
CVehicleControl | |
►Nrpc | |
►Ndetail | |
CFunctionWrapper | |
CFunctionWrapper< R(*)(Args...)> | |
CFunctionWrapper< R(C::*)(Args...) const > | |
CFunctionWrapper< R(C::*)(Args...)> | |
CFunctionWrapper< T & > | |
CFunctionWrapper< T && > | |
CAckermannControllerSettings | |
CActor | |
CActorAttribute | |
CActorAttributeValue | |
CActorDefinition | |
CActorDescription | |
CBoneTransformDataOut | |
CClient | |
CColor | |
►CCommand | |
CApplyAngularImpulse | |
CApplyForce | |
CApplyImpulse | |
CApplyLocation | |
CApplyTargetAngularVelocity | |
CApplyTargetVelocity | |
CApplyTorque | |
CApplyTransform | |
CApplyVehicleAckermannControl | |
CApplyVehicleControl | |
CApplyVehiclePhysicsControl | |
CApplyWalkerControl | |
CApplyWalkerState | |
CCommandBase | |
CConsoleCommand | |
CDestroyActor | |
CSetAutopilot | |
CSetEnableGravity | |
CSetSimulatePhysics | |
CSetTrafficLightState | |
CSetVehicleLightState | |
CShowDebugTelemetry | |
CSpawnActor | |
►CDebugShape | |
CArrow | |
CBox | |
CHUDArrow | |
CHUDBox | |
CHUDLine | |
CHUDPoint | |
CLine | |
CPoint | |
CString | |
CEnvironmentObject | |
CEpisodeInfo | |
CEpisodeSettings | |
CFloatColor | |
CGearPhysicsControl | |
CLabelledPoint | |
CLightState | |
CMapInfo | |
CMetadata | Metadata of an RPC function call |
COpendriveGenerationParameters | Seting for map generation from opendrive without additional geometry |
CResponse | |
►CResponse< void > | |
Csuccess_flag | |
CResponseError | |
CServer | An RPC server in which functions can be bind to run synchronously or asynchronously |
CTexture | |
CVehicleAckermannControl | |
CVehicleControl | |
CVehicleLightState | Defines the physical appearance of a vehicle whitch is obtained by the sensors |
CVehiclePhysicsControl | |
CVehicleTelemetryData | |
CWalkerBoneControlIn | |
CWalkerBoneControlOut | |
CWalkerControl | |
CWeatherParameters | |
CWheelPhysicsControl | |
CWheelTelemetryData | |
►Nrss | |
CActorConstellationData | |
CActorConstellationResult | Struct defining the configuration for RSS processing of a given actor |
CEgoDynamicsOnRoute | Struct defining the ego vehicles current dynamics in respect to the current route |
►CRssCheck | Class implementing the actual RSS checks based on CARLA world description |
CCarlaRssState | Struct collecting the rss states required |
CRssObjectChecker | |
CRssRestrictor | Class implementing the RSS restrictions within CARLA |
►Nsensor | |
►Ndata | |
►Ndetail | |
CPackedVehicleControl | |
CPackedWalkerControl | |
CTrafficLightData | |
CTrafficSignData | |
CVehicleData | |
►CActorDynamicState | Dynamic state of an actor at a certain frame |
CTypeDependentState | |
CArray | Base class for all the sensor data consisting of an array of items |
CCAMData | |
CCAMDataS | |
CCAMEvent | |
CCollisionEvent | A registered collision |
CColor | A 32-bit BGRA color |
CCustomV2XData | |
CCustomV2XDataS | |
CCustomV2XEvent | |
CDVSEvent | |
CDVSEventArray | An array of DVS Events in an image structure HxW |
CGnssMeasurement | A change of GNSS Measurement |
CImageTmpl | Templated image for any type of pixel |
CIMUMeasurement | |
CLaneInvasionEvent | A change of lane event |
CLidarData | |
CLidarDetection | Helper class to store and serialize the data generated by a Lidar |
CLidarMeasurement | Measurement produced by a Lidar |
CObstacleDetectionEvent | A registered detection |
COpticalFlowPixel | Optical flow pixel format. 2 channel float data |
CRadarData | |
CRadarDetection | |
CRadarMeasurement | Measurement produced by a Radar |
CRawEpisodeState | State of the episode at a given frame |
CRssResponse | A RSS Response |
CSemanticLidarData | |
CSemanticLidarDetection | Helper class to store and serialize the data generated by a RawLidar |
CSemanticLidarMeasurement | Measurement produced by a Lidar |
►Ndetail | |
CCompileTimeTypeMapImpl | Private implementation of the CompileTimeTypeMap |
►CCompileTimeTypeMapImpl< Size > | Specialization for an empty map, it is retrieved when a key cannot be found |
Cget | |
Cget_by_index | |
►CCompileTimeTypeMapImpl< Size, std::pair< Key, Value >, Rest... > | |
Cget | |
Cget_by_index | |
►Ns11n | |
CCAMDataSerializer | Serializes the data generated by V2X sensors |
►CCollisionEventSerializer | Serializes the current state of the whole episode |
CData | |
CCustomV2XDataSerializer | |
►CDVSEventArraySerializer | Serializes events array generated by DVS camera sensors |
CDVSHeader | |
►CEpisodeStateSerializer | Serializes the current state of the whole episode |
CHeader | |
►CGBufferFloatSerializer | Serializes image buffers generated by camera sensors |
CImageHeader | |
►CGBufferUint8Serializer | Serializes image buffers generated by camera sensors |
CImageHeader | |
CGnssSerializer | |
►CImageSerializer | Serializes image buffers generated by camera sensors |
CImageHeader | |
►CIMUSerializer | |
CData | |
CLidarHeaderView | A view over the header of a Lidar measurement |
CLidarSerializer | Serializes the data generated by Lidar sensors |
CNoopSerializer | Dummy serializer that blocks all the data |
►CNormalsImageSerializer | Serializes image buffers generated by camera sensors |
CImageHeader | |
►CObstacleDetectionEventSerializer | Serializes the current state of the whole episode |
CData | |
►COpticalFlowImageSerializer | Serializes image buffers generated by camera sensors |
CImageHeader | |
CRadarSerializer | Serializes the data generated by Radar sensors |
CSemanticLidarHeaderView | A view over the header of a Lidar measurement |
CSemanticLidarSerializer | Serializes the data generated by Lidar sensors |
►CSensorHeaderSerializer | Serializes the meta-information (header) sent with all the sensor data |
CHeader | |
CCompileTimeTypeMap | A compile time structure for mapping two types |
CCompositeSerializer | Compile-time map for mapping sensor objects to serializers |
CDeserializer | Deserializes a Buffer containing data generated by a sensor and creates the appropriate SensorData class that contains the sensor's measurement |
CRawData | Wrapper around the raw data generated by a sensor plus some useful meta-information |
CSensorData | Base class for all the objects containing data generated by a sensor |
►Nstreaming | |
►Ndetail | |
►Ntcp | |
CClient | A client that connects to a single stream |
CIncomingMessage | Helper for reading incoming TCP messages |
CMessageTmpl | Serialization of a set of buffers to be sent over a TCP socket as a single message |
CServer | |
CServerSession | A TCP server session |
CDispatcher | Keeps the mapping between streams and sessions |
CEndPoint | |
CEndPoint< Protocol, FullyDefinedEndPoint > | |
CEndPoint< Protocol, PartiallyDefinedEndPoint > | |
CFullyDefinedEndPoint | |
CMultiStreamState | A stream state that can hold any number of sessions |
CPartiallyDefinedEndPoint | |
CStream | |
CStreamStateBase | Shared state among all the copies of a stream |
Ctoken_data | |
Ctoken_type | Serializes a stream endpoint |
►Nlow_level | |
CClient | A client able to subscribe to multiple streams |
CServer | A low-level streaming server |
CClient | A client able to subscribe to multiple streams |
CServer | A streaming server |
CToken | A token that uniquely identify a stream |
►Ntraffic_manager | |
►Nconstants | |
NCollision | |
NFrameMemory | |
NHybridMode | |
NLaneChange | |
NMap | |
NMotionPlan | |
NNetworking | |
NPathBufferUpdate | |
NPID | |
NSpeedThreshold | |
NTrackTraffic | |
NTrafficLight | |
NVehicleLight | |
NVehicleRemoval | |
NWaypointSelection | |
NPID | |
CActuationSignal | Structure to hold the actuation signals |
CALSM | ALSM: Agent Lifecycle and State Managerment This class has functionality to update the local cache of kinematic states and manage memory and cleanup for varying number of vehicles in the simulation |
CAtomicActorSet | |
CAtomicMap | |
CCachedSimpleWaypoint | |
CChangeLaneInfo | |
CCollisionHazardData | |
CCollisionLock | |
CCollisionStage | This class has functionality to detect potential collision with a nearby actor |
CGeometryComparison | |
CInMemoryMap | This class builds a discretized local map-cache |
CKinematicState | |
CLocalizationData | |
CLocalizationStage | This class has functionality to maintain a horizon of waypoints ahead of the vehicle for it to follow |
CMotionPlanStage | |
CParameters | |
CRandomGenerator | |
CSimpleWaypoint | This is a simple wrapper class on Carla's waypoint object |
CSimulationState | This class holds the state of all the vehicles in the simlation |
CSnippetProfiler | |
CStage | Stage type interface |
CStateEntry | Structure to hold the controller state |
CStaticAttributes | |
CTrackTraffic | |
CTrafficLightStage | This class has functionality for responding to traffic lights and managing entry into non-signalized junctions |
CTrafficLightState | |
CTrafficManager | This class integrates all the various stages of the traffic manager appropriately using messengers |
CTrafficManagerBase | The function of this class is to integrate all the various stages of the traffic manager appropriately using messengers |
CTrafficManagerClient | Provides communication with the rpc of TrafficManagerServer |
CTrafficManagerLocal | The function of this class is to integrate all the various stages of the traffic manager appropriately using messengers |
CTrafficManagerRemote | The function of this class is to integrate all the various stages of the traffic manager appropriately using messengers |
CTrafficManagerServer | |
CVehicleLightStage | This class has functionality for turning on/off the vehicle lights according to the current vehicle state and its surrounding environment |
Care_same | |
Care_same< T0, T1 > | |
Care_same< T0, T1, Ts... > | |
CAtomicSharedPtr | A very simple atomic shared ptr with release-acquire memory order |
CBuffer | A piece of raw data |
CBufferPool | A pool of Buffer |
CBufferView | Creating a constant view from an existing buffer |
CFileSystem | Static functions for accessing the file system |
►CFunctional | |
COverload | |
COverload< T > | |
COverload< T, Ts... > | |
CRecursive | |
CListView | A view over a range of elements in a container |
CMovableNonCopyable | Inherit (privately) to suppress copy construction and assignment |
CMsgPack | |
CNonCopyable | Inherit (privately) to suppress copy/move construction and assignment |
►CPythonUtil | |
CAcquireGIL | |
CAcquireGILDeleter | A deleter that can be passed to a smart pointer to acquire the GIL before destroying the object |
CReleaseGIL | |
CReleaseGILDeleter | A deleter that can be passed to a smart pointer to release the GIL before destroying the object |
►CRecurrentSharedFuture | This class is meant to be used similar to a shared future, but the value can be set any number of times |
Cmapped_type | |
CStringUtil | |
CThreadGroup | |
CThreadPool | A thread pool based on Boost.Asio's io context |
Ctime_duration | Positive time duration up to milliseconds resolution |
►Ncarla_msgs | |
►Nmsg | |
CCarlaCollisionEvent | This class represents the structure CarlaCollisionEvent defined by the user in the IDL file |
CCarlaCollisionEventPubSubType | This class represents the TopicDataType of the type CarlaCollisionEvent defined by the user in the IDL file |
CCarlaEgoVehicleControl | This class represents the structure CarlaEgoVehicleControl defined by the user in the IDL file |
CCarlaEgoVehicleControlPubSubType | This class represents the TopicDataType of the type CarlaEgoVehicleControl defined by the user in the IDL file |
CLaneInvasionEvent | This class represents the structure LaneInvasionEvent defined by the user in the IDL file |
CLaneInvasionEventPubSubType | This class represents the TopicDataType of the type LaneInvasionEvent defined by the user in the IDL file |
Nclmdep_msgpack | |
NCommonAttributes | |
►Ndvs | |
CConfig | DVS Configuration structure |
►Neprosima | |
Nfastcdr | |
►Ngeometry_msgs | |
►Nmsg | |
►Ndetail | |
CPoint32_f | |
CPoint32_rob | |
CPoint_f | |
CPoint_rob | |
CPose_f | |
CPose_rob | |
CPoseWithCovariance_f | |
CPoseWithCovariance_rob | |
CQuaternion_f | |
CQuaternion_rob | |
CTransform_f | |
CTransform_rob | |
CTwist_f | |
CTwist_rob | |
CTwistWithCovariance_f | |
CTwistWithCovariance_rob | |
CVector3_f | |
CVector3_rob | |
CPoint | This class represents the structure Point defined by the user in the IDL file |
CPoint32 | This class represents the structure Point32 defined by the user in the IDL file |
CPoint32PubSubType | This class represents the TopicDataType of the type Point32 defined by the user in the IDL file |
CPointPubSubType | This class represents the TopicDataType of the type Point defined by the user in the IDL file |
CPose | This class represents the structure Pose defined by the user in the IDL file |
CPosePubSubType | This class represents the TopicDataType of the type Pose defined by the user in the IDL file |
CPoseWithCovariance | This class represents the structure PoseWithCovariance defined by the user in the IDL file |
CPoseWithCovariancePubSubType | This class represents the TopicDataType of the type PoseWithCovariance defined by the user in the IDL file |
CQuaternion | This class represents the structure Quaternion defined by the user in the IDL file |
CQuaternionPubSubType | This class represents the TopicDataType of the type Quaternion defined by the user in the IDL file |
CTransform | This class represents the structure Transform defined by the user in the IDL file |
CTransformPubSubType | This class represents the TopicDataType of the type Transform defined by the user in the IDL file |
CTransformStamped | This class represents the structure TransformStamped defined by the user in the IDL file |
CTransformStampedPubSubType | This class represents the TopicDataType of the type TransformStamped defined by the user in the IDL file |
CTwist | This class represents the structure Twist defined by the user in the IDL file |
CTwistPubSubType | This class represents the TopicDataType of the type Twist defined by the user in the IDL file |
CTwistWithCovariance | This class represents the structure TwistWithCovariance defined by the user in the IDL file |
CTwistWithCovariancePubSubType | This class represents the TopicDataType of the type TwistWithCovariance defined by the user in the IDL file |
CVector3 | This class represents the structure Vector3 defined by the user in the IDL file |
CVector3PubSubType | This class represents the TopicDataType of the type Vector3 defined by the user in the IDL file |
NImageUtil | |
►NMapGen | |
CCityAreaDescription | |
►CDoublyConnectedEdgeList | Simple doubly-connected edge list structure |
CFace | |
CHalfEdge | |
CNode | |
CGraphGenerator | Random DoublyConnectedEdgeList generator |
CGraphParser | |
CPosition | |
CRoadSegmentBuilder | |
CRoadSegmentDescription | |
►NMeshReconstruction | |
CCube | |
CIntersectInfo | |
CMesh | |
CRect3 | |
CVec3 | |
►Nmoodycamel | |
►Ndetails | |
C_hash_32_or_64 | |
C_hash_32_or_64< 1 > | |
CConcurrentQueueProducerTypelessBase | |
Cconst_numeric_max | |
Chash_32_or_64 | |
Cis_trivially_destructible | |
Cmax_align_t | |
Cnomove_if | |
Cnomove_if< false > | |
Cstatic_is_lock_free | |
Cstatic_is_lock_free< bool > | |
Cstatic_is_lock_free< U * > | |
Cstatic_is_lock_free_num | |
Cstatic_is_lock_free_num< int > | |
Cstatic_is_lock_free_num< long > | |
Cstatic_is_lock_free_num< long long > | |
Cstatic_is_lock_free_num< short > | |
Cstatic_is_lock_free_num< signed char > | |
Cthread_id_converter | |
CBlockingConcurrentQueue | |
►CConcurrentQueue | |
CBlock | |
►CExplicitProducer | |
CBlockIndexEntry | |
CBlockIndexHeader | |
CFreeList | |
CFreeListNode | |
►CImplicitProducer | |
CBlockIndexEntry | |
CBlockIndexHeader | |
CImplicitProducerHash | |
CImplicitProducerKVP | |
CProducerBase | |
CConcurrentQueueDefaultTraits | |
CConsumerToken | |
CProducerToken | |
►Nnav_msgs | |
►Nmsg | |
COdometry | This class represents the structure Odometry defined by the user in the IDL file |
COdometryPubSubType | This class represents the TopicDataType of the type Odometry defined by the user in the IDL file |
Nphysx | |
NPropAttributes | |
►Npugi | |
Cxml_attribute | |
Cxml_attribute_iterator | |
Cxml_attribute_struct | |
Cxml_document | |
Cxml_named_node_iterator | |
Cxml_node | |
Cxml_node_iterator | |
Cxml_node_struct | |
Cxml_object_range | |
Cxml_parse_result | |
Cxml_text | |
Cxml_tree_walker | |
Cxml_writer | |
Cxml_writer_file | |
Cxml_writer_stream | |
Cxpath_exception | |
Cxpath_node | |
Cxpath_node_set | |
Cxpath_parse_result | |
Cxpath_query | |
Cxpath_variable | |
Cxpath_variable_set | |
►Nrosgraph | |
►Nmsg | |
CClock | This class represents the structure Clock defined by the user in the IDL file |
CClockPubSubType | This class represents the TopicDataType of the type Clock defined by the user in the IDL file |
NSceneCaptureSensor_local_ns | |
►Nsensor_msgs | |
►Nmsg | |
►Ndetail | |
CNavSatStatus_f | |
CNavSatStatus_rob | |
CRegionOfInterest_f | |
CRegionOfInterest_rob | |
CCameraInfo | This class represents the structure CameraInfo defined by the user in the IDL file |
CCameraInfoPubSubType | This class represents the TopicDataType of the type CameraInfo defined by the user in the IDL file |
CImage | This class represents the structure Image defined by the user in the IDL file |
CImagePubSubType | This class represents the TopicDataType of the type Image defined by the user in the IDL file |
CImu | This class represents the structure Imu defined by the user in the IDL file |
CImuPubSubType | This class represents the TopicDataType of the type Imu defined by the user in the IDL file |
CNavSatFix | This class represents the structure NavSatFix defined by the user in the IDL file |
CNavSatFixPubSubType | This class represents the TopicDataType of the type NavSatFix defined by the user in the IDL file |
CNavSatStatus | This class represents the structure NavSatStatus defined by the user in the IDL file |
CNavSatStatusPubSubType | This class represents the TopicDataType of the type NavSatStatus defined by the user in the IDL file |
CPointCloud2 | This class represents the structure PointCloud2 defined by the user in the IDL file |
CPointCloud2PubSubType | This class represents the TopicDataType of the type PointCloud2 defined by the user in the IDL file |
CPointField | This class represents the structure PointField defined by the user in the IDL file |
CPointFieldPubSubType | This class represents the TopicDataType of the type PointField defined by the user in the IDL file |
CRegionOfInterest | This class represents the structure RegionOfInterest defined by the user in the IDL file |
CRegionOfInterestPubSubType | This class represents the TopicDataType of the type RegionOfInterest defined by the user in the IDL file |
►NSimplify | |
CRef | |
CSimplificationObject | |
CTriangle | |
CVertex | |
►Nstd | |
Chash< carla::road::element::Waypoint > | |
Chash< CarlaRecorderCollision > | |
►Nstd_msgs | |
►Nmsg | |
►Ndetail | |
CFloat32_f | |
CFloat32_rob | |
CFloat32 | This class represents the structure Float32 defined by the user in the IDL file |
CFloat32PubSubType | This class represents the TopicDataType of the type Float32 defined by the user in the IDL file |
CHeader | This class represents the structure Header defined by the user in the IDL file |
CHeaderPubSubType | This class represents the TopicDataType of the type Header defined by the user in the IDL file |
CString | This class represents the structure String defined by the user in the IDL file |
CStringPubSubType | This class represents the TopicDataType of the type String defined by the user in the IDL file |
►Ntf2_msgs | |
►Nmsg | |
CTF2Error | This class represents the structure TF2Error defined by the user in the IDL file |
CTF2ErrorPubSubType | This class represents the TopicDataType of the type TF2Error defined by the user in the IDL file |
CTFMessage | This class represents the structure TFMessage defined by the user in the IDL file |
CTFMessagePubSubType | This class represents the TopicDataType of the type TFMessage defined by the user in the IDL file |
NUOpenDriveMap_Private | |
►Nutil | |
Nbuffer | |
COpenDrive | Helper for loading Test OpenDrive files |
CRandom | |