

[详情级别 12345]
 Cmoodycamel::details::_hash_32_or_64< use32 >
 Cmoodycamel::details::_hash_32_or_64< 1 >
 C_hash_32_or_64<(size > 4)>
 Ccarla::PythonUtil::AcquireGILDeleterA deleter that can be passed to a smart pointer to acquire the GIL before destroying the object
 Ccarla::client::ActorBlueprintContains all the necessary information for spawning an Actor
 Ccarla::rss::ActorConstellationResultStruct defining the configuration for RSS processing of a given actor
 Ccarla::sensor::data::ActorDynamicStateDynamic state of an actor at a certain frame
 CActorROS2HandlerVisitor class
 Ccarla::client::detail::ActorVariantHolds an Actor, but only instantiates it when needed
 Ccarla::traffic_manager::ActuationSignalStructure to hold the actuation signals
 Ccarla::traffic_manager::ALSMALSM: Agent Lifecycle and State Managerment This class has functionality to update the local cache of kinematic states and manage memory and cleanup for varying number of vehicles in the simulation
 Ccarla::are_same< Ts >
 Ccarla::are_same< T0, T1 >
 Ccarla::are_same< T0, T1, Ts... >
 Ccarla::traffic_manager::AtomicMap< Key, Value >
 Ccarla::traffic_manager::AtomicMap< ActorId, bool >
 Ccarla::traffic_manager::AtomicMap< ActorId, carla::traffic_manager::ChangeLaneInfo >
 Ccarla::traffic_manager::AtomicMap< ActorId, float >
 Ccarla::traffic_manager::AtomicMap< ActorId, Path >
 Ccarla::traffic_manager::AtomicMap< ActorId, Route >
 Ccarla::traffic_manager::AtomicMap< ActorId, std::shared_ptr< carla::traffic_manager::AtomicActorSet > >
 Ccarla::AtomicSharedPtr< T >A very simple atomic shared ptr with release-acquire memory order
 Ccarla::AtomicSharedPtr< carla::client::detail::WalkerNavigation >
 Ccarla::AtomicSharedPtr< carla::streaming::detail::tcp::ServerSession >
 Ccarla::AtomicSharedPtr< const carla::client::detail::EpisodeState >
 Ccarla::AtomicSharedPtr< const carla::client::LaneInvasionCallback::Bounds >
 Ccarla::AtomicSharedPtr< const ListT >
 Cauto_deleter< T >
 Caxis_to_type< N >
 Cmoodycamel::ConcurrentQueue< T, Traits >::Block
 Cmoodycamel::ConcurrentQueue< T, Traits >::ExplicitProducer::BlockIndexEntry
 Cmoodycamel::ConcurrentQueue< T, Traits >::ImplicitProducer::BlockIndexEntry
 Cmoodycamel::ConcurrentQueue< T, Traits >::ExplicitProducer::BlockIndexHeader
 Cmoodycamel::ConcurrentQueue< T, Traits >::ImplicitProducer::BlockIndexHeader
 Cmoodycamel::BlockingConcurrentQueue< T, Traits >
 Ccarla::BufferA piece of raw data
 Ccarla::sensor::s11n::CAMDataSerializerSerializes the data generated by V2X sensors
 Csensor_msgs::msg::CameraInfoThis class represents the structure CameraInfo defined by the user in the IDL file
 Ccarla_msgs::msg::CarlaCollisionEventThis class represents the structure CarlaCollisionEvent defined by the user in the IDL file
 Ccarla_msgs::msg::CarlaEgoVehicleControlThis class represents the structure CarlaEgoVehicleControl defined by the user in the IDL file
 Ccarla::rss::RssCheck::CarlaRssStateStruct collecting the rss states required
 CCityMapMeshTagHelper class for working with ECityMapMeshTag
 Ccarla::streaming::ClientA client able to subscribe to multiple streams
 Ccarla::streaming::low_level::Client< T >A client able to subscribe to multiple streams
 Ccarla::streaming::low_level::Client< detail::tcp::Client >
 Crosgraph::msg::ClockThis class represents the structure Clock defined by the user in the IDL file
 Ccarla::sensor::s11n::CollisionEventSerializerSerializes the current state of the whole episode
 Ccarla::sensor::data::ColorA 32-bit BGRA color
 Ccarla::image::ImageView::color_converted_type< SrcView, DstP, CC >
 Ccarla::rpc::Command::CommandBase< T >
 Ccarla::rpc::Command::CommandBase< ApplyAngularImpulse >
 Ccarla::rpc::Command::CommandBase< ApplyForce >
 Ccarla::rpc::Command::CommandBase< ApplyImpulse >
 Ccarla::rpc::Command::CommandBase< ApplyLocation >
 Ccarla::rpc::Command::CommandBase< ApplyTargetAngularVelocity >
 Ccarla::rpc::Command::CommandBase< ApplyTargetVelocity >
 Ccarla::rpc::Command::CommandBase< ApplyTorque >
 Ccarla::rpc::Command::CommandBase< ApplyTransform >
 Ccarla::rpc::Command::CommandBase< ApplyVehicleAckermannControl >
 Ccarla::rpc::Command::CommandBase< ApplyVehicleControl >
 Ccarla::rpc::Command::CommandBase< ApplyVehiclePhysicsControl >
 Ccarla::rpc::Command::CommandBase< ApplyWalkerControl >
 Ccarla::rpc::Command::CommandBase< ApplyWalkerState >
 Ccarla::rpc::Command::CommandBase< ConsoleCommand >
 Ccarla::rpc::Command::CommandBase< DestroyActor >
 Ccarla::rpc::Command::CommandBase< SetAutopilot >
 Ccarla::rpc::Command::CommandBase< SetEnableGravity >
 Ccarla::rpc::Command::CommandBase< SetSimulatePhysics >
 Ccarla::rpc::Command::CommandBase< SetTrafficLightState >
 Ccarla::rpc::Command::CommandBase< SetVehicleLightState >
 Ccarla::rpc::Command::CommandBase< ShowDebugTelemetry >
 Ccarla::rpc::Command::CommandBase< SpawnActor >
 Ccarla::sensor::CompileTimeTypeMap< Items >A compile time structure for mapping two types
 Ccarla::sensor::CompileTimeTypeMap< Items... >
 Ccarla::sensor::detail::CompileTimeTypeMapImpl< Size,... >Private implementation of the CompileTimeTypeMap
 Ccarla::sensor::detail::CompileTimeTypeMapImpl< Size >Specialization for an empty map, it is retrieved when a key cannot be found
 Ccarla::sensor::detail::CompileTimeTypeMapImpl< Size, std::pair< Key, Value >, Rest... >
 Cmoodycamel::ConcurrentQueue< T, Traits >
 Cmoodycamel::ConcurrentQueue< carla::Buffer >
 Cdvs::ConfigDVS Configuration structure
 Cmoodycamel::details::const_numeric_max< T >
 Ccarla::geom::CubicPolynomialDescribes a Cubic Polynomial so: f(x) = a + bx + cx^2 + dx^3
 Ccarla::sensor::DeserializerDeserializes a Buffer containing data generated by a sensor and creates the appropriate SensorData class that contains the sensor's measurement
 Ccarla::streaming::detail::DispatcherKeeps the mapping between streams and sessions
 Ccarla::sensor::s11n::DVSEventArraySerializerSerializes events array generated by DVS camera sensors
 Ccarla::rss::EgoDynamicsOnRouteStruct defining the ego vehicles current dynamics in respect to the current route
 Ccarla::streaming::detail::EndPoint< Protocol, EndPointType >
 Ccarla::streaming::detail::EndPoint< Protocol, FullyDefinedEndPoint >
 Ccarla::streaming::detail::EndPoint< Protocol, PartiallyDefinedEndPoint >
 Ccarla::client::detail::EpisodeProxyImpl< PointerT >Provides access to the Simulator during a given episode
 Ccarla::client::detail::EpisodeProxyImpl< EpisodeProxyPointerType::Strong >
 Ccarla::sensor::s11n::EpisodeStateSerializerSerializes the current state of the whole episode
 CFActorAttributeAn actor attribute, may be an intrinsic (non-modifiable) attribute of the actor or an user-defined actor variation
 CFActorDefinitionA definition of a Carla Actor with all the variation and attributes
 CFActorDefinitionValidatorChecks validity of FActorDefinition
 CFActorDescriptionA description of a Carla Actor with all its variation
 CFActorInfoA view over an actor and its properties
 CFActorRegistryA registry of all the Carla actors
 CFActorSpawnResultResult of an actor spawn function
 CFActorVariationDefinition of an actor variation
 CFAssetsPathsStruct containing all assets data read from .Package.json file
 CFAsyncDataStreamTmpl< T >A streaming channel for sending sensor data to clients, supports sending data asynchronously
 CFCarlaActorA view over an actor and its properties
 CFDataStreamTmpl< T >A streaming channel for sending sensor data to clients
 CFDataStreamTmpl< carla::streaming::Stream >
 Ccarla::FileSystemStatic functions for accessing the file system
 Cstd_msgs::msg::Float32This class represents the structure Float32 defined by the user in the IDL file
 Cstd_msgs::msg::detail::Float32_rob< Tag, M >
 CFMapDataStruct containing map data read from .Package.json file
 CFMovePackageParamsStruct containing Package Params, used for storing the parsed arguments when invoking this commandlet
 CFPackageParamsStruct containing Package with Name and bOnlyPrepareMaps flag used to separate the cooking of maps and props across the different stages (Maps will be imported during make import command and Props will be imported during make package command)
 CFPixelReaderUtils for reading pixels from UTextureRenderTarget2D
 CFProceduralCustomMeshA definition of a Carla Mesh
 Cmoodycamel::ConcurrentQueue< T, Traits >::FreeList< N >
 Cmoodycamel::ConcurrentQueue< T, Traits >::FreeList< moodycamel::ConcurrentQueue::Block >
 Cmoodycamel::ConcurrentQueue< T, Traits >::FreeListNode< N >
 CFRoadMapIntersectionResultRoad map intersection result. See URoadMap
 CFRoadMapPixelDataData stored in a road map pixel. See URoadMap
 CFSensorDefinitionGathererRetrieve the definitions of all the sensors registered in the SensorRegistry by calling their static method SensorType::GetSensorDefinition()
 CFSensorShaderA shader in AShaderBasedSensor
 CFShaderFloatParameterValueA shader parameter value to change when the material instance is available
 CFTrafficLightStageDefines a stage of a semaphor with a State and the time this state lasts
 Ccarla::rpc::detail::FunctionWrapper< T >
 Ccarla::rpc::detail::FunctionWrapper< R(*)(Args...)>
 CFVehicleActorDefinitionA definition of a Vehicle Actor with all the variation and attributes
 CFWorldObserverSerializes and sends all the actors in the current UCarlaEpisode
 Ccarla::sensor::s11n::GBufferFloatSerializerSerializes image buffers generated by camera sensors
 Ccarla::sensor::s11n::GBufferUint8SerializerSerializes image buffers generated by camera sensors
 Ccarla::sensor::detail::CompileTimeTypeMapImpl< Size >::get< InKey >
 Ccarla::sensor::detail::CompileTimeTypeMapImpl< Size, std::pair< Key, Value >, Rest... >::get< InKey >
 Ccarla::sensor::detail::CompileTimeTypeMapImpl< Size >::get_by_index< Index >
 Ccarla::sensor::detail::CompileTimeTypeMapImpl< Size, std::pair< Key, Value >, Rest... >::get_by_index< Index >
 Cstd::hash< carla::road::element::Waypoint >
 Cstd::hash< CarlaRecorderCollision >
 Cstd_msgs::msg::HeaderThis class represents the structure Header defined by the user in the IDL file
 Csensor_msgs::msg::ImageThis class represents the structure Image defined by the user in the IDL file
 Ccarla::sensor::s11n::ImageSerializerSerializes image buffers generated by camera sensors
 Cmoodycamel::ConcurrentQueue< T, Traits >::ImplicitProducerHash
 Cmoodycamel::ConcurrentQueue< T, Traits >::ImplicitProducerKVP
 Csensor_msgs::msg::ImuThis class represents the structure Imu defined by the user in the IDL file
 Ccarla::multigpu::IncomingMessageHelper for reading incoming TCP messages
 Ccarla::streaming::detail::tcp::IncomingMessageHelper for reading incoming TCP messages
 Ccarla::traffic_manager::InMemoryMapThis class builds a discretized local map-cache
 Ccarla::image::io::detail::io_impl< IOs >
 Ccarla::image::io::detail::io_impl< DefaultIO, IOs... >
 Ccarla::image::io::detail::io_impl< detail::io_jpeg >
 Ccarla::image::io::detail::io_impl< detail::io_jpeg, IOs... >
 Ccarla::image::io::detail::io_impl< detail::io_png >
 Ccarla::image::io::detail::io_impl< detail::io_tiff >
 Ccarla::image::io::detail::io_impl< IO >
 Ccarla::image::io::detail::io_impl< IO, IOs... >
 Ccarla::image::io::detail::is_write_supported< ViewT, IOTag >
 Ccarla::client::detail::CallbackList< InputsT >::Item
 Ccarla::client::LandmarkClass containing a reference to RoadInfoSignal
 Ccarla_msgs::msg::LaneInvasionEventThis class represents the structure LaneInvasionEvent defined by the user in the IDL file
 Ccarla::road::RoadElementSet< T >::LessComp
 Ccarla::sensor::data::LidarDetectionHelper class to store and serialize the data generated by a Lidar
 Ccarla::sensor::s11n::LidarHeaderViewA view over the header of a Lidar measurement
 Ccarla::sensor::s11n::LidarSerializerSerializes the data generated by Lidar sensors
 Ccarla::ListView< IT >A view over a range of elements in a container
 CListView< IT >
 Ccarla::RecurrentSharedFuture< T >::mapped_type
 Ccarla::geom::MeshMesh data container, validator and exporter
 Ccarla::geom::MeshFactoryMesh helper generator
 Ccarla::geom::MeshMaterialMaterial that references the vertex index start and end of a mesh where it is affecting
 Ccarla::rpc::MetadataMetadata of an RPC function call
 Ccarla::MovableNonCopyableInherit (privately) to suppress copy construction and assignment
 Csensor_msgs::msg::NavSatFixThis class represents the structure NavSatFix defined by the user in the IDL file
 Csensor_msgs::msg::NavSatStatusThis class represents the structure NavSatStatus defined by the user in the IDL file
 Csensor_msgs::msg::detail::NavSatStatus_rob< Tag, M >
 Cmoodycamel::details::nomove_if< Enable >
 Cmoodycamel::details::nomove_if< false >
 Ccarla::NonCopyableInherit (privately) to suppress copy/move construction and assignment
 Ccarla::sensor::s11n::NoopSerializerDummy serializer that blocks all the data
 Ccarla::sensor::s11n::NormalsImageSerializerSerializes image buffers generated by camera sensors
 Ccarla::sensor::s11n::ObstacleDetectionEventSerializerSerializes the current state of the whole episode
 Cnav_msgs::msg::OdometryThis class represents the structure Odometry defined by the user in the IDL file
 Cutil::OpenDriveHelper for loading Test OpenDrive files
 Ccarla::rpc::OpendriveGenerationParametersSeting for map generation from opendrive without additional geometry
 Ccarla::sensor::s11n::OpticalFlowImageSerializerSerializes image buffers generated by camera sensors
 Ccarla::sensor::data::OpticalFlowPixelOptical flow pixel format. 2 channel float data
 Ccarla::Functional::Overload< Ts >
 Ccarla::Functional::Overload< Ts... >
 Cgeometry_msgs::msg::PointThis class represents the structure Point defined by the user in the IDL file
 Cgeometry_msgs::msg::Point32This class represents the structure Point32 defined by the user in the IDL file
 Cgeometry_msgs::msg::detail::Point32_rob< Tag, M >
 Cgeometry_msgs::msg::detail::Point_rob< Tag, M >
 Csensor_msgs::msg::PointCloud2This class represents the structure PointCloud2 defined by the user in the IDL file
 Ccarla::geom::PointCloudRtree< T, Dimension >Rtree class working with 3D point clouds
 Csensor_msgs::msg::PointFieldThis class represents the structure PointField defined by the user in the IDL file
 Cgeometry_msgs::msg::PoseThis class represents the structure Pose defined by the user in the IDL file
 Cgeometry_msgs::msg::detail::Pose_rob< Tag, M >
 Cgeometry_msgs::msg::PoseWithCovarianceThis class represents the structure PoseWithCovariance defined by the user in the IDL file
 Cgeometry_msgs::msg::detail::PoseWithCovariance_rob< Tag, M >
 CMapGen::Position< T >
 CMapGen::Position< int32 >
 Cgeometry_msgs::msg::QuaternionThis class represents the structure Quaternion defined by the user in the IDL file
 Cgeometry_msgs::msg::detail::Quaternion_rob< Tag, M >
 Ccarla::sensor::s11n::RadarSerializerSerializes the data generated by Radar sensors
 Ccarla::sensor::RawDataWrapper around the raw data generated by a sensor plus some useful meta-information
 Ccarla::RecurrentSharedFuture< T >This class is meant to be used similar to a shared future, but the value can be set any number of times
 Ccarla::RecurrentSharedFuture< carla::client::WorldSnapshot >
 Ccarla::Functional::Recursive< T >
 Csensor_msgs::msg::RegionOfInterestThis class represents the structure RegionOfInterest defined by the user in the IDL file
 Csensor_msgs::msg::detail::RegionOfInterest_rob< Tag, M >
 Ccarla::PythonUtil::ReleaseGILDeleterA deleter that can be passed to a smart pointer to release the GIL before destroying the object
 Ccarla::rpc::Response< T >
 Ccarla::rpc::Response< void >
 Ccarla::geom::MeshFactory::RoadParametersParameters for the road generation
 Ccarla::rss::RssCheckClass implementing the actual RSS checks based on CARLA world description
 Ccarla::rss::RssRestrictorClass implementing the RSS restrictions within CARLA
 Ccarla::geom::SegmentCloudRtree< T, Dimension >Rtree class working with 3D segment clouds
 Ccarla::geom::SegmentCloudRtree< RtreeValue, 1 >
 Ccarla::geom::SegmentCloudRtree< Waypoint >
 Ccarla::sensor::data::SemanticLidarDetectionHelper class to store and serialize the data generated by a RawLidar
 Ccarla::sensor::s11n::SemanticLidarHeaderViewA view over the header of a Lidar measurement
 Ccarla::sensor::s11n::SemanticLidarSerializerSerializes the data generated by Lidar sensors
 Ccarla::sensor::s11n::SensorHeaderSerializerSerializes the meta-information (header) sent with all the sensor data
 Ccarla::rpc::ServerAn RPC server in which functions can be bind to run synchronously or asynchronously
 Ccarla::streaming::low_level::Server< T >A low-level streaming server
 Ccarla::streaming::ServerA streaming server
 Ccarla::streaming::low_level::Server< detail::tcp::Server >
 Ccarla::road::Map::SignalSearchDataData structure for the signal search
 Ccarla::road::SignalTypeUsing OpenDRIVE 1.5M (6.10 Country Codes)
 Ccarla::traffic_manager::SimpleWaypointThis is a simple wrapper class on Carla's waypoint object
 Ccarla::traffic_manager::SimulationStateThis class holds the state of all the vehicles in the simlation
 Ccarla::traffic_manager::StageStage type interface
 Ccarla::traffic_manager::StateEntryStructure to hold the controller state
 Cmoodycamel::details::static_is_lock_free< bool >
 Cmoodycamel::details::static_is_lock_free< U * >
 Cmoodycamel::details::static_is_lock_free_num< T >
 Cmoodycamel::details::static_is_lock_free_num< int >
 Cmoodycamel::details::static_is_lock_free_num< long >
 Cmoodycamel::details::static_is_lock_free_num< long long >
 Cmoodycamel::details::static_is_lock_free_num< short >
 Cmoodycamel::details::static_is_lock_free_num< signed char >
 Cmoodycamel::details::static_is_lock_free_num< std::make_signed< T >::type >
 Ccarla::detail::StopWatchTmpl< CLOCK >
 Cstrconv_attribute_impl< opt_escape >
 Cstrconv_pcdata_impl< opt_trim, opt_eol, opt_escape >
 Ccarla::streaming::detail::Stream< StreamStateT >
 Cstd_msgs::msg::StringThis class represents the structure String defined by the user in the IDL file
 Ccarla::rpc::Response< void >::success_flag
 CTestImage< ViewT, PixelT >
 Ccarla::rpc::Texture< T >
 Ctf2_msgs::msg::TF2ErrorThis class represents the structure TF2Error defined by the user in the IDL file
 Ctf2_msgs::msg::TFMessageThis class represents the structure TFMessage defined by the user in the IDL file
 Cmoodycamel::details::thread_id_converter< thread_id_t >
 Cbuiltin_interfaces::msg::TimeThis class represents the structure Time defined by the user in the IDL file
 Ccarla::time_durationPositive time duration up to milliseconds resolution
 Ccarla::streaming::TokenA token that uniquely identify a stream
 Ccarla::streaming::detail::token_typeSerializes a stream endpoint
 Ccarla::traffic_manager::TrafficManagerThis class integrates all the various stages of the traffic manager appropriately using messengers
 Ccarla::traffic_manager::TrafficManagerBaseThe function of this class is to integrate all the various stages of the traffic manager appropriately using messengers
 Ccarla::traffic_manager::TrafficManagerClientProvides communication with the rpc of TrafficManagerServer
 Cgeometry_msgs::msg::TransformThis class represents the structure Transform defined by the user in the IDL file
 Cgeometry_msgs::msg::detail::Transform_rob< Tag, M >
 Cgeometry_msgs::msg::TransformStampedThis class represents the structure TransformStamped defined by the user in the IDL file
 Cgeometry_msgs::msg::TwistThis class represents the structure Twist defined by the user in the IDL file
 Cgeometry_msgs::msg::detail::Twist_rob< Tag, M >
 Cgeometry_msgs::msg::TwistWithCovarianceThis class represents the structure TwistWithCovariance defined by the user in the IDL file
 Cgeometry_msgs::msg::detail::TwistWithCovariance_rob< Tag, M >
 Cutf16_decoder< opt_swap >
 Cutf32_decoder< opt_swap >
 Cgeometry_msgs::msg::Vector3This class represents the structure Vector3 defined by the user in the IDL file
 Cgeometry_msgs::msg::detail::Vector3_rob< Tag, M >
 Ccarla::nav::VehicleCollisionInfoStruct to send info about vehicles to the crowd
 Ccarla::rpc::VehicleLightStateDefines the physical appearance of a vehicle whitch is obtained by the sensors
 CFSensorDefinitionGatherer::void_type< T >
 Ccarla::nav::WalkerEventIgnoreEmpty event that just ignores
 Ccarla::nav::WalkerEventStopAndCheckEvent to pause and check for near vehicles
 Ccarla::nav::WalkerEventVisitorVisitor class
 Ccarla::nav::WalkerEventWaitEvent to wait for a while
 Cwchar_selector< size >
 Cwchar_selector< 2 >
 Cwchar_selector< 4 >
 Cxml_memory_management_function_storage< T >
 Cpugi::xml_object_range< It >
 Cxml_stream_chunk< T >
 Catomic< moodycamel::ConcurrentQueue::Block * >
 Cshared_ptr< carla::client::detail::WalkerNavigation >
 Cshared_ptr< carla::streaming::detail::tcp::ServerSession >
 Cshared_ptr< const carla::client::detail::EpisodeState >
 Cshared_ptr< const carla::client::LaneInvasionCallback::Bounds >
 Cshared_ptr< const ListT >
 Cunordered_map< ActorId, bool >
 Cunordered_map< ActorId, carla::traffic_manager::ChangeLaneInfo >
 Cunordered_map< ActorId, float >
 Cunordered_map< ActorId, Path >
 Cunordered_map< ActorId, Route >
 Cunordered_map< ActorId, std::shared_ptr< carla::traffic_manager::AtomicActorSet > >